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Questions tagged [javap]

javap - The Java Class File Disassembler

0 votes
2 answers

Can java disassembled code run without OS?

I disassembled a java class file to Assembly using javap. Then Can I run the assembly code generated by the javap command without Os? Or is there something like for java?
12 votes
2 answers

Constructor Inside Inner Static Class in java?

I Wrote the following Code public class Reader1 { private int pageNumber; private class ReaderName1{ public int getPage(){ return pageNumber; } } static ...
0 votes
2 answers

Is there a way within a bash script to determine the minimum java version required by a jar file containing class files and jar files?

For a single class - we can work out the version of Java used to compile it: javap -verbose className I have a scenario where I need to scale this up to a jar file containing many classes and jar ...
0 votes
0 answers

javap command not working with %JAVA_HOME% being set

Im deep diving into the JVM architecture and I wanted to inspect the constant pool for one of my java classes which belongs to a Spring Boot project. I have my compiled java class and I am trying to ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to syntax highlight a hex dump of JVM classfile?

I'm studying binary file structure of JVM classfile. My current toolbox consists of $ xxd <classfile> and $ javap -v <classfile>. Sample outputs of these two tools are as follows: $ xxd ...
4 votes
4 answers

JDK installed but no javap?

I have the JDK 10.0.2 installed, have the cmd opened in the folder of the class files of my program and try the command: javap Simulation.class . I get the error that the command javap is not found. ...
0 votes
1 answer

javac reports "package does not exist" even though classpath is set

I have a file (stripped down for debugging): import com.github.tkutche1.jgrade.Grade; I try compiling it with this command line and get an error: # javac -cp lib/com/github/tkutche1/jgrade/...
0 votes
1 answer

Where can I find the source code for javap application? [closed]

javap is the Java Class File Disassembler. Which, in my system, is an application that belongs to Oracle JDK. $ javap -version 1.8.0_201 $ which javap /opt/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/javap $ head -2 /opt/...
22 votes
5 answers

How do I print the class structures in a jar file using the javap tool?

I want to list the methods of the class files in the jar using the javap tool. How do I do it so that it lists the methods and members of all the class files in the jar. Right now I am able to do it ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why does an anonymous inner class have such type when I disassemble the class file using javac?

When I disassembled the code given below, I noticed that the TestClass's anonymous inner class in constant pool is displayed as 'AnonymousTestApp$1', but shouldn't it be 'TestClass$1'? The code: ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to read a file from nested jar at Linux?

Is there any way to read some files from a jar inside the "outer" jar with javap command? for example, I want to read the a.class A.jar |----/lib/ |---B.jar | ...
-2 votes
5 answers

.java file path to class name

What's the most efficient way of getting the class(es) created on a .java file? I have the .java file path and I need to get the class full name. I can only remember: Compile it with JavaCompiler ...
3 votes
0 answers

Open .class file with Java Decompiler - incoherent errors

I am an Ubuntu user, I have a lot of .class files in which ground truth information about a dataset I'm using is stored. I want to access this information (not modify it) and export it to .csv files ...
1 vote
0 answers

Downgrading java version in project (IntelliJ)

I am trying to downgrade the target build version of java, but somehow I can´t change it within IntelliJ, don´t understeand why. Under File -> Project Structure -> Projects I changed the ...
52 votes
7 answers

What does "p" in "javap" stand for?

What does "p" in "javap" stand for? (The "c" in "javac" stands for compiler)

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