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Questions tagged [facebook-webhooks]

Facebook webhooks allows to be notified in real-time of change events related to specific objects in the Facebook Social Graph, using the HTTP webhook callbacks.

18 votes
3 answers

Facebook - Get conversation thread ID with message ID?

When I receive a "message received callback" event from the Facebook Realtime API (webhooks) I want to fetch previous messages in the conversation. To do that I need the ID of the conversation thread. ...
John's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Facebook messenger app webhook subscription - Insufficient Permission

I have facebook messenger application (it is bot using MS Bot Framework, although I don't think it is relevant). It has webhook subscribed to page events. It used to work fine until few days ago, when ...
Marek Bohm's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Verify X-Hub-Signature from Facebook

I'm something of a beginner with the Play Framework (2.5 and Scala in this case) - and I'm trying to learn by building a bot for Facebook messenger. However I've gotten stuck trying to verify the ...
Johan's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Facebook API page feed didn't send information to my webhook?

I'm admin of my test app, and my test page. Now I'm doing a function get page's feed realtime by webhook, just only on development mode. When I click test button on App's Dashboard, It has been sent ...
kevin's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to Unsubscribe an app for all Facebook pages Webhooks

I have a Facebook App which is subscribed to more than 20,000 pages. The server isn't able to process hooks from all these Facebook pages, I want to unsubscribe my app from all these Facebook pages. ...
Vishwesh Shetty's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to configure Facebook webhooks?

I want to configure Facebook webhooks for the application I'm developing. What I did so far was: Create FB app Go to app settings and create a new webhook: Add a valid callback URLs Choose ...
Kamil Lelonek's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

facebook webhook url error has been identified as malicious and/or abusive

We are testing facebook messenger with our bot. Few months back we were able to configure ngrok url over facebook.developer as callback webhook url, but not its giving error as "The url https://...
SushantPatade's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Facebook Messenger API not sending "messaging" webhook

I am trying to set up a basic webhook to fire when a page receives a message. If I manually curl a message, my server gets it. If I use the app dashboard to test something like "message reactions&...
AlphaWulf's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Instagram webhook not activating

My goal is to use the Facebook webhooks to get a notification whenever an IG user mentions my IG account. For that I have followed these steps: I have created a Facebook page and connected it with an ...
Alan's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Facebook webhook verification response structure

This is my first time posting the question so please feel to provide feedback to improve the question. Facebook webhook mentions that the endpoint should be first verified before the webhook endpoint ...
spirax4k's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why is the Instagram Graph API webhook not working

I am not able to get webhook calls when another user post a comment (with mentions) on another/my media. Just for testing purposes I set up a ngrok server for my webhook endpoint, which always ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to test Instagram Webhooks and get approved?

Background: The webhook allows to receive the context and information about the interaction of Instagrammers with particular users, the official documentation states that instagram_manage_messages ...
Pathik Patel's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Facebook webhook, how to get conversation id from mid id

Hello everyone i'm building a chat bot, i'm having a problem that is, when a user sends a message to my app, i don't get the conversation id like "t_31231231231231", instead I get "mid", I don't know ...
colinmorgan's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

App review is required to get Facebook Webhook working. How to develop?

I'm developing an app which must interact with Facebook API Graph and also use webhooks to get live updates. Now I'm facing a problem I can't receive a live webhook updates until my app is reviewed ...
Olegas's user avatar
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My facebook messenger webhook isn't receiving messages for the pages which are not created using the same account as fb application

Webhooks sends message for: The pages created in the same account as app account. I can subscribe the pages for the webhook using page-id/subscribed_apps and it starts showing up in Webhooks ...
Ashish's user avatar
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