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PayPal form submissions shows 404 PayPal page when link is clicked from Facebook messenger in iPhone

Following is the PayPal form and form submission script. It works well in Android and Desktop but when link is opened from Facebook messenger in iPhone, it shows PayPal 404 not found page. Reference ...
Saurav Arya's user avatar
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generate QR code to open facebook app to my business page

I want to generate a QR code to open the Facebook app to show my Facebook page on both android and iPhone I found the urls it needs to be but is different for android and iPhone so was seeing if ...
newbiewebdev's user avatar
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How to open links in Facebook app on iPhone

I have a simple static website where I have a link to my Facebook page. When clicked from mobile browsers, it opens in the browser. But I want it to open in the Facebook app installed on the user's ...
James's user avatar
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Facebook pop up not scrollable in WebView - React native

My app has a WebView and works fine in Android and iOS, although in some cases the following Facebook pop up asking for cookies is shown and it's not possible to scroll down. Then the whole web view ...
Federico's user avatar
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How to access one app data from another app in iOS? [closed]

How can I access app data from another app (eg. login credentials and user)? Example: Messenger app can access the Facebook app data like Facebook user data.
SHARON D ROSE BE's user avatar
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Facebook Deeplink not taking to iOS application

I have integrated required Facebook pods and completed all steps as mentioned in the Facebook guide for Ads Deep linking ANd write Below code in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions Settings....
amit.mishra's user avatar
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Facebook Login Button needs to be clicked twice in order to work in Safari / iPhone, why?

I use the default Facebook Login Button in my website. It works fine on all desktop browsers, it also works on my iPhone with Firefox and Chrome. However when I use Safari, I have to click twice on ...
basZero's user avatar
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Problem Retrieving iPhone/iPad store id - Facebook Developer

I am making an iOS app and using Facebook for developers. However the iPhone and iPad store IDs are unable to be retrieved by Facebook. I know I am using the correct App store IDs so does anybody have ...
Deacon's user avatar
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How to control what image to show when sharing webpage on social media or via mobile devices? [duplicate]

I have an e-commerce website and I want to be able to control what image shows up when the user shares my product description. I have a product description page which displays a gallery of product ...
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Facebook and Instagram website to app linking in 2019 on iOS (iPhone)

I'm making a website where I want to link to Facebook and Instagram profiles and ideally, I want the corresponding apps to open in the mobile version. If the app is not installed, it is not important ...
fast-reflexes's user avatar
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Force confirmation dialog "wants to open facebook"

Who knows how to restore this "XXX wants to open 'facebook'" confirmation message on iOS 12? Only shows the first time I used it (in my app), but I need to try again many times to test the flow ...
Naimad's user avatar
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Facebook Login SDK Language Issue in iOS

I have define login behavior of fbsdk to FBSDKLoginBehavior.web but the issue i am facing is that it always get open in Arabic and when I try to change language it redirects to safari instead of ...
Muhammad Umar's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to fetch complete user details from Facebook API

How to fetch complete userDetails from the Facebook API - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Uncomment to automatically sign in the user. _signInFacebook....
kiran's user avatar
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Swift 4 - querying facebook with FBSDKGraphRequest

I try to create a function for querying the Facebook database. Unfortunately, the syntax changed with the last version of swift. Maybe someone can post me the solution ? Thx. Func donneesFB
StefLand's user avatar
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Do I need an approved Facebook app for Facebook share functionality in an iOS app?

I'd like my iOS app to have an option to share a photo on Facebook. I implemented it by following the instructions in these 2 links: https://...
guneykayim's user avatar
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FBSDKLikeControl is grayed-out/disabled

I want to use Facebook like button in my app, but it is all grayed-out, and does not work. I've tried it with various objectIds, but none of them worked. I'm sure that I installed Facebook SDK right, ...
Max Adamyan's user avatar
4 votes
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How to install SafeAreaView to my project with react-native version 0.48.0?

