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Questions tagged [deriving]

In Haskell, a derived instance is an instance declaration that is generated automatically in conjunction with a data or newtype declaration. The body of a derived instance declaration is derived syntactically from the definition of the associated type.

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Deriving FromRow on a type with [String] field

I am building a haskell server with a postgres database. I am using postgresql-simple to query the db. I have the following type: data Reading = Reading { id :: UUID , title :: String , authors ...
Razumov's user avatar
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Deriving `Eq` for a data type based on a type family in Haskell

I'm working with type-level programming in Haskell and have encountered an issue with deriving an Eq instance for a data type based on a type family. Here's a simplified version of my code: {-# ...
jan.vogt's user avatar
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Deriving newtype recursively like functionality

Lets say, in package P, I've got a type A, defined something like so: newtype A = A Int There's then external package X (which I don't control, unlike P and Q), which has a class C and an instance: ...
Clinton's user avatar
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Which kinds of lawfull `Functor`s are possible in Haskell?

I know following types of Functors: Polynomial functor == simple not-nested parameterized datatype Generalization of 1, by using "parameter removing" newtypes: Fix, Some (existentials), ...
uhbif19's user avatar
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Trying to add deriving(Show, Read) to an expression tree

I am fairly new to Haskell so it is probably something simple that I am missing but I have an expression tree that looks like this: data Expression = Lit Float | Add Expression ...
skiboy108's user avatar
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Derive typeclass instances for opaque types in Scala 3

Is there a way in Scala 3 to use derives keyword in combination with opaque type aliases? It would be nice to have a boilerplate-free way to provide a typeclass instance to a given opaque type alias ...
alessandro candolini's user avatar
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How to use deriving Show() in mutually recursive types?

Let's directly see the codes. type symbol = | JumpDes of int | CallDes of func | StarDes of exp (*here needs the definition of type exp*) deriving (Show) type exp = | Const of const |...
S1mple's user avatar
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Why automatical deriving for newtype does not work

I use library msgpack-types-0.0.4 and I have a type: newtype A = A Text and I tried deriving MessagePack, deriving newtype MessagePack, standalone derivings, it seems nothing works (or I do something ...
RandomB's user avatar
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Problem when deriving Eq from data type with function as field in Haskell

I'm trying to deriving Eq from data type with a function as a field but doesn't work as expected. I also try to write te instance but still doesn't work data Conf = Conf { rule :: ([Char] -> ...
Javier Sánchez Castro's user avatar
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Can I use DerivingVia to derive instances for data types isomorphic to tuples

Given the following data type data Both a b = Both { left :: a, right :: b } I can write instances for Applicative etc. like so (omitting Functor here as we can use DeriveFunctor): instance Monoid a =...
l7r7's user avatar
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Alternative of Show that only uses name

Is there something like Show (deriving Show) that only uses an algebraic datatype's constructors? (please don't mind that I'm using the word constructor, I don't know the right name...) The reason for ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Deriving via ReaderT

I'm writing the Monad instance for this type using ReaderT and deriving via newtype HIO a = HIO {runHIO :: Set HiPermission -> IO a} I've tried to do it this way newtype HIO a = HIO {runHIO :: Set ...
Maria Z's user avatar
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Using "deriving via" with a type family

I have a typeclass with a default implementation, and would like to provide a simple way to derive the typeclass if a user wants to use their custom monad. Here's a solution someone else provided me: {...
Edward's user avatar
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Deriving from std::vector - what am I doing wrong? [duplicate]

Trying to switch from some custom made classes I built to std classes. Just for a start, I am trying to derive from std::vector. #include <vector> template < class DATA_T > class CArray : ...
Razzupaltuff's user avatar
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Deriving a class instance for a type based on another class it's an instance of

I have a situation where I have some similar newtypes that all need to be instances of Random, Arbitrary, and lots of other stuff. They all need the same custom implementation of the functions randomR,...
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