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Questions tagged [dart]

Dart is a class-based, statically(& strongly)-typed programming language for building web and mobile applications. Dart compiles to modern JavaScript to run in the browser and compiles to native code to run on mobile platforms like Android and iOS. Dart also runs on the command-line for scripting and server-side apps.

0 votes
2 answers

Can't figure out how to delete the numbers that I have generated with onPressed

I made a simple program with a Plus Button and a Minus Button that generates numbers successively. Generating the numbers with the Plus Button works fine but, I tried to delete the numbers with the ...
7 votes
2 answers

Clearing the terminal screen in a command-line Dart app

This one don't work (on Windows in a Cmd-Box): import 'dart:io'; void main() { print("Hello, World!"); Process.start('cls', [], runInShell: true).then((process) { stdout.addStream(...
0 votes
0 answers

Horizontal tree indent guides is missing

I am using Android Studio . but I am unable to see this tree indent guides (like the fig. 2) Please help me how to enable this option. I've tried to check the option in Settings -> Languages & ...
-1 votes
0 answers

My screen is blank when I start the application. It's a flutter app made using bloc cubit and custom backend using Node if someone is willing to run and check the code. Or just give me tips where the error could be producing from. I ...
1 vote
3 answers

Flutter how to share PDF files?

I'm trying to implement some new functionalities to my Flutter app such as sharing PDF files with people. So I got 10 different pages and 10 different PDF files. On each page I want to implement a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Fabric.js Canvas equivalent widget in flutter

Is there any flutter widget like fabric.js canvas? We want to do image editing like multiple images drag and drop inside the canvas, freetransforming the image and entire canvas should be zoom in, ...
4 votes
4 answers

Flutter Scrollbar in vertical and horizontal axis

I have two scrollbars in my flutter project for scrolling the data table. Here are the codes. Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Center( child: ...
1 vote
2 answers

Unable to install dart-sdk?

I want to get stated with flutter-web so I am trying to install dart-sdk. I tried to install it by ... choco install dart-sdk and its setup ... but it just doesn't install. Instead, a script gives ...
0 votes
4 answers

How to put a Divider between DropdownMenu items in Flutter

I have a DropdownMenu and I want to draw a horizontal divider(line) between DropDownMenuEntries. 'dropdownMenuEntries' property only expects a List of DropDownMenuEntry Widgets. Any help would be ...
0 votes
2 answers

Access ThemeData property inside ThemeData definition

In my Flutter app I declare ThemeData with a colorSchemeSeed: return MaterialApp( ... theme: ThemeData( useMaterial3: true, visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity, ...
11 votes
2 answers

HTTP3 Client for flutter

Is There a HTTP3 client for dart? There is Flupke in Java, Aioqic in python but I didn't find one for dart as well as flutter
3 votes
2 answers

How to throttle events in bloc?

How to throttle events in bloc? Let's say, I want to trigger file save on user input, but perform file system access not more often than once per 100ms? Example bloc event handler: on<StoreFile>(...
0 votes
0 answers

Flutter PDF Content on New Page Even if Space Above

I am trying to my _contentFooter() to break into page. When there are 4 row in _contentTable() It come exactly Bellow the table, but more row it comes on second page. Using flutter package https://pub....
0 votes
0 answers

Using FirebaseAuth stateChanges to switch pageView index

I am trying to write an app and I have a section to display the users profile and a login/register prompt if they aren't signed in yet. I am using a pageView to switch between the 2 as I want to keep ...
0 votes
1 answer

List inside in two column show overflow issue

I have a overflow issue. I have list view inside of 2 column which show overflow issue. Widget getViewMethod() { return Column(children: [ Container(color: ColorConst.whiteColor, height: 40), ...

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