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Microsoft IE open dialog Box and Microsoft Edge Open Dialog Box Different in behaviour

We have ASP.Net application - User clicks on a link and system show and an open dialog box with FROM (URL) as a label - User then clicks OPEN. Excel file open in EXCEL as READ-only- Excel File Path ...
Malik's user avatar
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Static .gif image not displaying in IE11 but is displaying in Chrome and FF

I have a web application that is supposed to display a user's profile image and allow them to upload a new profile picture. The supported files are .jpg, .gif, .bmp. If I load the application in ...
N101Seggwaye's user avatar
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Show footer at the bottom of the page always problem with Internet Explorer 11

I'm developing an ASP.NET website with Visual Studio 2019, C# and .NET Framework 4.7 On the masterpage I have inserted this css class because all my pages have vertical scrollbar and I want to show &...
Iter Lsic Iealf's user avatar
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How to launch a Google Chrome Tab with specific URL from Internet Explorer 11 using C#

My application is coded in C# (ASP.NET 4.7.2 Full). On my client the default browser is Internet Explorer 11 I open the example webpage on Internet Explorer 11 On this example webpage I have <...
Chevy Mark Sunderland's user avatar
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2 answers

IE11 Not sending the Forms Authentication cookie when re-requesting content at the time of loading Print Preview

This request is about Internet Explorer Version 11.778.18362.0 I have an ASP.NET Web Application that shows some text and images on a web page. Everything works fine, but when the page is loaded in ...
fahadash's user avatar
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How to manage cookies working for Internet Explorer 11 from Asp.Net MVC?

I am working with Asp.Net MVC and in that I am handling cookies like below : Response.Expires = 0; Response.Buffer = true; Response.ClearContent(); Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "inline; ...
Harry R's user avatar
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Setting Cookies not working in Internet Explorer in Higher Environment

Following is the code for setting the cookie: FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, "AuthenticationToken", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(60), ...
Prashant's user avatar
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SameSite=None w/ Secure Breaking iFrame in IE11

With the recent changes it seems that SameSite cookie attributes are throwing a wrench into my website now. A cross-browser iframe that was working before on my site is now broken - even with the ...
CJdriver's user avatar
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ASP.NET UpdatePanel flickers on partial postbacks in IE11 on Windows 10, when it has scrollable div

UpdatePanel flickers when the user clicks a button that causes a partial postback, when button positioned inside scrollable div element inside that updatepanel (when a div without scrolling does not ...
AlexanderT's user avatar
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getAttribute(value) returns null even when the value exists when running the code locally

I'm trying to debug a ASP.Net site. The code is debugged using Visual Studio 2012 and is running locally using IIS Express on my Windows 10 machine. The web application needs to be run using Internet ...
Toni Kostelac's user avatar
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How to run IE11 page in frame of IE8 website

We are just starting a project that will see the merger of our currently live, IE8 asp classic site and new pieces of IE11. My current project is embedding an page into the IE8 site ...
Seere's user avatar
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Crystal report with IE11

I have a silverlight 4 application and i upgrade to silverlight 5 and i use crystal report to show and print reports but after upgrading the reports appears as blank (empty) in interne explorer 11 Is ...
Ragab Mahmoud's user avatar
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Crystal report Runtime for vs2010 in win10 with IE11 silverlight application

I have Silverlight application with Crystal report 10 After publish the site and host in iis In win7 with IE8 report run fine But in win10 with IE11 report not opened Please can anyone help? Thanks
Ragab Mahmoud's user avatar
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Okta not staying logged in on IE

I have an 4.7 app and am trying to integrate Okta single sign-on. I have it logging in and authenticating correctly, and it works fine in Chrome, but on IE11 whenever I go to my login page it ...
GreySage's user avatar
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Google Tag Manager is only working on specific version of IE11

We put a function from the GTM dataLayer.push() to our web application written in ASP.NET to get specific data when user trigger the send button in the form. Everything works fine. GTM always detected ...
Vitas01's user avatar
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Decimal Dot is not recognized in Internet Explorer

I developed an aspx web-application written C# where you can run a formular. The user can enter numbers and they will be transferred to a SQL Table. Now one user has noticed that when he uses the ...
ste92's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2017 Launches Two Instances Of IE When Debugging A Single Project

