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Questions tagged [laravel-socialite]

Socialite is a package that provides a simple, convenient way to authenticate with OAuth providers within the Laravel framework.

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Laravel Socialiteprovider problem: Driver [apple] not supported

I'm trying to get external authentication to work on my Laravel 10 website. I've installed Laravel Socialite and got the built-in Google sign-in method to work without too much effort. In order to get ...
Andrew Waegel's user avatar
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Laravel Socialite Login Error with Google Sign-In

I am trying to implement socialite into my laravel project where users can login with their google accounts. Here is my usercontroller file <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\...
Toby Manurung's user avatar
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Continuously getting error while try to get the user from facebook

And also when i try to dump the error. It shows nothing at the place of $e->getMessage() . The output is "Something went wrong!! : " // app\Http\Controllers\AuthController.php:77 config/...
Shubham kumar's user avatar
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How to use the refresh token from socialite azure authentification?

I have a Laravel backend application and a React frontend. I'm using Socialite with Azure configuration to connect my users via Microsoft. Authentication works, as well as user verification with the ...
user22433660's user avatar
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Unable to fetch videos of facebook page using graph API

I have and Facebook developer account created around 4 years before. The problem is when i try to fetch page videos, its not returning any result. Note: i am using laravel-socialite package and the ...
kishan maharana's user avatar
3 votes
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Login callback goes to AWS IP instead of the domain

I have hosted my app to AWS with Cloudfront. I am using socialite for Social login. Facebook login works fine, but in Google login, it callback to ec2-x-xx-xxx-xxx.ap-northeast.AmazonAWS... Insted of ...
Shams Ticon's user avatar
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Lavarel Socialite azureadb2c - how to extend user to setRaw and map new fields

I'm using Laravel Socialite and have added the azureadB2C service provider ( The azureADB2C service provider expects a 'name' claim in the token from ...
AlastairHoward's user avatar
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Laravel login is stuck in an endless loop when the 1Password browser plugin is active

I received a problem report from a user. For them, the login page keeps loading endlessly. Upon closer inspection, I was able to reproduce it with the 1Password plugin. It seems to attempt to log in ...
Elbern's user avatar
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'invalid_client' for saml sso between laravel, cognito and entra application on PROD only

I have a Laravel application that uses Socialiate to handle the authentication between AWS Cognito + Entra (formerly known as Azure Active Directory). We have local > staging > preprod > prod ...
nwkwok's user avatar
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Socialite Logged Out the User After Redirect

I have an admin login that is functioning normally for logging in admin users.In the admin panel, there is also a TikTok login page used to obtain the access token for fetching the recent video list. ...
Try Gaming's user avatar
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Auth::user() returns null, but works in the function that Auth::login() called

Laravel does not save my session after auth()->login() Hello. I'm using Socialite to create Google login in Laravel application, the redirect and callback functions worked fine. But I am having ...
Võ Bảo's user avatar
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Store token from microsoft with socialite in laravel 10 and react

I have a laravel and react application I use Laravel 10 in the back for authentication management for authentication I use Socialite to authenticate my user with Microsoft the configuration in my .env ...
Elodie MLR's user avatar
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Social Login on Multi-Tenant Application Built with Laravel 11 and Socialite

I'm building a multi-tenant application with Laravel 11. I wish to offer Social login using Google and LinkedIn. Using Laravel Socialite, it's easy to implement it for the main domain. I need help ...
TheBigK's user avatar
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Integrate Pinterest via Socialite in laravel 11

Hello i am trying to integrate Pinterest via Socialite in my new laravel 11 application. I have done the following steps as said in the documentation. Basic Socialite Documentation: https://...
laggner's user avatar
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Passing an addition data to redirect Socialite vkontakte

I need to bind a Vkontakte account to a user who is already registered and authorized. However, I can't retrieve the currently authenticated user in the handler. Controller class VkAuthController ...
Marina's user avatar
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Main tab doesn't retain authenticated state after authenticating user in popup window using Laravel Socialite

I am working on a project with TALL Stack where I implemented OAuth2 using Laravel Socialite package. Initially, I made a simple link with the redirect uri. This approach works fine and the user gets ...
Saint's user avatar
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How to solve the "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" issue of Laravel socialite redirect?

