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247 votes
30 answers

How to create Android Facebook Key Hash?

I do not understand this process at all. I have been able to navigate to the folder containing the keytool in the Java SDK. Although I keep getting the error openssl not recognised as an internal or ...
Somk's user avatar
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81 votes
6 answers

How do I get a HttpServletRequest in my spring beans?

I'm developing an app with a Flex-based front end and a Spring/Hibernate back-end. To get Facebook integration working in the way I've got it currently, I need to read the cookies set in javascript ...
Jason Maskell's user avatar
78 votes
18 answers

SERVER_ERROR: [code] 1675030 [message]: Error performing query

I am using Facebook login in android. Code: callbackManager = CallbackManager.Factory.create(); LoginButton loginButton = (LoginButton) this.findViewById(; loginButton....
Daniel ORTIZ's user avatar
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64 votes
4 answers

Facebook's "Messenger" has a SMS Broadcast Receiver that takes highest priority after reboot

Facebook's Messenger, has a priority of 2147483647, for their android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED broadcast receiver, declared in their manifest. (It's sad we are forced to not follow the ...
StrikeForceZero's user avatar
57 votes
7 answers

Facebook offline access step-by-step

UPDATE: Facebook offline_access permission is being deprecated. Please refer to the official documentation for more information. You'll have till May 1, 2012, at which date this setting will be ...
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57 votes
5 answers

How does Facebook add badge numbers on app icon in Android?

I know there are several Qs here that ask if its possible to add badges to an android app and they all end up with a NO answer... But somehow the latest Facebook beta version for Android seems to do ...
epeleg's user avatar
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44 votes
4 answers

Android/Java -- Post simple text to Facebook wall?

I'm trying to integrate posting to one's wall from within my app. I already have an area where the user can save his/her username and password (encrypted). I would like my program to recall the saved ...
RyanM's user avatar
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39 votes
5 answers

Java example of how to log in to Google App Engine with a Facebook account using OAuth

I searched a lot, read many blogs, articles, tutorials, but until now did not get a working example of using a Facebook account to log in to my application. I know that I have to use OAuth, get ...
LeandroRezende's user avatar
34 votes
5 answers

Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies for the FacebookSDK

I want to do Login with facebook. I am following this Steps.It's all working perfact. But when I am going to Create a new Android Project with Facebook Login STEP-6 into above link I got the error of ...
user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

java.lang.RuntimeException with Facebook Login example

I'm following the Facebook guide to make a login app for Android. After: Install Facebook app (unnecessary) on the virtual device Import Facebook SDK into Android Studio as Module Import the previous ...
Lucio's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Parsing array of JSON arrays in Groovy

I have the following string from a REST JSON response: [ { "uid":10512213, "name":"Bob" }, { "uid":7208201, "name":"John" }, { "uid":10570, "name":"...
Tihom's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

login Facebook registerCallback not called

Here is my onCreate method: @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle bundle) { super.onCreate(bundle); setContentView(R.layout.activity_social_login); init(); hideActiveSocialNetworks(...
Jerome Ansia's user avatar
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20 votes
6 answers

Android post picture to Facebook wall

I am trying to post a picture to my wall on Facebook. I have managed logging in and posting text to the wall. However, when I try posting the picture, nothing happens. I am using the Android Facebook ...
whirlwin's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Play Framework appending #_=_ to redirect after Facebook auth via OAuth2?

I'm doing a simple redirect after calling OAuth2::retrieveAccessToken() with Play Framework. I'm having funny characters appended to the URL that I never put there, so the end result looks as follows: ...
josef.van.niekerk's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Login Failed you cant use facebook to log into this app

I get "Login Failed Error" with the Facebook Android SDK while running on the device. I have done everything what they specified, like creating a hash and all. The error is: Login Failed you cant ...
hd92's user avatar
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