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AutoScroll on Button Click (Outlook Web Add-in 2013 & 2016 & 2019 volume licensed)

In our Microsoft certified Outlook Web Add-in, when clicking on a button in our react add-in, the add-in "jumps" to the top of the page. That is pretty much the summary of the issue. I ...
Brendan May's user avatar
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Recharts Newest Version crashing in IE11

Testing my website after updating to the newest version is failing. I have added in the resize-observer-polyfill. Now IE 11 gives me this error: Object doesn't support property or method '...
sagar's user avatar
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What is the reason behind IE11 long running script issues?

I wanted to understand why does the IE11 respond with a long running script issue and becomes unresponsive till some time. Surprisingly, this happens randomly eg. Let's say on page load I call an API ...
Swayam Mohanty's user avatar
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window.addEventListener("mousedown", function()) doesn't work on IE11

componentDidMount(){ window.addEventListener("mousedown", this.pageClick) } pageClick = (e) => { console.log(e.toElement) } here e.toElement is returned null on IE11 and the same is ...
Kuldeep Singh's user avatar
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TinyMCE paste plugin on IE 11 on paste, pasting %%MCEPASTEBIN%% instead of the actual text and getting stack overflown

I am using tinyMCE v5.5.1 with paste plugin v5.6.2. On pasting anything in the tinyMCE editor in IE11, it gets stack overflown and pastes %%MCEPASTEBIN%% until the browser stops responding. It works ...
ExpertNoob's user avatar
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SCRIPT1010: Expected identifier Error when running React app in IE11

I'm working on React app with webpack and babel. When running it on IE11 "SCRIPT1010: Expected identifier" error messages appear. I've solved most of these errors (e.g I've added @babel/...
blasphemy's user avatar
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ReactJS+ IE+ Function expected

Reactjs application is not working on IE11 Please find my package.json and index.js file below, index.js file : import 'react-app-polyfill/ie9'; import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11'; import 'react-app-...
hetal gohel's user avatar
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IE11: How to polyfill `Array.values().next()` in Internet explorer, in React?

I'm having trouble with iterators in my React project running in IE11. Here's the minimum amount of code to reproduce the issue; // index.js ... import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-...
davidx1's user avatar
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React App can't load after refresh on ie11

I work on a quite big ReactJS project. It loads properly in IE11, but breaks on refresh. White blank page is all I got. Refreshing worked fine when I've opened dev tools. I've read something about ...
steve1337's user avatar
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reactjs setState in IE11 takes forever/blocks the UI

I have this logic that I have to support in IE11 (rip) and I fetch a ton of HTML from the server Using React 16.5 All is good and dandy until I parse this into a list, then set the parsed list as an ...
Coty Embry's user avatar
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using reactjs on ie11, blank page on production but if the inspector is open then the page load fine

I just create a web app using reactjs. works fine in almost all the browsers but i need to make it work in ie11. i add the polyfills as i see on other posts and works fine if a make a npm start (you ...
cms24es's user avatar
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Displaying Blank white pages regularly for my website only in IE11

I have created a website using react, babel, webpack and backend Django Framework. When running my site in other browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, it works absolutely fine. But when it comes to ...
kumaresaan sekar's user avatar
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Why IE11 render a blank page, as I run a Gatsby Project/ react Project?

package.json I have: "browserslist": [ ">2%", "not dead", "not op_mini all", "ie>=11" ], I am using Gatsby version: "gatsby": "^2.20.27" In the console I have this error:
Ahura's user avatar
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Calling delete on 'slice' is not allowed in strict mode

I got this error only in IE-11 otherwise my React app is working fine in all browsers.This error (Calling delete on 'slice' is not allowed in strict mode.) is coming in the developer console and my ...
Dheeraj kumar Rao's user avatar
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How do I select a browser version with testcafe CLI

While trying to run testcafe against ie using this command: testcafe ie src/tests/**/* testcafe runs Internet Explorer 7.0 / Windows 10. Since I don't have IE7 on my Windows 10 machine I have ...
Rorschach120's user avatar
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