I'm trying to implement the sign in with google option with Laravel Socialite. Although i'm using stateless authentication of Socialite, it doesn't allow me to go to google login page. The request ...
user15823028's user avatar
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Laravel Socialite GitHub Authentication: Redirect Issue after Successful Authentication

I'm encountering an issue with GitHub authentication in my Laravel app using Laravel Socialite. Despite setting up everything correctly and being able to retrieve user data from GitHub, users aren't ...
Ssionn's user avatar
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Laravel Socialite Apple Sign In no user info

I add in my Laravel API on my login endpoint ability for user to sign-in with apple also when I try, everything from the config looks good also in my api I receive this: ( [id] => 001519....
bartz's user avatar
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Important packages in laravel are removed when installing laravel/socialite

when I use composer require laravel/socialite the folders in vendor/laravel/... are completely deleted and replaced by socialite related folders. But the old folders were deleted, resulting in an ...
BotKan's user avatar
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Correct way to handle email/password sign up, in addition to using Laravel Socialite for OAuth?

I'm building an iOS app with Laravel backend. I'm using Firebase Authentication to handle the following authentication types: Google, Apple, and email/password sign up. I've set up Google and Apple ...
user896541's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get business page with facebook graph api and laravel socialite package?

I use laravel socialite package to use facebook graph api and i want to get business page or business account information that associed on an simple facebook account I use this endpoint "https://...
Nir ina's user avatar
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Google OAuth Session not being saved on Chrome

I'm testing a Google OAuth login with Laravel and I'm facing a problem with the sessions not being saved on Google Chrome (if you open a new tab you need to log in again), it works just fine with ...
Anthony Z's user avatar
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Axios cors issue with Laravel Vue

When i use mounted in Vue3 everthing works. But using @click gives me an error. When i click the button fasts before the page loaded everything it returns json which should be expected. Error message: ...
ATG's user avatar
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Laravel Socialite Twitter: Missing required parameter [code_verifier]

I am using the Laravel Socialite Package for Twitter Login. The redirection to the Twitter API works perfectly the callback url in laravel returns the following error; {"error":"Client ...
Schandorf Osam-Frimpong's user avatar
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How to add Laravel Socialite login to SPA that authenticates with Laravel Sanctum

I have a vue3 app that authenticates to a Laravel backend using Sanctum. My auth workflow for the Sanctum backend looks like this: Front end makes ajax request to API with user/pass Back end checks ...
qotsa42's user avatar
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Laravel Google Login invalid_grant

I'm working on my Laravel project and I have already configured registration and login with Google through Laravel Socialite. Everything works correctly from the browser, the problem comes when I use ...
Maxwell Cadenas's user avatar
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How to fix Laravel Declaration of SocialiteProviders refresh token must be compatible error

I've recently upgraded to Laravel 10 and am trying to simply run composer up. My composer file looks like: "require": { "php": "^8.2", ... "laravel/...
daprezjer's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How can i figure out "Not enough permissions to access: GET /me" error?

I am trying to add LinkedIn auth on my laravel app using socialite package. But I'm getting the following error: Client error: `GET
Ronak patel's user avatar
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3 answers

Twitter API v2: 403 Forbidden - "Use keys from Twitter Developer App attached to a Project"

I've been using Laravel/Socialite to interact with the Twitter API v2 for a while, and everything was working fine until last week. I'm encountering a "403 Forbidden" error with the message: ...
Arpine Harutyunyan's user avatar
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"Invalid_grant" Error When Using Passport and Google SSO on Production Server

I'm facing a challenging issue while trying to implement Google SSO with Laravel using Passport. Everything works fine in the development environment and on the dev server, but when I attempt it on ...
agsyarif's user avatar
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Laravel Sociliate keeps asking for granted scopes

I'm using Laravel Socialite for oAuth2 with Google using this code: return Socialite::driver('google') ->with([ 'access_type' => 'offline', 'prompt' => 'consent', '...
Broshi's user avatar
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Get location and contacts in LinkedIn OpenId

I'm using LinkedIn Auth with OpenId on LinkedIn API Dev. I've used Socialite in Laravel to get user information : return Socialite::driver('linkedin-openid')->scopes(['openid', 'profile'])->...
Dunnbar's user avatar
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Laravel Passport & Laravel Socialite for SSO

