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17 votes
2 answers

How to remove arrow functions from webpack output

After running my code through webpack it contians arrow functions. I need the code to work in ie11 so I need to get rid of the arrow functions. I'm using babel-loader for all .js files. I wrote a ...
Bjørn Moholt's user avatar
5 votes
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How to create IE11 Bundles with Webpack 5 and Babel 7

How can we compile modern JavaScript into backwards-compatible JavaScript bundles that can be used with Internet Explorer 11 (ie11)? Specifically, how can we do this with the latest versions of ...
anthumchris's user avatar
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ReactJS - SCRIPT1010: Expected identifier - Production build not running on IE11

I created a new project with create-react-app today. The production build is not running fine on IE11, the console shows following error: SCRIPT1010: Expected identifier The line it points to inside ...
Manu's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to enable async/await with babel with support for IE11

I am hoping to use async/await in my source code and have it transpiled by babel to something useable by >0.25% not dead. My head is spinning with the plethora of ways to attack this. Some are ...
Matthew Goulart's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to setup webpack config to load specific core-js entries

DISCLAIMER: I'm not terribly familiar with webpack or babel outside of simple setup, so if the question isn't clear then I apologize and will do my best to offer further clarity. So, the situation ...
tganyan's user avatar
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24 votes
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Syntax error in IE11 with Webpack, Babel and React

I'm getting a Syntax Error in my React + Redux project in Internet Explorer 11, but I have no idea why it's caused. I'm using Webpack and Babel to compile it. I tried using babel-polyfill and babel-...
IWRichard's user avatar
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9 votes
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how can I use babel polyfill to support all IE11 issues with gulp

I've been piecing together support for IE11 by adding plugins for transform-object-assign and array-includes and now I'm getting a symbol error for using for of loops. Instead of just tackling them ...
turbo2oh's user avatar
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8 votes
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Babel not transpiling chunk-vendors for IE11, in Vue-CLI project

I have a Vue-CLI webapp that needs to support IE11. In package.json we have set: "browserslist": [ "> 1%", "last 2 versions", "not ie <= 8", "ie 11" ] and this seems to work ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to inline Rollup/Babel polyfills for IE11

I've been working on a PHP project for a while and the client has asked for IE11 support at the last possible minute. HTML/CSS problems I can deal with but my javascript was written modern syntax. So ...
Foodstuff's user avatar
2 votes
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Destructuring assignment not working in IE 11 even after using babel plugins

I have a situation where I am adding a middleware which contain destructing params When opened in google chrome ,its working fine .But it simply fails in internet explorer Here is my webpack config ...
simbathesailor's user avatar
1 vote
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Function.prototype.toString issues in IE11 Svelte/Babel/Rollup

My current rollup.config.js is commonjs(), babel({ extensions: ['.js', '.mjs', '.html', '.svelte'], runtimeHelpers: true, exclude: ['...
Kampaii's user avatar
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React + Webpack 5 + Babel 7 IE11 issue -- not attaching to root

Issue: No matter what I do, I can't get anything inside my root div. There are no console errors at all in IE11. The app works fine on chrome, ff, & safari. Dependencies / Versions "react&...
James B's user avatar
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1 vote
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Object doesn't support property or method 'replace' on Internet Explorer 11

I am trying to make my Vuejs application work on IE11. However, one node module (vue-directive-tooltip) throw an error on IE11: Object doesn't support property or methode "replace" The module is ...
Benjamin's user avatar
0 votes
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Babel doesn't work with IE11 on built in class Map extending

I have some legacy code, a class ExtraMap that extends built-in Map class. export class ExtraMap<K, V> extends Map<K, V> { getOr(key: K, or: OrFunctionType = defaultOrFunction): V { ...
Tinmar's user avatar
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Babel transpiled code does not support static methods in IE11

Babel transpiled js works fine, but on IE11 the static inheritance seems not to work. Any idea? class SuperClass { constructor () {} static test () {} } class Sub extends SuperClass { ...
Niels Steenbeek's user avatar