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Is there any way to submit a FB app for review while it in "Live Mode"?

so I made a web based FB app. submitted it for review because I need 3 more permissions (not the basic one) for new functions that I want to add in my site (Which is very active). I submitted it for ...
Dima Ciun's user avatar
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Can’t receive the email of the user after he approves my Facebook app

I’m working with cURL & Facebook sdk for 5-6 years, and had no trouble at all. My app is on the 2.8 version of the Graph API. But now, I suddenly can’t receive the user’s email address after he ...
BenTyler's user avatar
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To use 'Page Public Content Access', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook

As you can see in the screenshot above, I got Facebook app review approval but now I tried to access Facebook public page posts and comments per page. Still, I am getting bellow massage in R Console: ...
Rajib Kumar De's user avatar
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can not create facebook test page using test user

Trying to create "test facebook page" after login using "test user" gives error: "This content is no longer available" screenshot: I tried to give my test user "admin role" in my existing page ...
rosnk's user avatar
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Facebook API - Friend List

I searched the internet the whole day for this, and came to the conclusion that there is no way to get a user's full friend list since API 2.0 (correct me if I am wrong). What I want to do is, given ...
Shahaf Nahmias's user avatar
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Unable to fetch email from created facebook test users

I have created a facebook test user using Graph API with following query parameters.<app-id>/accounts/test-users installed = true ...
Sarath's user avatar
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Facebook API. Pull Custom Audience statistics from the Audience Insights

Is it possible to pull (programmatically) demographic statistics about your custom audience from the Facebook Audience Insights? Spent some time on investigation of this question (SDKs, Graph API, ...
Artem Nagornui's user avatar
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How to get Facebook API caller class and use them?

Please don't avoid this post.I am trying to find Facebook caller class name. I'm searching something like below example class on developer Facebook. example: 'fb_api_caller_class' => 'com.facebook....
Shohid Hasan's user avatar
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Search friends within Facebook friends list using Graph API

How do we search for a user by name within user's friends list. I"m able to fetch whole friends list using this api... "{facebook_id}/friends?access_token=#{...
Feroz's user avatar
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Get friends attending to an event with Facebook API

For example there is an event in Facebook - I can get all attendees using<event_id>/attending But I want to get only list of user's friends that age going to ...
moonvader's user avatar
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Facebook API and discovering popular Public posts

Do you think it is possible to use Facebook API to easily discover popular (viral) Public posts, such as: Or maybe even narrowing down these ...
Damian Defratyka's user avatar
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Using Facebook Graph API, get all pages liked by a certain user

I'm using the following endpoint: /{user-id}/likes but I keep receiving a single field called "data" with an empty list. I have tried many users that I saw they like some pages. PD: I'm using the ...
JaviOverflow's user avatar
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Need to pull Graph API JSON and successively narrow my results

Need to pull from the end point "fb_page_categories" which returns an array of all categories a page could fall under. Which looks like so: GET /fb_page_categories? This returns ...
Chrslxndr's user avatar
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How to get facebook posts with comments and likes count of a trending topics?

I want to retrieve trending topics from Facebook, using API call, with information like posts related to trending topics, likes and comments of a post. Is there any facebook API which can do this ?
TheWolf's user avatar
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how to publish comment to a post using facebook graph api explorer?

I am using facebook graph api explorer to explore and test different things but getting no idea after even an extensive research that how to post comment against a post . I am doing this This is the ...
john's user avatar
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How to use Graph API Explorer

It's been a while since I've needed to use FQL and I can now see that it has been depreciated and replaced with the Graph API. I've been trying to play around with the online tool: https://developers....
Sami.C's user avatar
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Cannot retrieve the reach estimate for some Facebook ads (from the API)

The API lacks some clear explanations on retrieving the reachestimate for either an ad account or an ad. I have made sure that: I am an admin/ or added to a Facebook app I have a paid advertising ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
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Facebook GraphAPI picture/full_picture permanent link

How can I get a permanent link for pictures in a post? For example, I can get all information about one post: 912163612218997/?fields=picture,full_picture,attachments { "picture": "https://...
Sung Kim's user avatar
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Graph API: Check if feed post was made by a Page or User

When using the /page/feed endpoint in the Facebook Graph API I can't figure out how to know if the post was made by a Page or a User Here's how I call the endpoint right now: HTTP GET https://graph....
chribsen's user avatar
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What's the relation between Facebook Activity Streams and the Tin Can API?

A long time ago I did a project using the Facebook SDK in which you could pull data from Facebook about your users using a noun, verb, object format; for example, John Miller made a smoothie; or Jane ...
leeand00's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API: read messages in v2.8

since read_mailbox is deprecated, I was wondering if there's still a possibility to get all of my messages via API or any other service? /v2.4/{user_id}/notifications operations as well as ...
EachOne's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API - Unpublished posts retrive unordered

I was able to retrieve my page unpublished posts. I'm trying to understand how can i retrieve them sorted by scheduled_publish_time (Unix Timestamp) property, without having the need to sort them ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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Get Facebook Page Likes in PHP (after FQL depreciation)

I used to be able to get the page likes with a single FQL query URL on Facebook. But as of last week, they shut it down. Demanding to use their SDK or API, however my system scans facebook pages from ...
BitValentine's user avatar
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How do I use the Facebook PHP SDK to read multiple user feeds at the same time?

