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Questions tagged [keras-layer]

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I get an keras.Layer error when ever i use my code

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import PIL import streamlit as st import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_hub as hub from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim import tf_keras model_url = 'https:/...
shiras ahamed's user avatar
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ValueError: Layer 'functional_45' expected 3 input(s). Received 1 instead. Trouble with passing validation dataset

I am new to Tensorflow and kKeras and I am trying to create a neural network as mentioned in the keras website. I am trying to create a baseline model with a dataset of my own. The codes are exactly ...
United Dragons's user avatar
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Trying to concatenate two keras tensors but getting error

I'm trying to concatenate a tensor with shape (None, 11, 1, 1) with another tensor with shape (None,1,1,1). Reading the keras.layers.Concatenate() docs I understood that the shape should be the same ...
Mitch's user avatar
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keras throwing error while training the LSTM

I have this input: [['step', 'step', 'guide', 'invest', 'share', 'market', 'india'], ['story', 'kohinoor', 'kohinoor', 'diamond'], ['increase', 'speed', 'internet', 'connection', 'using', 'vpn'], ['...
ali nawaz's user avatar
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"Runtime error: Reshape dimension issue in model definition"

I am working on creating a model definition. The model takes a sequence of images,a sequence of detected object's bounding boxes and associated classes.  I am using mobilenetv2 as a feature extractor ...
user23345447's user avatar
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In practice code, it is saying the keras layer is not valid

I was checking out quantization using keras in colab, but when i run it , it says that the layer is not a keras accepted layer in the quantize_model() # Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python ...
Aaron Joseph's user avatar
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Value error in passing batch_input_shape Argument in Keras Embedded Layer

I am having trouble with passing "batch_input_shape" in Jupyter Lab and VScode as well. ### Defining the RNN Model ### def LSTM(rnn_units): return tf.keras.layers.LSTM( rnn_units, ...
Bluehand1984's user avatar
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pre-trained model embeddings from Universal Sentence Encoder

I am trying to load pretrained embeddings from Universal Sentence Encoder on TF-Hub. It seems to work only on keras v. 2.15.0. I am seeking help with its implementation on keras v 3.0.5 FYI - I did ...
Nader Afshar's user avatar
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Keras TextVectorization Vectorized Layer .set_vocabulary() not changing token to index mapping

` def get_vectorize_layer(all_text, vocab_size, max_seq, special_tokens=["[MASK]"): """ Build Text vectorization layer Args: all_text (list): List of string i.e input ...
Joe s's user avatar
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Is YAMNet model can be used with the hub.KerasLayer?

I am attempting to use YAMNet for transfer learning to perform speech command recognition. I plan to train the model using the mini speech commands dataset from the simple audio project. The goal is ...
zheng's user avatar
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Working with multiple input data (image, float64 value) on InceptionV3

def inceptionV3(reshaped_images, scores, y, unique_y_values, percentage): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(reshaped_images, y, test_size=1-percentage, random_state=42) ...
user178592's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keras.src.preprocessing'

I am getting this error when running my deep learning model app using flask in my conda env, the model is in h5 format. Funny thing is this module doesn't exist. My keras version is 3.1.1 and keras-...
Siddhant Zawar's user avatar
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Unrecognized keyword arguments passed to Embedding: {'input_length': 10}

I am trying to build this RNN below, import keras model = Sequential() input_dim=3 output_dim=1 input_length=1 model.add(keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim, output_dim, input_length=input_length)) ...
Arian's user avatar
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AttributeError: module 'keras._tf_keras.keras.layers' has no attribute 'experimental'

i'm new to tensorflow and keras and i'm trying to build a realtime sign detection model. I'm following Nicholas Renotte's video tutorial import ...
Nishi Parekh's user avatar
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ValueError: Unknown layer: 'Custom>TFMPNetMainLayer'

def Classifier(input_shape): model = TFMPNetModel.from_pretrained('microsoft/mpnet-base') layer = model.layers[0] inputs = keras.Input(shape=input_shape, dtype='int32') input_masks = ...
Premkumar K's user avatar

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