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Angular 12, IE 11, @@toPrimitive must return a primitive value

After a fresh install of npm packages (deleted node_modules and package.lock.json) polyfills-es5 file started having additional code to define _toPrimitive function And when I load the app in IE I ...
simply good's user avatar
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Polyfill error "Syntax error in regular expression" in Angular application for Internet Explorer 11

My angular application (version 11) is not running in Internet Explorer 11. I get the error Syntax error in regular expression in the polyfills-es5.js file. polyfill error in browser console error in ...
ap087's user avatar
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document.font.ready is coming as undefined in IE11 in Angular

We have to support an application in IE11 and i have enabled diffrential loading and include some polyfills but still in IE 11 I can see an error - TypeError: Unable to get property 'ready' of ...
rahul225's user avatar
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Not working on ie 11 getting error SCRIPT5022: Exception thrown and not caught

I am using Angular12 for my web project. As there are some users out there who are still using IE11, I need to make this web project compatible. Adding polyfills for reference. Anybody got any idea as ...
Pranshu Dixit's user avatar
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Providing IE11 support in Angular 13

Google has removed IE11 support in Angular 13. In the company that I work for, we have to keep IE11 support for the next few months due to contractual obligations. As it's unclear what is the extent ...
Marcin Czarkowski's user avatar
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Angular 12 and IE 11 production build error. TypeError: Object doesn't support this action

I know IE11 support is deprecated, but it is what the client and contract requires. I am able to get the site to run locally in Internet Explorer 11, but when I do the production build I get an error....
AlisonDev's user avatar
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Angular 8 Custom Elements not working in IE11 when invoked from angular JS

We are seeing the below error in the console when we launch the angular js application in IE11 browser which tries to invoke the angular 8 elements from it. It works perfectly in chrome and other ...
VKJava's user avatar
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primeng paginator not working IE 11 when deployed on server

I have used pagination via p-table. In the image below, when user clicks on the very last page, the data in last page gets displayed but the page number is not updated in bottom right. This issue ...
anuj trehan's user avatar
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Angular4 throwing error "SCRIPT1006: Expected ')'" in IE11

t.exports = function(t, e={}) { if (e = Object.assign({}, r, e), !t || "string" != typeof t) return t; let o = t.trim(); if (void 0 !== ...
vijeth's user avatar
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Run Angular 11 Application with IE11

I have created an webapplication with Angular 11. Now, the customer will run it with IE11 (for showing a webpage on a big TV-Screen which still exists and have an integrated IE11-Browser) for this,, I ...
BennoDual's user avatar
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angular 9 web worker IE

Angular 9. I create the worker in this way as below and it works everywhere without problems, except IE. As far as I understand, there is a problem in the type: 'module', but without it I get 404 not ...
great stone's user avatar
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Angular interactivity issues on Internet Explorer 11

The angular app basically becomes non interactive in some parts when fired up on IE 11. Mouse events are not working . Mouse events such as Hover, Click etc all are unresponsive. Although the elements ...
Angadbir Singh Sandhu's user avatar
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Angular9 upgrade to Angular11 IE11 issue

We are trying to upgrade our angular 9.0.4 application to angular 11.2.7. In the previous version the application worked fine in IE11 but after the upgrade it does not works anymore (nothing shown ...
Zsolt Balogh's user avatar
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Angular IE11 file upload Cancel event

We have an application where we need to support IE11 with file upload functionality. The version of angular is Angular 11. There is file upload control, which is working fine in all browsers except ...
Biju Thomas's user avatar
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IE11 doesn't drop :hover for bootstrap button on mouse leave

Our client rised a "bug". The bug is about having one button stuck with blue background (hovered) even after a pointer was moved outside. I've created a MWE locally and moved it to ...
Eatos's user avatar
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Angular application working with IE11 locally but not when hosted on IIS

I have made my angular application (using .NET Core 3.1) compatible with IE11 based on the steps described in this tutorial: It runs just fine ...
Chris's user avatar
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Angular11 + webcomponents/polyfills + IE11 == nojoy

We are developing a library of W3C Custom Elements (aka Web Components) using Angular 11 as a development tool, with createCustomElement. We need to support IE11, so we are trying to use webcomponents/...
Merl's user avatar
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IE 11 not loading Angular 10 app after recommended fixes