Note: I already know how to do this with one user only, but what I want to do is access multiple account feeds simultaneously. I had a few ideas but encountered problems: Idea : Have them all logged ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Facebook share count for changed URL

We often change URL of articles on the site, and then the old URL returns 301 redirect to the new URL. During a limited time we can still retrieve share count for the old URL (using FQL) and it ...
esp's user avatar
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Facebook fan count on a given date

I am not a programmer and I have literally no idea about the Facebook API. However, I need to collect some data from six different Facebook pages for my thesis, and I'm not the admin of them. I've ...
ICG's user avatar
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Getting Facebook Share, Like and Comment Counts for a Given URL with API Graph v2.6

As both Legacy REST API and Facebook Query Language (FQL) will no longer be available after 7th August I am looking for an API Graph v2.6 based on alternative to:
Daniel García Baena's user avatar
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Get posts from multiple pages

I'm trying to fetch most recent posts of several pages using facebook FQL. Here is my query: #
mbajur's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API - Getting An array of User objects who like a page [duplicate]

I am trying to get an array of the people who like a page that I am an admin for. I found a similar approach that works for only objects (i.e Posts, videos, etc ..) using: /{object-id}/likes ...
WiredCoder's user avatar
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How to track Facebook posts we shared through email?

We will send a email to targeted users Email contains a link name Share via Facebook When targeted users clicks on the Link It will open face book page asking them to share the post If the ...
Bhanu Siva Prasad Talasila's user avatar
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Is there any easy way to get likes of user from facebook?

I have to fetch likes of user for music,movies,actor category. I am using fql query like queries.put("likers", "SELECT page_id FROM page_fan WHERE uid=me() AND type='MOVIE' "); ...
Prabjot Singh's user avatar
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How can I get the Comment's replies in Facebook SDK?

I am working on integrating the Facebook SDK. I need to get the replies of the comments in the picture. I am able to get the comments with the id's, but I am not able to get the replies of the ...
Mohammed Imran's user avatar
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Is there any facebook graph api to get updated posts in a page by an app?

Is it possible to use graph API to get posts get updated between two given timestamps? I don't want to use FQL, as it is deprecated. And I want to know we can get updates using graph API itself ...
Sathyanarayanan Ganesan's user avatar
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Search facebook group using the name as a search term on Facebook FQL

I've tried using the Facebook Graph API. But the results came out, it did not show up to 150 groups. I'm not sure that it is a limitation of Facebook or not. An example URL that I tested. Now, I ...
E. Lapcharern's user avatar
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FQL Friend's Events Query

I know there is similar questions like this, but I couldn't find anything as specific as my question is. I'm trying to experiment with the Graph API Explorer, using FQL Queries. Before I put this ...
Jason Thomas's user avatar
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FB Graph API explorer, center params not working

I am trying to get all parties list in Bangalore using graph API. I am using following graph query search?q=parties&type=event&center=12.9716,77.5946&distance=10000 in facebook graph ...
Senthil's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API: Miscellaneous UserId

When exploring the Facebook Graph API, at: The default example is get my name & id (under the assumption the browsers logged to my Facebook account). ...
michael's user avatar
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Facebook API - Page Ratings and Reviews with 'has_rating'=false

So I am trying to access the Reviews/ratings of a page. I succeed at getting data but it's not complete. On the page in question there are also reviews withing 'X amount of stars'. These reviews are ...
kgongonowdoe's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API to get what someone likes

Is it possible to get what someone likes using the Graph API? I mean, I do can get my likes with /me?fields=likes But I can't get other's likes with /{OTHER_ID}?fields=likes Even if the OTHER_ID ...
Tacca's user avatar
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How can I translate this URL into a Graph API search or FQL query?

I can find all users who like StackOverflow and live in California using this URL on Facebook: ...
rtheunissen's user avatar
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Facebook Posted image shared link not working?

When we post image on facebook by my android app it's post successfully but when we click on that post on Facebook app (on mobile devices) there is a toast appear "There's a problem opening this app." ...
Gurmeet Singh's user avatar
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Obtaining Facebook Page Access Tokens Without Page Ownership

Is it possible to generate a page access token for a page that I didn't create? I have been granted an 'Admin' page role but annoyingly when I go to the Graph API Explorer ( https://developers....
richelliot's user avatar
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Why is Facebook graph returning 0 likes for this page?

I have been trying to figure out why this request to Facebook API returns 0 likes for this page - Here is the request:
Wonko the Sane's user avatar
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Sorting facebook album photos using graph Api

I am trying to get last 7 updated images from album folder. I used reverse_chronological as well as chronological but its not working. Based on time update i have to sort the images. https://graph....
RED.Skull's user avatar
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Facebook graph-api get link stats

I was using fql to get link stats like this:{token}&q="SELECT share_count, like_count, comment_count, click_count,url FROM link_stat WHERE url=http://...
carpics's user avatar
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How to get photos from a facebook page without login in ios

I am making photo viewer app. I want to get photos from Facebook page without user needs to Login. I know how to get photos from Facebook but I did not know how to get photos without login? I use ...
Maulik shah's user avatar
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facebook group info using url

For a public group, i am getting the group info by the followong code: Group group = facebookClient.fetchObject("359484787507661", Group.class); But ...
din_oops's user avatar
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How to get my all facebook posts by group ID

As the fql is deprecated for versions v2.1 and higher, So I am not able to access the data using fql. Is there any way to fetch only my posts by group id. Please correct me, if Im wrong.
Pankaj Bhandarkar's user avatar
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How to get facebook page unlike_count using FQL QUERY

I have created a page on facebook and get their details using fql query. Here I mentioned the fql query SELECT url, normalized_url, share_count, like_count, comment_count, total_count, ...
Anand Rajagopal's user avatar
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Facebook FQL how to know uid1 and uid2 are friend

I tried this query SELECT uid1,uid2 from friend where uid1= 437574483052913 AND uid2 = 314664215408124 I got an empty return . When I search their name in their friends list , I see they are ...
Minh Nguyen's user avatar

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