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Questions tagged [interpreter]

An interpreter is a program that executes, i.e. performs, instructions written in a programming language. The tag [interpreter] should be applied to questions concerning the programming of interpreters or for questions about the detailed inner workings of interpreters. Use [interpreter-pattern] (possibly with this tag) for questions about the Gang of Four design pattern.

-5 votes
0 answers

How do i interact with an image in C [closed]

Ok so i wanted to write a program that could take an image check each individual pixel's color in a frame and assign it a greyscale number just by dividing the RGB value by 3. the problem is that i ...
typhrenn's user avatar
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Unable to build interpreter for TFLITE ViT-based image classifiers on Dart / Flutter: Didn't find op for builtin opcode 'CONV_2D' version '6'

We are trying to deploy vision transformer models (EfficientViT_B0, MobileViT_V2_175, and RepViT_M11) on our flutter application using the tflite_flutter_plus and tflite_flutter_plus_helper ...
D.Varam's user avatar
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An error in my Lambda Calculus Implementation in C#

I am creating a C# library for Lambda calculus and lambda terms and I have error in my code: namespace Datatypes.Collections.MathCollections { public abstract record Expression; public record ...
Ruslan Golov's user avatar
0 votes
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how to tell VS Code to automatically choose the interpreter specified at the root on the project

I already have script in my .zshrc that automatically activate the conda environement when I'm entering a directory having an environement.yml file. the file is created as follow: conda activate my-...
codekoriko's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Selecting Interpreter from vEnv file in SSH

I have setup a vEnv file remotely but I need to select the interpreter; therefore when attempting to select the interpreter I choose Create Virtual Environment. Then I select Venv then I have to ...
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-1 votes
2 answers

How do I get PyCharm 2024 to use the right Python version?

My company computer came pre-installed with Python version 3.13. Unfortunately, the standard we've been using for the past few years is version 3.7.0, which means a lot of our packages/venvs are ...
NicholasTW's user avatar
0 votes
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Invalid python interpreter selected in HPC

I interact with the HPC of my workplace via VScode, and my company’s HPC system uses Linux, so my terminal is in Bash. For my projects, I created a custom environment (call it environment RE). The ...
Nhu Nguyen's user avatar
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Console does not work in Pycharm 2024.1.2

Not long ago I installed Pycharm 2024.1.2 to replace Pycharm 2022. I start the console and it gives an error: C:/python-3.12.3-embed-amd64\python.exe “C:/Program Files/JetBrains/PyCharm Community ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How to resolve python iterpreter-related "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch’” on a Mac

I have cleanly and successfully installed PyTorch and associated packages within my virtual environment (BotVirtualEnv). It passed all required tests, including that of Python Interpreter and ensured ...
sBliss_'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How does this grammar get rid of infinite recursion in left-associated recursion?

"Suppose we have a grammar like this, where alpha could be any sequence of terminals and nonterminals: A -> A alpha | B We can rewrite this grammar as: A -> B A' A' -> alpha A' | ...
Will Ponczak's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Python interpreter if statement issue

So, I am making a really simple Python interpreter. But, there is a part in the interpreter that checks for if statements. But, whenever I use this interpreted if statement, it checks every other ...
i_suckatcode's user avatar
0 votes
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When I submit Python code from PyCharm's remote interpreter to a Spark cluster on a Linux server, why does it throw an error?

This is my code: from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext if __name__ == '__main__': conf = SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("WordCountHelloWorld") sc = ...
jiax zhang's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

how using css variable with SASS rails interpreter? (conflict)

I'm using sass-rails gem and I try to use css variable like this : --h: 198 --l: 38% --c: hsl(var(--h), 100%, var(--l)) background-image: linear-gradient(to right, var(--c) 0%, #000 100%) ...
Matrix's user avatar
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Is it necessary to convert each Intermediate Representation instruction individually to Assembly in an interpreter?

I am developing an interpreter that converts an Intermediate Representation (IR) into an Assembly. However, I have a doubt that it is necessary to convert each instruction individually to Assembly, as ...
Remove's user avatar
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Logging interactive queries in SWI-Prolog

I would like to intercept the queries handed to the interactive Prolog interpreter, in order to do some extra processing, e.g. to log the queries. So far I have the following code that relies on the ...
gernot's user avatar
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