I've gone with the standard fix for IE11 issues with Angular 10 apps (not loading fonts, script errors for certain characters in the bundled files) -- by adding a file with a ...
fumeng's user avatar
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Angular ngModel select in ie11

I have a form with 2 select: But in IE11 options are not displayed: I use ng Model in select, without it everything is displayed perfectly, what could be the reason?
KusGrus's user avatar
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angular CLI 11 version is not working in Internet explorer 11

Angular CLI 11 not working in IE 11 I have used import 'zone.js/dist/zone'; // Included with Angular CLI. import 'web-animations-js'; // Run npm install --save web-animations-js. import 'classlist....
Vijay's user avatar
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Angular 9.x Application Doesn't Load in IE11

Recently we discovered that Internet Explorer (IE10, IE11) is no longer loading our Angular v9.x application. It was bootstrapping and loading the application a couple months ago, and through a guard ...
mtpultz's user avatar
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Microsoft Edge Browser opens Angular application in compatibility mode: IE 11

I am trying to run the angular application in Microsoft Edge browser(created build ng build --prod), but the application is opening in compatibility mode: IE 11. If I run the application locally(...
Sanjay Phadtare's user avatar
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Angular: Change Font Size options for users in IE11 (CSS-Variables)

I am developing an Angular application. From the webpage, the user can select a small, medium or large fonts (medium is the default) and based on that we have to change the font size all over the page....
Naman Jain's user avatar
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Need help getting IE11 working with Angular 1.5 / Angular 10 (ngUpgrade project)

Im having issues getting IE11 working in my ngUpgrade project. I tried everything I saw with other having similar issues. Im am not using angular cli. Stand alone webpack. I was hoping someone can ...
blankpage985's user avatar
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Angular 8 application not running on IE11

I've been trying to run my Angular 8 application on IE11. So far, I have tried all the steps stated in this article, Angular 8 and IE 11 and still getting errors as this picture ->IE console ...
Vandana Shukla's user avatar
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Error: In this configuration Angular requires Zone.js in Angular app in IE11

Im using angular 9 application, on-load of the app Im getting this error in IE11. Error: In this configuration Angular requires Zone.js. And Component doesn't load and shows the above error in console....
Sanjay sahaj's user avatar
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Ics file description in IE11 - windows 7 contains %5Cn

I have a typescript code in an angular web app to generate an ics file and download it. I am able to download this file successfully in chrome and when I open the ics file, it looks fine with all the ...
Karu's user avatar
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gaphql API is not working in IE edge and IE 11

The graphql url is not working and not fetching the data in both IE edge and IE 11 browsers. I am usiong Angular 9 application and have installed classlist.js and web-animations.js from polyfills.ts. ...
ILearner's user avatar
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Angular HttpClient gets status 0 (Safari and IE)

I'm using Angular HttpClient. The problem is that sometimes an error occurs and the client gets status 0 "Unknown Error" back. We've found that the problem only happens in Safari (iOS and ...
Anders Winther-Dahl's user avatar
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Angular with Storybook do not work on IE11

I have a pretty basic Angular 10 app. I have added Storybook with npx sb init. The project requires the app to run on IE11 (13% of the traffic) so I added .babelrc in the project root, removed not ...
Dracco's user avatar
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angular polyfill problem: IE11 - core-js v3.6.5 method es.string.split.js fails parsing regex /^|\s+/ on split

Angular 10, d3 5.16.0, core-js 3.6.5 The long and short of this is that d3-drag invokes d3-dispatch, which internally calls a method named .parseTypenames. function parseTypenames(typenames, types) { ...
Eyeless Whim's user avatar
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why I am getting "SCRIPT5021: Invalid range in character set" and blank screen in IE11?

I am using Angular 9, All code is working fine in chrome but not in IE11 , I am no where using any Regex and mostly I am using back tics. Below error is coming in Polyfills-es5.js as on page load: ...
saash_me's user avatar
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Angular 8, IE11, ngx-image-cropper bugged, ERROR TypeError: Object doesn't support this action

I'm using Angular 8, ngx-image-cropper: "^2.0.2". I have a problem in ie11 with cropper. It is working perfectly in chrome but in ie11 when I upload an image it starts bugging component with ...
AlenM92's user avatar
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Type '(pattern: any, flags: any) => RegExp' is missing the following properties from type 'RegExpConstructor': $1, $2, $3, $4, and 7 more

