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Questions tagged [javap]

javap - The Java Class File Disassembler

9 votes
2 answers

Inner Class in Java

I was reading about Inner class in Learning Java. I found this code class Animal{ class Brain{ } } After compiling, javap 'Animal$Brain' gives output as Compiled from ""class ...
Ashish Pani's user avatar
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the constant pool lost #3 in class file

I use "javap -verbose" to parse a class file and find the constant pool lost #3, anybody can tell me the reason?
maomao's user avatar
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Getting the arguments for the bytecode using Javassist

The disassembled code (using javap -c) of looks like this: , on the third column, there is 200 as an argument to "sipush" how can I get this from a ...
Vasantha Ganesh's user avatar
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No javap tool not found in Scala REPL

I am using Scala 2.11.6 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_79) on Windows 10. I did following in REPL scala> class Book (val title:String) defined class Book scala> :javap :javap [...
Maz's user avatar
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Understanding javap output

I have a very simple class: package MyDev; public class Point3D { public Point3D(){x = 0; y = 0;z = 0;} public float x, y, z; public Point3D( float X, float Y, float Z ) { x = ...
Flot2011's user avatar
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Java class has 2 methods with the same function signature but different return types

AFAIK it's not possible to have a method with the same call signature. However: $ javap -public java.time.LocalTime | grep "minus" | grep "Temporal" | grep -v "long" public java.time.LocalTime ...
Saurabh Das's user avatar
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setting the target version to 1.8 still produce the class files with major version 52

I am trying to compile my java source code to target 1.8. I have set the following in the javac target. Ant version: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.4 compiled on April 29 2014 Java version: 1.8 <...
Mayuran's user avatar
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Using javap for reading the byte code

I figured out by reading in the internet that java compiles public class Test { private String s = "TESTTEST"; } to public class Test { private String s; public Test() { s = "...
mrbela's user avatar
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3 votes
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java javap and groovy bytecode comparison

Here is the code generated showed by javap when I asked him to display my compiled class (I selected method) int multiply(int, int); flags: Code: stack=2, locals=3, args_size=3 0: ...
lapots's user avatar
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how do i print class, method details in a jar file using the javap?

I want to list the classes in jars which are using java.lang.String.replace method. jar tvf <JAR> | awk '{print $8}' | grep class$ | sed 's/\.class$//' | xargs javap Where <JAR> is the ...
venkat's user avatar
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Can I stabilize the output order of functions written by the compiler to bytecode .class files?

If I execute javap on my main application class across compiles (no source change), sometimes the order of functions differs. This is especially true if the build was executed in different ...
Chris Betti's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is javap missing some line numbers?

If I compile the following source code: 1. public class Example { 2. public boolean foo(boolean a, boolean b, char ch) { 3. if (a && Character.isLetter(ch) 4. || b &&...
josecampos's user avatar
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Find out if .class file implements interface [duplicate]

Given the path to a class file, how can I find out if it implements a certain interface? I could use javap and parse the output, but there are probably more intelligent ways. I do not want to parse ...
J Fabian Meier's user avatar
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Visualized javap tool

Hello I've created this tool And I've added a feature that anyone can search for the info of a class without any package name. My question is now I want to add info of each method that means I need to ...
Vinod's user avatar
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7 votes
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Enum disassembled with javap doesn't show constructor arguments

When I disassemble an enum with javap, the enum's implicit constructor arguments seem to be missing, and I can't figure out why. Here's an enum: enum Foo { X } I compile and disassemble this (on ...
Boann's user avatar
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