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Questions tagged [google-cloud-functions]

Google Cloud Functions is a lightweight, event-based, asynchronous compute solution that allows you to create small, single-purpose functions written in Node.js, Python or Go that respond to cloud events without the need to manage a server or a runtime environment.

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PayPal Payouts Integration with Firebase Functions in iOS App

I'm working on an iOS app that requires paying out winnings to players using PayPal. I'm integrating PayPal payouts through Firebase Cloud Functions, but I keep encountering errors. Here's the client ...
TheGuyWhoCantCode123's user avatar
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How durable is Firebase (Functions) for heavy use? [closed]

I am developing a mobile application that will show the latest transfers in the football world. For this application, I wrote a personal API that returns only the necessary data based on usage. I went ...
Emir Yasin Bolat's user avatar
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Error Updating V2 Cloud Functions in Firebase

I'm trying to update some V2 cloud functions in Firebase but keep encountering an error. Previously, I managed to deploy these functions without any issues. Below is the log from my deployment attempt:...
Arthur TL's user avatar
1 vote
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GCP Cloud Functions Deployment Failing with ArtifactRegistry Error

Getting a really strange error when I try to deploy my cloud function in a particular project. I run gcloud config set project <project> gcloud functions deploy my_cf --entry-point ...
swygerts's user avatar
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Firebase functions not building correctly

I am simply trying to build a firebase function using typescript. Right now my file is as follows: import { onRequest } from "firebase-functions/v2/https"; import * as logger from "...
Ruder Buster's user avatar
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Why is CORS blocking the GCF request when an ID is used?

I am making calls via the Hubspot API from a Firebase Cloud Functions file. Most of these work without any issues; however, any endpoints that require an ID are blocked by CORS. I've tested these ...
Remy Bartolotta's user avatar
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Restricting a Firebase Function to just registered users [duplicate]

I have a v2 firebase callable function: import { onCall } from "firebase-functions/v2/https"; /// Simple ping to test authentication = onCall(async (req) => { return { ...
emmby's user avatar
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AzureOpenAI: Missing credentials of `api_key`, `azure_ad_token`, `azure_ad_token_provider`

I'm trying to use the Azure OpenAI model to generate comments based on data from my BigQuery table in GCP using Cloud Functions. Here's the Python script I've been working on: from azure_openai import ...
Badia Alfathi's user avatar
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Calling an authenticated Firebase Function from a chrome extension

I have a Firebase function that requires authentication per = onCall(async (request) => { if (!request.auth?.uid) { throw new ...
emmby's user avatar
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Error deploying the Firebase Cloud function

I am unable to deploy my Firebase cloud function. The function works perfectly when I run the cloud function locally using the Firebase emulator. However, when I attempt to deploy it, I receive the ...
kennedy Kamotho's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I optimize my Cloud Function to react to Firestore document status changes more efficiently?

How can I optimize my Cloud Function to react to Firestore document status changes more efficiently? Is there a way to make this process event-driven rather than using periodic checks? I'm looking for ...
LAZREQ's user avatar
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cloudfunctions.functions.getIamPolicy error in Cloud Function when accessing cloud storage

I have a cloud function that is triggered by a pub/sub topic. The cloud function is supposed to read in a filename from the topic, and then download the file using a Python storage client library. The ...
Ben Delany's user avatar
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Need clarification on httponly cookie restrictions on firebase functions (v2)

Note: I am using firebase functions "v2" (const functions = require('firebase-functions/v2')) So, according to several sources, which I will list at the end, it seems as though the firebase ...
Michael Sohnen's user avatar
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Connecting to Google Cloud SQL from Cloud functions gen2

I am having trouble connecting to cloudSQL from CF gen2. I was using gen1 functions and deploying them with gcloud functions deploy command. The connection is through Unix Socket. Cloud SQL runs on ...
Martin Šír's user avatar
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1 answer

Schedule Firebase Functions in Python

I'm trying to schedule this function to run every week on Monday at 00:05 AM. But it doesn't run at that time. Using @scheduler_fn.on_schedule has no effect on my function. @https_fn.on_request() @...
Cosmin Mihu's user avatar

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