My development machine was recently renamed and updated to Windows 10. While debugging a single ASP.Net project in VS 2017, I press F5 and two instances of the same page show up in my IE-11 Browser (...
Todd Young's user avatar
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AntiFogeryToken Cookie is always store and send back to server even when i block all cookies on IE 11 (other browsers work as expected)

Im currently set up a feature which allow server side code aware of whether this browser is enable cookie or not. the solution is to use antiforgery cookie which is sent back to server whenever ...
Nguyễn Văn Lệnh's user avatar
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IE11 accept drag & drop of file link from another browser window

Our users need to transfer files from a government website into our in-house web-based app. They need to move dozens of files a day, and until now they have been clicking each file link on the ...
RSW's user avatar
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Upgrading .NET Framework to 4.7.2 on IIS Server changes how website displays on IE

After updating our IIS server's .Net Framework from 4.5.2 to 4.7.2, we now have a semi-broken website, but only on IE, and only when viewing the site on a remote server. CSS seems to be broken; menus, ...
Paul Rivera's user avatar
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Forcing IE's Compatibility Mode off

We have an intranet site and I want to ignore the IE's compatibility mode when "display intranet sites in compatibility view" is checked. I have come across various solutions to forcefully set IE's ...
Owais Ahmed's user avatar
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IE 11.1324 text in a disabled fieldset can be removed. ASP.NET

I have a fieldset which can dynamically be set to Disabled based on the user role. This works fine in Chrome and Opera. However, in IE 11.1324 I have the issue that text can't be added, but it can be ...
JavaHR's user avatar
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IE hide the Menu Items when PDF is loaded on Webform

I've a menu item. When the user clicks on the menu item button (Claim) it opens the PDF below the menu item. Issue is when I loaded the same webform in Internet Explorer it opens the PDF below the ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Fontawesome 5 error on IE11

I have a problem with fontawesome on IE11 for some strange reason throws a javascript exception on this line: var candidates = toArray(root.querySelectorAll(prefixesDomQuery)) It only happens on IE ...
Fex09's user avatar
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Getting Javascript critical error in IE11

I have a piece of code in my web application, When I include it, it works well in chrome but in IE11, it throws an critical error. This is the code which is causing the error. If I comment it out, ...
Ranjith Varatharajan's user avatar
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Internet Explorer 11 Last Session and ASP.Net WebForm App

In my web form application, and I have an issue with internet explorer 11. The user was in "Home.aspx" and when he closes the browser and open again, the browser is still showing the last page ...
Carlos Bolivar's user avatar
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Object Required 424 Error only occurs in IE11

My Company has an intranet-site that uses .asp files. It suddenly stopped working properly in IE11. This particular snippet seems to throw an "Object Required - 424" Error. dim fs,f set fs=Server....
Rob's user avatar
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211 views TextBox not updating in IE11

I have migrated my .net projet from framework 3.5 to 4.5 and my the site was previously running under IE7. I need to run it under IE11 now. I have a page which upon selecting an element in a dropdown ...
refresh's user avatar
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How to programatically get an element that is selected/highlighted?

I am working on an application based on ASP.NET, running in IE11. One part of the application makes use of (Telerik) RadEditor to create a layout of several items. I am selecting the items (dom ...
GreySage's user avatar
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How can I select multiple items at once in Telerik RadEditor on Chrome?

I am working on an application based on ASP.NET, running in IE11 and Chrome. One part of the application makes use of (Telerik) RadEditor to create a layout of several items. I can select (...
GreySage's user avatar
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How to select multiple elements in RadEditor in ie11

I am working on an application based on ASP.NET, running in IE11. One part of the application makes use of (Telerik) RadEditor to create a layout of several items. I am trying to implement a feature ...
GreySage's user avatar
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Strange "line" appears in GridView -- is it CSS or border or what?