Here is the problem: I want to install SafeAreaView to my project to adapt iPhone X screen, and I do not want to upgrade react-native version to 0.50.1 which contains the SafeAreaView component, now ...
Versus's user avatar
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share post on facebook using applinks iphone

I am working on a app which has the user feed of posts and I want to post feed post on facebook just like instagram do and if user will clicks on facebook shared post user will redirect to app or ...
BADRI's user avatar
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Facebook Account kit Mobile number for testing

Is there any one sandbox mobilenumber for the Facebook account kit ?? For testing Facebook account kit ?? here is the link for the facebook account kit
Mitul Bhadeshiya's user avatar
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iOS 11 Simulator dont open facebook login in safari - Cordova Facebook4

I have a Cordova APP and the login is based using cordova-plugin-facebook4. This plugin opens safari browser to make login. After update xcode to version 9.0, the simulator was updated to iOS 11, and ...
Renato Bezerra's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can I show my facebook time line in my iOS App?

Hello I am in trouble with facebook time line. I m working with an app in which I want to show facebook time line. I am new with this concept. So I am not able to understand how an i do that? If is ...
V-Dev's user avatar
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Post User comment on Web page URL from Native app

I am developing an app in which there is a requirement to Post a comment but the problem is client give me a URL this is a Web page URL in whichWeb Facebook ...
Vishal's user avatar
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Can't add title and description in facebook Share

I am trying to implement the Facebook Share in my quiz app. The content is app store link and quiz score.Which is working fine in simulator but in device shows in different and not showing my ...
Asd_123's user avatar
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Inline Video Playback in Facebook Instant Articles on iPhones

I'm using an iframe to embed a video in a Facebook Instant Article. When I try to play the video on an Android phone it plays inline (i.e.) not full-screen. However if I try to watch the instant ...
Colenso Castellino's user avatar
-4 votes
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I need to check if user open a facebook or whats app during driving

I need to crate app, one of it is features to check if user is using Facebook or whats App during driving is it doable.
Moham Qmaizer's user avatar
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Facebook graph API post details from Post_Id

How can I get the post details from a PostId. I have noticed that the Faceboook graph API documentation, Facebook Graph API Find the post details by using the below path, Post /{post-id} It gets an ...
Vineesh TP's user avatar
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Re: FullCalendar (by Adam Shaw) mobile version bug on iPhone devices

I am developping a web app based on FullCalendar by Adam Shaw, but I am actually using an older version supporting the mobile version (link) , I am actually quite done developping the web app and ...
Zeev Melumian's user avatar
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How to completely Logout of Facebook SDK Auth in iOS App

using FBSDKCoreKit 4.22.1 I have an app installed publicly, servicing multiple users during the day. A person can walk up to the iPad and login with their Facebook account: After successful login, ...
Brian Ogden's user avatar
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Facebook App Invite not working

I'm trying to add facebook App Invite like this: let content:FBSDKAppInviteContent = FBSDKAppInviteContent() content.appLinkURL = URL(string: "") content....
Dule's user avatar
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Segue won't trigger after logged into facebook using swift

So I have managed to set it up so the whole login system works. It closes out of the browser once logged in but does not advance to the next viewController. This is my AppDelegate.swift: import ...
user avatar
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CSS doesn't load in facebook embeded browser on iPhone

I have a problem with facebook embeded browser (iPhone only). Random users report that some of the pages on the website are not loading well in facebook embeded browser. Problem appears randomly. ...
Robert's user avatar
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Strange PayPal Express Checkout Issue only affecting users on iPhone/iPad using Facebook in-app browser

I've got a very strange issue with Paypal Express Checkout, its only an issue in certain conditons, otherwise it works perfectly fine. Basically, if a user tries to purchase from our shop from an ...
Jamie Peters's user avatar
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Universal links (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) in iOS

I'm working with universal link in iOS. It is working fine from Safari browser and messages. Setup Server I'm having a server running online. To securely associate my iOS app with a server, Apple ...
Muthu Sabarinathan's user avatar
-2 votes
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how to integrate my app into `Facebook` app in ios?

