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Questions tagged [golem]

{golem} is an R framework for building robust application with Shiny. You can use the [golem] tag for questions about building or deploying Shiny application using {golem}. Question can either concern general concepts or specific functions from inside the package. You can also use this tag if you need more information about moving from a "standard" Shiny app structure to a {golem}-based application.

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Shiny UI function runs before Shiny Server?

I have a PWA r shiny app deployed to Heroku via docker. I use the Golem framework for the server functions and shinyMobile for the UI. The app works great around 99% of the time. However, sometimes ...
aleksandereiken's user avatar
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Using load_all() on posit connect for 2 different apps in the same repository (can we share manifest.json?)

I built my shiny app {myapp} following the {golem} framework. I built my app as a package and there is an /app.R file currently deployed to posit connect. I also created a Rmarkdown document ...
Zoltan's user avatar
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How to set the path to images if they are to be rendered from server side in a golem shiny app?

Goal In a shiny app, render multiple ggplot plots with images as facet labels. You can see the complete source code here. Details and Problem I want to create two plots both of which use the same ...
umair durrani's user avatar
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uses a function that calls another in a foreach loop dopar

I have two functions myfunct1 and myfunct2. myfunct1 uses the myfunct2 function I want to use these two functions in a foreach()%dopar%{} loop but i get a error: Error in {: task 1 failed - "...
dia05's user avatar
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why do I not get the page with circles into my shiny app?

I am trying to build a shiny app application, within R/Rstudio. this is the code I am trying, which is part of the bigger code. library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( tags$head( tags$style(HTML(&...
GaB's user avatar
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Show elements between rows in a table

I have a df dataframe. I would like to display each row. I would like to add on each line a button Show_Hide which will display other ui element below line l (between lines l and l+1). How can I do ...
dia05's user avatar
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How to run a test file taking into account the functions

I create a golem project. I created a test file with the command golem::add_fct("calc", with_test = T). When i execute the command test_file, it doesn't find my function. test/testthat/test-...
dia05's user avatar
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conditionPanel does not take into account the conditions

I have two radio buttons A and B. When button A is checked, two widgets are displayed. When we check button B, the widgets of button A are deleted and we display the widgets of button B, same thing if ...
dia05's user avatar
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Shiny module ggplot reactive data error data can't be a function

I've reduced my code to a single module that works like this library(shiny) library(bslib) library(bcmaps) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) mod_geography_ui <- function(id){ sidebarLayout( ...
PhDavey's user avatar
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How to use selectInput as a reactive across modules

I am currently building a shiny app using golem framework and attempting to use modules however I am struggling with connecting modules. My current paired-down app consists of 3 basic modules: 1) ...
CatOB's user avatar
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Get value from inputSelect

I have a selectInput which lists the column names of a dataframe. The dataframe includes a years field. When we select a column name, I create a graph representing the evolution of the column values ​​...
dia05's user avatar
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Why I cannot get my shiny app when adding golem framework?

Why I cannot get my shiny app when adding golem framework? I am managing nevertheless to get my shiny elements without any golem framework: Here is the shiny without golem: library(shiny) # Define ...
GaB's user avatar
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how to add my ui and server modules with golem?

I am working with golem framework and trying to add my modules to app_ui and app_server yet, I do not succeed to get what I want -the page with Start button and logo . Hre is the app_ui which I call ...
GaB's user avatar
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dockeriser golem app: Error in loadNamespace

I want to dockerize a shiny application (named qrcodeapp) structured with the golem package. When i launch the command in deploy/README I get error with shiny version. It asks me for version 1.7.5 (...
dia05's user avatar
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Using firebase configuration in a golem app

I am new to using golem framework for R shiny app. In my app, I use firebase authentication using the R package firebase. So, I have firebase configuration in a r script fct_helpers.R which is located ...
umair durrani's user avatar

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