I see a "strange line" in my gridview. Here is the screen-shot of the "strange line" at the right-edge of the cyan-blue selected gridview row: I have used F12-developer tool and there is no reference ...
John D's user avatar
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DropDownList changes of width when an input is focused

My DropDownList won't keep the size setted in the CSS. When the input is focused, the size is larger than expected. Otherwize, the size is good. What should I do for keeping the size of the ...
Gromain's user avatar
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Internet Explorer 11 replaces Authorization header || Not even working after using document.execCommand('ClearAuthenticationCache', 'false');

What would cause Internet Explorer to replace the HTTP header Authorization : Bearer <server-provided-token> with Authorization : Negotiate <some token> when making an AJAX request? ...
Kush's user avatar
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Localhost is not a valid Win32 application

I have an ASP.NET web application project that I am trying to launch in Internet Explorer 11 (either Debug > Start Debugging or Debug > Start Without Debugging). I am getting an error popup that says "...
rmamedov's user avatar
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IE11 sharing host-only cookies to sub-domains

Does anyone know how can we make IE 11 to not share host-only cookies to sub-domains? Having this issue since we've moved our test system to a sub domain. It works fine in Google Chrome. Found this ...
c-sharp's user avatar
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How to make Internet Explorer show the loading status indicator (spinning circle) when the loading page is in an individual frame?

I am working with a couple web applications, and one of them does not show the "spinning circle" status indicator in Internet Explorer when posting back a form. When navigating from one page to ...
glancep's user avatar
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angular-cli not working on internet explorer 11

I'm working on a project based on Angular-cli the latest version and IIS 7. After ng build --prod and deployed the project to IIS I'm getting errors on Explorer 11 only: SCRIPT1010: Expected ...
Shai Ben Shimol's user avatar
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HTTP query interrupted on Internet Explorer

I was assigned some debugging to do on an existing ASP.NET WebForms application that uses a lot of UpdatePanels. One of the button launches some tasks that are very long to perform, and it is expected....
Julien N's user avatar
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Why do Aurelia plugins load slowly in Internet Explorer 11?

I'm working on my first Aurelia app, targeting the ASP.NET Core 2.0 platform, using TypeScript as the transpiler, and hosting it in IIS 7.5. So far, I just have "Hello World" functionality, but I've ...
JTennessen's user avatar
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ActiveX sandboxed from hardware? Alternatives?

I'm in a bit of a pickle. The company I am working for is developing a website in ASP .NET MVC that involves a professional grade USB scanner on the client side. With Silverlight, it was easy to ...
user2694824's user avatar
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Piczard SimpleImageUpload not loading image

I have the Piczard SimpleImageUploader in a based management tool for a product catalog that seems to work just fine for most users, but for some users, the Edit popup will show, but then the ...
A.Stair's user avatar
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Telerik HTML5 ReportViewer sending empty parameterValues in Internet Explorer

I have a simple report viewer page set up like this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Telerik HTML5 Report Viewer</title> <...
Zach's user avatar
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IE 11 is detected as IE 7.0

I am trying to detect my user's browsers and I want to stop all IE versions that are < 10. That's why I have created 2 different methods and both are doing the same: The first one is relying on ...
Mlle 116's user avatar
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Internet Explorer 11 developer tools mode

I'm using Internet Explorer 11 and when I click F12 I get the developer tools window, which contains in particular a combobox to select the Internet Explorer version display style at the top right. (...
Platus's user avatar
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How can I locate and debug a specific file in IE11 Dev Tools?

I have a file that is part of a legacy web site I'm maintaining that I need to debug - step into, etc. But I can't see how to do that. The site needs to be run in IE, in Compatibility mode. When I ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I write a "debug msg" to the console or elsewise in an old web site?

I'm adding a bit of functionality to an old ("old" as in "olde"; as in Rip-van-Winkle olde) website that uses VBScript. The upshot of my problem is that certain logic seems to always equate to a ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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why script take too time in IE 11?

In my application,Debug with IE11 take too time for response.(min 2 minute).IE say "localhost not responding dut to a long running script.".How can i check which script taking too time? This ...
lwin's user avatar
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505 views not showing gridview in IE

Works fine in google chrome and firefox but GRIDVIEW is not appearing in IE11. No errors in console, viewed source and it just isnt there?? Had a look online and couldnt find much someone suggested ...
John's user avatar
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C# Browser version get wrong version for windows 11

C# Browser version get wrong version for windows 11(last windows update v:11.187.14393.0) HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = Request.Browser; Console.WriteLine("Result:" + browser.MajorVersion....
önder çalbay's user avatar

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