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Questions tagged [graphviz]

Graphviz, developed by AT&T Research Labs, is the leading application for layout and drawing of graphs (objects comprised of vertices connected by edges). It includes the dot language, a complete syntax for graph description and a set of layout engines. Graphviz is free and open source.

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'dot' added to PATH, but graphviz still can't execute it

I'm having issues getting python graphviz to find 'dot' in the PATH environment variable. This seems to be a well-documented problem, but I still can't seem to get past it. I have added graphviz to ...
Curtis Wang's user avatar
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Calling GraphViz dot process using Javas Runtime.getRuntime().exec() and passing in a file name doesn't work but echoing input works

For some reason whenever I execute Graphviz dot using Java's Runtime.getRuntime().exec() in two different ways (one echoing the input, one passing in the filename) - only echoing works. For eg. this ...
dg428's user avatar
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Showing a SVG contains links, created by GraphViz, on HTML

An SVG is create from the following file: digraph { google[label="google" URL="" target="_blank" fontcolor=blue ] } ...
sofname's user avatar
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Clear and automatic DAG visualization

I am trying to draw a DAG (directed acyclic graph) starting from a dataframe with 212 attributes. I am able to draw it using graphviz import graphviz G = graphviz.Digraph() for col in graph_df....
Zackbord's user avatar
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Import graphviz throwing ModuleNotFoundError when I import graphviz in python(ipynb)

I am trying to import Graphviz in vs-code jupyter but its throwing a ModuleNotFoundError. Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[18], line 1 ----> 1 import graphviz 2 print(graphviz....
Aathil Nishad's user avatar
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Pipe dot graphviz with echo windows from command line gives corrupted output

I'm trying to make an svg from an inline stdin (like in the documentation) : C:\Users\VERBOSE\Desktop>echo 'digraph { a -> b }' | dot -Tsvg > output.svg Surprisingly, this gives two files : ...
VERBOSE's user avatar
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How to visualize GraphvizAlgorithm<Type, Edge<Type>> object to PNG or SVG in C#?

I'm working with the GraphvizAlgorithm<Type, Edge> class in my C# project and I need to visualize this object as a PNG or SVG image. I've created the graph and added the necessary nodes and ...
Ismail Nakkayev's user avatar
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How to use "<f0>" and italics together in labels in .gv files?

I want to make the letters in italics but keep the digits regular. How should I adjust my codes? Here are the original .gv codes. digraph c { node [height=.1 shape=record] c [label="{<...
Yuer Yang's user avatar
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2 answers

How to straighten the lines of a path diagram using DiagrammeR?

I am interested to use DiagrammeR to draw a path diagram. The original codes I used generated a diagram with some curved lines. I tried to look for solutions online and I read this post DiagrammeR: ...
Dale's user avatar
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Graphviz not calculating exporting image correct inside docker container

I'm trying to render a graph using graphviz library. I have an application running on a docker container. Whenever I run the command dot -Tsvg -Gsize=10,10\! -Gscale=1 -Eminlen=1 -o output....
Bruno Francisco's user avatar
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pydotplus.graphviz issue with plot_model from tensorflow

I'm trying to use the plot_model function with TensorFlow to plot my model and save it to a file on Ubuntu 22.04. Pycharm 2024.1.3. python 3.12. Tensorflow 2.16.1. I assume Pydotplus and Graphviz are ...
Андрей Никитёнок's user avatar
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how to align nodes that are in different subgraphs in graphviz?

the code below creates this diagram. I would like to to make all 3 subgraphs 5 nodes tall. so that, for example data_source_1, process_1 and product_1 are all horizontally aligned properly (same with ...
L Smeets's user avatar
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How do I correctly draw edge between records with Graphviz and Haskell

I'm trying to generate a flowchart with Haskell and the Graphviz binding. I want to create edge between nodes with records as it is possible to do it : I ...
JeanJouX's user avatar
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How can I plot a graph with layered structure with subgraphs within each layer?

I have a set of elements on which I defined a given relationship that allowed me to define a partial order on the set. I then introduced a second relationship to be applied to elements that were not ...
Rafa's user avatar
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How to filter nodes with names that match a pattern or only nodes connected to such nodes with gvpr/graphviz?

I have a DOT file, say How do I use gvpr to output a graph as described below? let A be the set of nodes in with names that contain foo the graph should only contain nodes in A or ...
pseudorandomdev's user avatar

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