I am trying to create a Laravel application which will handle authorization for other first-party Laravel applications. My current flow is: User from application A presses the login button They get ...
sNok3's user avatar
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Laravel Socialite Linkedin Login Not Working

I have been trying to login through linkedin for my application there are few issues First that while redirecting it is accepting old scopes that were used in oauth1 but now im using oauth2 but it is ...
Ishant Kumar's user avatar
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Twitter oauth 2 Laravel Socialite not returning email in response

I have been trying to sign-in through twitter-oauth-2 using laravel 9 socialite but after login twitter does not return email in response i have tried all the methods but none of them are working can ...
Ishant Kumar's user avatar
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Laravel Socialite Login Twitter throw error :Missing required parameter [code_verifier]

I'm struggling with Laravel Socialite login with Twitter. On the call back URL i get the following error : {"message":"Error occuredies","data":"Client error: `POST ...
Muhammad Khan's user avatar
2 votes
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Laravel Socialite Login with LinkedIn | Error Unauthorized scope error

Hey Folks I'm trying the Laravel Socialite Package to allow users to log in with their LinkedIn account. I have already set the Client ID, Secret, and URL In my ENV File as follows: LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID=...
Muhammad Khan's user avatar
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AbstractProvider error when creating custom driver for SSO via Socialite

I'm on Laravel v8.65 and running Socialite v5.9. I am trying to allow users of my application to login via SSO. The identity provider is a third-party CRM. The CRM is not natively supported by ...
markusp's user avatar
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I couldn't go through Middleware in Laravel

I use Laravel Socialite to make login function, I wanna check if not exsisting email in database then go to register form, if email exist then login but i cannot go through middleware although I write ...
Hieu Nguyen's user avatar
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facebook socialite API redirect to the callback url without validating fb login form

While implenting fb login in my laravel website, without displaying the fb login form, it is redirecting to the facebook callback url which I have set in my env file. Why this is happening? Any help ...
M G's user avatar
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Laravel rest API how do I get User thirdparty token in another endpoints

I am currently adding Spotify Authentification to just getting the Spotify Token to have acces to different features (User Features) and for example adding to a user connected some tracks to there ...
bartz's user avatar
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Restrict the pages in laravel when using socialite as login

In laravel have added socialite login for google,but i wanted them to be authenticated first before going to /studentTable route. And if they are not authenticated then they go back to login. Im new ...
Sard's user avatar
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I can't login with Facebook Socialite in Laravel API/Passport (Sorry, something went wrong.) error

I'm trying to implement Facebook login via socialite For Laravel API using passport: api.php: Route::middleware('api')->group(function () { Route::group(['prefix' => 'auth'], function () { ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to resolve 'Laravel\Socialite\Two\InvalidStateException' error in Laravel while using Socialite package in a local environment?

Despite having installed the Socialite package in my local Laravel application, configured the app.php and services files with the same redirect URL, I still encounter the 'Laravel\Socialite\Two\...
Mohit yadav's user avatar
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Error when trying to add Apple SSO using the Apple provider to Laravel Socialite

I'm attempting to add Apple single sign on to my web application, powered by Laravel. I'm utilizing the javascript version of their sign in, which I'm not wedded to but seems like their preferred ...
daprezjer's user avatar
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I Con't Add Multi Google Account Using Laravel 10 and Socialite

I Try To Create Multi Google Services Using Laravel 10 And Socialite; In Services.php I add : 'sign_in_google' => [ 'client_id' => env('SIGN_IN_GOOGLE_ID'), 'client_secret' => env('...
Ramy Mohamed's user avatar
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Laravel Socialite With Apple return "Invalid JWT Signature"

I try to use provided token to fetch current user data as API but I keep received error "Invalid JWT Signature". I had follow different tutorials like bannister AND devpeel but both also ...
Dirty Rex's user avatar
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Getting Error "Undefined type 'Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite'.intelephense(1009)"

I'm getting this weird error. Although i have performed the required steps of installing the "Socialite" package , for instance i have edit the "providers" and "aliases" ...
Muhammad Khan's user avatar
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Authorization code grant with Socialite setup

I'm trying to implement an Authorization code grant with Socialite. I'm able successfully to receive users in the callback, but struggling to set up the other part of auth. I've created the personal ...
henrbu's user avatar
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