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How to launch a Google Chrome Tab with specific URL from Internet Explorer 11 using C#

My application is coded in C# (ASP.NET 4.7.2 Full). On my client the default browser is Internet Explorer 11 I open the example webpage on Internet Explorer 11 On this example webpage I have <...
Chevy Mark Sunderland's user avatar
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How to manage cookies working for Internet Explorer 11 from Asp.Net MVC?

I am working with Asp.Net MVC and in that I am handling cookies like below : Response.Expires = 0; Response.Buffer = true; Response.ClearContent(); Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "inline; ...
Harry R's user avatar
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ASP.NET UpdatePanel flickers on partial postbacks in IE11 on Windows 10, when it has scrollable div

UpdatePanel flickers when the user clicks a button that causes a partial postback, when button positioned inside scrollable div element inside that updatepanel (when a div without scrolling does not ...
AlexanderT's user avatar
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How to run IE11 page in frame of IE8 website

We are just starting a project that will see the merger of our currently live, IE8 asp classic site and new pieces of IE11. My current project is embedding an page into the IE8 site ...
Seere's user avatar
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Google Tag Manager is only working on specific version of IE11

We put a function from the GTM dataLayer.push() to our web application written in ASP.NET to get specific data when user trigger the send button in the form. Everything works fine. GTM always detected ...
Vitas01's user avatar
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IE 11.1324 text in a disabled fieldset can be removed. ASP.NET

I have a fieldset which can dynamically be set to Disabled based on the user role. This works fine in Chrome and Opera. However, in IE 11.1324 I have the issue that text can't be added, but it can be ...
JavaHR's user avatar
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IE hide the Menu Items when PDF is loaded on Webform

I've a menu item. When the user clicks on the menu item button (Claim) it opens the PDF below the menu item. Issue is when I loaded the same webform in Internet Explorer it opens the PDF below the ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Internet Explorer 11 Last Session and ASP.Net WebForm App

In my web form application, and I have an issue with internet explorer 11. The user was in "Home.aspx" and when he closes the browser and open again, the browser is still showing the last page ...
Carlos Bolivar's user avatar
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DropDownList changes of width when an input is focused

My DropDownList won't keep the size setted in the CSS. When the input is focused, the size is larger than expected. Otherwize, the size is good. What should I do for keeping the size of the ...
Gromain's user avatar
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Localhost is not a valid Win32 application

I have an ASP.NET web application project that I am trying to launch in Internet Explorer 11 (either Debug > Start Debugging or Debug > Start Without Debugging). I am getting an error popup that says "...
rmamedov's user avatar
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ActiveX sandboxed from hardware? Alternatives?

I'm in a bit of a pickle. The company I am working for is developing a website in ASP .NET MVC that involves a professional grade USB scanner on the client side. With Silverlight, it was easy to ...
user2694824's user avatar
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Internet Explorer 11 developer tools mode

I'm using Internet Explorer 11 and when I click F12 I get the developer tools window, which contains in particular a combobox to select the Internet Explorer version display style at the top right. (...
Platus's user avatar
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why script take too time in IE 11?

In my application,Debug with IE11 take too time for response.(min 2 minute).IE say "localhost not responding dut to a long running script.".How can i check which script taking too time? This ...
lwin's user avatar
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505 views not showing gridview in IE

Works fine in google chrome and firefox but GRIDVIEW is not appearing in IE11. No errors in console, viewed source and it just isnt there?? Had a look online and couldnt find much someone suggested ...
John's user avatar
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C# Browser version get wrong version for windows 11

C# Browser version get wrong version for windows 11(last windows update v:11.187.14393.0) HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = Request.Browser; Console.WriteLine("Result:" + browser.MajorVersion....
önder çalbay's user avatar

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