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Questions tagged [angular11]

Questions about Angular version 11, the web framework from Google. Use this tag for Angular questions which are specific to only version 11. Use tag Angular for any Angular questions which are not specific to an individual version

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Angular11: fileReplacements stopped working after angular update

My team and I are updating the Angular version of our app. We were using version 10.2.3 and migrated to 11.2.19 in angular/cli Before updating, our environments files were replaced by fileReplacements ...
Ewerton Oliva's user avatar
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is possible using ng-jhipster with angular 11?

this is my json Package: "dependencies": { "3": "^2.1.0", "-": "0.0.1", "@akveo/ng2-completer": "^9.0.1", "@...
Davide Corbani's user avatar
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Angular 11 Ag Grid display radio in one column and do the row selection based on radio click only

I am using ag-grid (in an Angular project) to render a table and I want to display rows with respective radio in one column and when I click on it that only row selection for row not the entire row ...
Nitin Y's user avatar
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Error importing the stylesheet file after upgrading from Angular 11 to 16

I have a project that I have just upgraded it from Angular 11 to Angular 16. When I try to compile (ng build) the fist two errors shown are these two: ./src/styles.scss - Error: Module build failed (...
Eddie's user avatar
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error TS2322: Type 'string | number | Date' is not assignable to type 'Date' on a project that has just been upgraded to Angular 16

I have a project that I have just upgraded from Angular 11 to Angular 16. In Angular 11, I had all my DTO models created with the NPM package "ng-swagger-gen" from the Web API's Swagger JSON ...
Eddie's user avatar
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DevExtreme dxo-master-detail load data function

I define a dx-data-grid with its proper dataSource (defined on the component) and a <dx-<dxo-master-detail [enabled]="true" template="detail"> </dxo-master-detail> ...
Brea's user avatar
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How to submit the formarray in angular in the given format?

While submitting the form in angular, the data should pass like given below. Inside role menu only 1st index is passing. I want all the index data to be passed on submit. { "roleMenu":[{ ...
Rose's user avatar
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ng2-pdf-viewer not working in production giving error

ng2-pdf-viewer working fine on lower environment but giving below error on production Refused to load the script '[email protected]/legacy/build/pdf.worker.js' because ...
ashishgpt71's user avatar
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Angular module lazy load cache issue

I have used Angular 11 in my single page application (SPA). I have used lazy load module in app-routing.module.ts. The issue is when I redirect to that module/component, it get the results from ...
prog1011's user avatar
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Hide select all checkbox when search data not in list of ng-multiselect-dropdown

I am using ng-multiselect-dropdown version ^0.3.8 in my Angular project v11.It's working fine except one condition which occur when- 1- open select dropdown and search random thing which is not in ...
Reaper's user avatar
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NgxAdmin freezes when load large Amount of nested data in Angular 11

using get by id API we fetch data for particular id in Angular 11 this is our form group export class PromotionsService extends HttpService<Promotion> { form: FormGroup; constructor(...
Abdulgany Mohamed's user avatar
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Can i add amcharts dynamically on each page of dashboard where I am having multiple pages with multiple widgets?

I have dashboard where I can add multiple pages and widget to it which follows tabset structure. Widget includes amcharts, library charts. On default page amchart is rendering correctly but when I ...
pooja pathak's user avatar
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Using and Calling a Specific Commit for a ngx-chess-board Package and Importing it to an Angular module for use Typescript

I had angular ngx-chess-board working but now when I try to run it with angular 11, I get the version incompatible error. The ngx-chess-board supports version of cdk 10 or 13 but I am using 11. I have ...
coder123's user avatar
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I am using Spring mvc 4.3.30 version and Angular 11. I would like to subscribe to real time updates and it would be always unidirectional (From server to Ui) hence i opted for SSE. Below is my code ...
coder12349's user avatar
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How to style Angular component dynamically

I am working on an Angular project's themes. My aim is to implement a sustainable light, dark mode into the project. As you already know, The light mode has it's own styles and so the dark. To carry ...
GAOUSSOU DIARRA's user avatar

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