I have a Laravel application that uses Socialiate to handle the authentication between AWS Cognito + Entra (formerly known as Azure Active Directory).

We have local > staging > preprod > prod environments.

On all environments, our SAML login flow works fine but on production, after authenticating successfully with the IDP, upon redirect, we get an invalid_client error.

However, if I go through the SAML flow again after being authenticated in the same browser session, I get redirected and authentication into the client application correctly.

I only get this invalid_client error on production and it happens 50% of the time. Half of the time it redirects to the client application immediately and completes a successful SAML login flow, the other half of the time it gets the invalid_client error. If I keep hitting the redirect endpoint though, it eventually works. (what on earth?)

logs from Entra SAML application

Debugging interrupted status in Entra

It says I can de-activate 'Keep Me Signed-In' option but these will not work for other companies that use our platform.

Has anyone ever run into something like this?

  • Validated that our client credentials correct (otherwise we would not be able to successfully authenticate with IDP and get redirect to client application).

  • I tried to disable KMSI option however, the sandbox env I'm in doesn't have this option and it will not work for other companies.

  • I tried to implement a retry 7x every 3 seconds on the BE to keep retrying until we do not get an Exception and eventually redirect to dashboard with the token but that didn't resolve the issue.

  • I am expecting to get redirected to the dashboard with the correct auth token we get back from Socialiate after successfully flow between Cognito < = > IDP. Every attempt after successful IDP Authentication, we get the code & state for stateless socialite user to be returned but we still get invalid_client error.