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Questions tagged [es6-class]

This tag is for questions regarding Classes in Ecmascript 6. The tag is only for classes provided in the Ecmascript version.

0 votes
1 answer

Why is inheritance using constructor functions "hard to do properly" (MDN)?

The MDN's article for "Inheritance and the prototype chain", under "Different ways of creating and mutating prototype chains": "With constructor functions", gives the ...
Aayla Secura's user avatar
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1 answer

JavaScript class with static methods vs object with function properties

In JavaScript (and TypeScript) is there any difference between using a class vs an object to namespace methods from a performance perspective? And are there any other reasons to prefer one option over ...
Cam Parry's user avatar
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1 answer

Get value of private variable in extension method ES6 class in JavaScript

I have a JavaScript ES6 class in a library that uses some private base values to compute another value. Abstracted and simplified the situation is something like this: class Example { #apples; #...
tesmo's user avatar
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1 answer

Detect direct instances in JavaScript

A couple of years ago, I wanted figure how to create a type check for class A that returns true only for objects instantiated by new A(). For this, I wrote the class like this: class A { static #...
Melab's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

How to correctly implement a 'Child' class that extends a 'Parent' class and inherits a class field from the latter?

This is my task Implement a Child class that extends the Parent. Add a constructor to the Child class can calls super(). Implement a new function addNewAbilities(newAbility) in the Child class where ...
programmingnoob's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Change prototype chain in multiple level class inheritance

Since JS doesn't allow to extends more than one class, we could be with a complex inheritance chain like this class Level1 { constructor() { this.level = 1; } method1() { ...
DaniloMourelle's user avatar
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1 answer

Extending a JavaScript ES6+ class that explicitly returns an object in its constructor

I'm having issue with extending a Javascript ES6+ class that returns an object from the constructor. Take for example: class Base { constructor() { return {name: "base"} } } class ...
calebpitan's user avatar
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Sequelize Models, registered, synced, but how to do CRUD-Operations?

i used a course on udemy to make my first steps with sequelize: Because I only want to use ES-Modules I had to make a few adjustments. ...
Daniel Hüpenbecker's user avatar
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1 answer

ES6 classes extends a class with returning constructor

In the following code I have an unexpected behaviour for me. I was waited to see the method A2::method() to be called, but it is A0::method() instead. More tests showed me that if A1 returns something,...
Guile's user avatar
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2 answers

verbose class definition in TypeScript

I have a class with a destructured constructor parameter: import * as ē from 'three' export class cylindricCurve extends ē.Curve { #scale: number #eqs: ((θ: number) => number)[] #rounds: ...
punund's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to extend Array to enforce specific arguments in TypeScript?

I'm using TypeScript and I want to extend Array to enforce a specific argument. This way, I can make sure that whenever I create a FruitArray, the first element is a fruit. So I tried extending Array ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why I can't use 'super' in prototype method definition when I can use Object.getPrototypeOf(this.constructor.prototype)?

So I tested this code: class C1 {} C1.prototype. f =function(){ return 1 } class C2 extends C1 {} C2.prototype. f =function(){ return super.f()+1 } And it throws a syntax error: 'super' keyword ...
user1533299's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to modify properties of multiple objects or class instances all at once with one line of code?

In JavaScript (assuming version is >= ES6), say that I have a class; class MyClass { constructor() { = null; } } ... and I create two new instances of the class; let inst1 = ...
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Create class constructor using eval: getting ReferenceError

I'm trying to create class constructor dynamically and came acrosss the following solution: //TeamMemberProfile.js export default class TeamMemberProfile{ }...
vir us's user avatar
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0 answers

Dynamically serialise and restore ES6 class types in javascript

Is it possible to serialize ES6 class type having object instance? How? class MyClass { } let myClass = new MyClass() //store class type let clazzTypeString = serializeClassTypeToString(myClass) let ...
vir us's user avatar
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