How to integrate my app into facebook app in iOS? like this screen(jasper app)
Veeranjaneyu D's user avatar
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PHP - iPhone send full URL into REQUEST_URI

I have a problem with my router. It is producing many Error404 because of invalid variable $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. Normally REQUEST_URI is in format /your-event/buy/ but in logs it always contains ...
Arxeiss's user avatar
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Invalid HTTP GET request from iOS iPhone Facebook app

I see these invalid HTTP requests in the server log. The request URI includes scheme+hostname+port. [13/Jan/2017:04:20:01 +0000] GET
Szépe Viktor's user avatar
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Clicking a shared link from my site on facebook doesn't take me to my website, it opens my app

Having trouble solving this one.. hoping someone out there has run into it and can help. Scenario: I'm the owner/developer of an iOS app ( It integrates with ...
Todd Staples's user avatar
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Trouble with Facebook in app browser, rest of the browsers working perfectly fine

First a little context. I'm a designer from the Netherlands with a love for code. I can find my way pretty ok in html and css and a little bit in php and javascript. I love the Stack Overflow ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk.login error 301.)

When I clicked on loginWithFacebook button, I'm getting this error, The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk.login error 301.) There is no much information regarding what is this ...
Sivajee Battina's user avatar
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Missing image in Facebook sharing by UIActivityViewController

I've got a weird problem. I'm using UIActivityViewController to share a text and a photo. It works with iMessage, Twitter, however with Facebook I can only see the text being shared, the image is ...
Nat's user avatar
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Cannot post to Facebook using iOS app

I am creating an iOS app. I need to post some links to Facebook events using my app. I have integrated Facebook SDK. By using Facebook Graph API, i found the code for the same and it works fine in ...
sajith kannan's user avatar
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Linker errors for iOS 9 and above after disabling bitcode

I have integrated openssl library using cocoa pods in my project. It is working fine in xcode 7.1, simulator 7.0 and above. But when I am trying to install in physical iOS device, getting the below ...
sumit kumar's user avatar
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Login with facebook app in ios app shows option in safari "Login with Facebook app" and its not working in ios 10.1

In my app, i am using login with a Facebook option. Where I set Facebook SDK behavior"FBSDKLoginBehaviorNative" When I try to login with facebook its show me two option "Login with the facebook app" ...
parth's user avatar
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Facebook Login is not working in ios10 and xcode 8

it was working well in xcode 7.3.1 and ios 9.3 but after updating xcode it stoped working here is code which i have used -(IBAction)ClickFacebook:(id)sender { FBSDKLoginManager *login = [[...
princ___y's user avatar
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Facebook iOS application Crashing

Can anyone help me to report a bug in facebook's iPhone application. I want to send the report to Facebook. Any help appriciated.
Jecky's user avatar
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Asset url is required for uploading the video on Facebook in iOS?

According to we need asset lib but it is depreacted:
Vishal Wagh's user avatar
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Facebook App can't find Appstore ID

I'm developing a iOS App right now and got some awkward things going on with Facebook. The App is using the Facebook Login and therefore I need to add the Bundle-ID, iPhone Store-ID and iPad Store-ID ...
Isi Pisi's user avatar
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Is it possible to deep link to a Facebook Event page?

I've tried fb://event/EventID#Here which attempts to open the event page in the Facebook app, but then says "Unable to load event. It may have been cancelled." Obviously I didn't cancel the event, and ...
bex's user avatar
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How to add keychain sharing feature to App ID without device?

My problem is that I need to enable the keychain sharing feature to App ID in order to make Facebook login work for iOS10. How to use Facebook iOS SDK on iOS 10 However, I get the below message. I ...
Rohit Tigga's user avatar
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FBSDKLoginKit not redirect my app after login and confirm page

I'm integrating Facebook SDK 4.15.1, using Swift 3.0. I have followed all the steps mentioned here in link Getting started with iOS, I'm able to login to Facebook and make authorizations using the ...
Logunath's user avatar
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