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Questions tagged [google-schemas]

Google Schemas are metadata schemas that are added to emails, allowing contextual information to be displayed in Gmail, Google Searches, and Google Now.

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why my email markup schema has been rejected

We send booking confirmation emails immediately after a customer completes their flight, hotel, or car reservation using our online booking tool ( The itinerary details must sync with ...
Irina Kuznetsova's user avatar
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custom_labels for Google scraper

I need to implement custom_label_0 to custom_label_5 on my website to let Google scrape it and show in the Google Merchant center. Currently I have it in place on the website for Meta -Facebook in ...
E. Barly's user avatar
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Gmail markup (google-schema) rejected - JSON-LD

We have added email schemas to our order confirmation email and test it using email markup tester then it shows no errors when we send it to registertion processs it always rejectd by google schemas ...
Sithara Hansanie's user avatar
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Markup Schema for boat reservation does not work

I am trying to create email with Markup for BOAT reservation I've tested with sample code for BUS reservation schema and it works but the boat schema is not working or I am not choosing right ...
guljar shaikh's user avatar
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Email Markup for Events has stopped working

The email markup has been working really well and our clients love it. A shame MS don't do what you do.... however in the last week or so it has all stopped working. The events are there in the email ...
Nathan John Adams's user avatar
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Request to use Gmail Highlights and calendar entry cancellation for hotel reservations

I am reaching out to you for more information on the implementation of Gmail Highlights and the handling of calendar entries for hotel reservation cancellations. My team and I are using structured ...
Heiko Brandmayer's user avatar
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Its been a month since we were approved, but markup still not showing

I'm just trying to figure out how to get a status update on when this will start working. I've confirmed with the markup review team and they said our email was approved on Dec 6. but how can I get a ...
Andrew Scofield's user avatar
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Gmail confirm action in inbox not showing up after months being approved by the markup team

In the company, we have diligently pursued the activation of the feature over the past several months with the Email Markup Reviews Team. Our requests were meticulously submitted, subsequently ...
Roger Torrente's user avatar
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Email markup for online events was rejected

We have both offline and online events so eventAttendanceMode was included in the email markup. <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "
Vidya Ramakrishnan's user avatar
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Description Not Appearing in Calendar Events from Email Markup Schema Confirmation Emails

We are currently facing an issue wherein the "Description" field is not displaying in Calendar events created through confirmation emails utilizing the Email Markup Schema. Here is the ...
Navyabharathi Rameshkumar's user avatar
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Preventing Overwrite of Existing Google Calendar Events with Email Markup

I'm using JSON-LD Email Markup to create event reservations in Google Calendar via Gmail. The markup is intended to generate unique events. However, when sending two distinct emails in ...
Udhaya's user avatar
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Generate Typescript Types out of Google schema definition

So in order to generate a proper feed based on Google's schema definition for e.g. TVSeries it is possible to fetch this definition from this url: TVSeries Definition and run tools like AJV in order ...
MarcoLe's user avatar
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Google Cloud Pub/Sub Schemas - Too many protobuf messages in single schema

I'm defining a schema for a pub/sub topic. I have 7 proto files, and I'm able to combine them. When I did this, GCP outputted that there were too many protobuf messages in a single schema. I believe ...
Joe Moore's user avatar
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setValue using an array of schema values, each schema with an array of fields, and each field with an array of "inner" fields

[Edited, for simplicity] I want to set the value of a few cells in a Google Sheet from the values retrieved from a schema list (from a Google Workspace domain), using "AdminDirectory.Schemas.list(...
Nuno Miguel's user avatar
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Will Gmail still auto generate Trips card if I add Email Markup?

My company sends confirmation letter emails to end users for their reservations. Sometimes for Gmail users, the auto-generated Trips card gives the wrong information. For example, our email says Estes ...
Gordon Cheng's user avatar

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