I am trying to use exceljs 4 in Angular 9 and I want to provide support on IE 11. I am trying to follow the instructions provided on the official page of exceljs. I tried to add the below code to ...
Pritam Bohra's user avatar
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Angular http request returning an array of Observables correctly in Chrome but as empty array in Internet Explorer

This is the service call that is not working in IE11 but is in Chrome. In IE11, it is just returning an empty array. What am I doing wrong? UPDATE: I have narrowed down the issue to the fact that ...
Kevin Wilde's user avatar
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Angular Material Table and IE11 not setting columns correctly

I'm trying to make my app compatible with IE11, but in my mat table, the columns are all squished, as shown in the attached pic. Here is my scss code to set its appearance: How can I make this work ...
Kevin Wilde's user avatar
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ngx-translate with Angular 9 not working in IE showing compilation error SCRIPT1002

After importing TranslateModule into my app module I am seeing an error in Internet Explorer SCRIPT1002 and when navigate to that line I am seeing a class TranslateLoader(there is the problem, IE ...
Alin Bizau's user avatar
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Angular 9 Application Not running on IE11

Our team has created an angular 9 new project and it is working perfectly fine on Google Chrome and Firefox but on IE11 I cant see anything. I have tried everything on from the internet followed every ...
Karthik Saxena's user avatar
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How to check if the libraries in my project are compatible with IE?

at the begining of my new project it worked perfectly in ie 11.9 but when I add the libraries and/or my code it stop working in IE (other browsers work), is there any way to check the compatibility of ...
Fumoffu's user avatar
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@HostListener('document:scroll', []) not working in IE11

I have code: @HostListener('document:scroll', []) onScroll(): void { console.log('I am scrolled' + document.documentElement.scrollTop); } But in IE11 not working, chrome and edge are ok... why? ...
Sandra's user avatar
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Issue with hosting lit-element based Web Component in angular 9 application

I have created a web component using lit-element, lit-html. It renders fine in modern browsers as well as in IE 11 using webcomponents-loader.js. But the same web component if I load in Angular ...
Rohit Singh's user avatar
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Why does IE11 seem to be truncating my JS file?

Edit: I think I fixed this, and I think it had more to do with Angular than I thought. The script was actually breaking on a fat arrow but it was hard to see that because of the minification of the ...
Esten's user avatar
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promise not define in IE11 in angular 9 app

I Just created an angular 9 app and it does not load in IE11. I have added all the polyfills required including the "core-js/es/promise" for polyfilling promise. But still IE11 is ...
Akash's user avatar
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SCRIPT1003: Expected ':' in IE 11 + angular 7 + vendor.js

I have an Angular application which is not working on IE11 only. I have set up polyfills, /** IE9, IE10 and IE11 requires all of the following polyfills. **/ import "core-js/es6/symbol"; ...
Dhara Gadhiya's user avatar
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angular中 @HostListener('window:load') Ie11 does not support it. How do you fix it?

angular9 @HostListener('window:load', ['$event']) onLoad(event: Event) { console.log(123); } Ie11 does not support Anyone know the solution? (ie11不支持,有知道解决方案的吗?)
yuanqiao's user avatar
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Do we need to compile code in ES5 to support IE 11 in angular 9?

I am working on an angular 9 app and I am wondering , do I need to still compile my code targeting es5 ( as IE 11 does not support ES6 still). The reason for asking this question is, As angular's ...
Akash's user avatar
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Angular 8 application is not working in IE. ( Not using Angular CLI )

Recently we have upgraded our application from Angular 5 to 8. It is working fine in Chrome and Microsoft Edge but not in IE 11. I am not using Angular CLI so please do not post CLI based solutions. I ...
Imran Khan's user avatar
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Bootstrap/Angular dropdown not working in IE11

This is a simple drop down, but in IE11 you cannot see the chosen menu item. Do you know any workarounds? <div class="form-group program-container"> <select class="form-...
Kiril Christov's user avatar
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SCRIPT1002: Syntax error - IE11 and Angular

I am getting the following error when opening the Angular project from IE11: SCRIPT1002: Syntax error vendor.js (224520,1) The line (224520) which produces the error looks like this: class ...
Sasuke Uchiha's user avatar
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Angular two way binding (different behavior in IE 9)

I am creating an Angular application and utilizing the Angular two way binding method for all of my inputs. The application must be supported for IE versions 9 an above. For the latest versions of IE (...
user7078082's user avatar

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