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Questions tagged [dart]

Dart is a class-based, statically(& strongly)-typed programming language for building web and mobile applications. Dart compiles to modern JavaScript to run in the browser and compiles to native code to run on mobile platforms like Android and iOS. Dart also runs on the command-line for scripting and server-side apps.

2 votes
1 answer

Dart #import from other drive: "Not allowed to load local resource"

I have a library on another drive (working on m: and referencing c:). When running my dart program in Chromium I keep getting "Not allowed to load local resource..." Is there a best practice to avoid ...
2 votes
2 answers

Cannot find referenced source: package:unittest/unittest.dart

I'm unable to import files using the pub package syntax like the following: #import("package:unittest/unittest.dart"); I receive the following compile time error: Cannot find referenced source: ...
2 votes
1 answer

Getting document height with Dart?

I'll say upfront that I feel like a total newb asking this. I've scoured the Dart docs, and googled this as much as I can. No answers. Been writing in JS for a while. Trying to get a handle on Dart. ...
5 votes
1 answer

What is the status of #resource ('main.css') in dart

I dont see it being used much anymore, the DartEditor seems to claim its deprecated, is it deprecated? Does anyone have some publicly tracked history on this?
2 votes
2 answers

Convert a string to raw string

It's easy so declare a raw string String raw = @'\"Hello\"'; But how can I convert a existing string to a raw string ? This can come with file reading or ajax call : I want read the file as a raw ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I create a scrollable div with CompositeView in Dart?

i'm trying to use CompositeView from the ui_lib in Dart. I want to display stuff in a div that can be scrolled up and down. So far I have no luck and there isn't much sample with that. Thanks in ...
2 votes
1 answer

Google Plus API using Dart - status 401, authorization issue

Please check my code below, dart code for plus api, I am getting authorization issue, I have enabled Google+ API in API Console. I am using API key instead of OAuth2. Failed to load resource: the ...
6 votes
2 answers

How to effectively handle browser history (namely the back button) in Dart?

Is there any facility to help dealing with state and the back button in Dart's standard library? Or would I need to emulate a Javascript solution to implement navigation through a web application's ...
0 votes
1 answer

EventSource Error with Dart

I'am trying to use EventSource with Dart. var source = new EventSource('/myUrl'); source.on.error.add((Event e) => print('error')); source.on.message.add((MessageEvent me) => print(; ...
2 votes
2 answers

Why does overriding negate cause static warning in Dart

Having a simple class as follows is considered a static warning, why? operator 'negate' should return numeric type class Vector { final int x,y; const Vector(this.x, this.y); ...
4 votes
1 answer

How can a Dart application read cell data from google spreadsheets

What are the possible options and setups one would need for reading data out of a google docs spreadsheet into a dart web application? Does dart need the wrapper around gdata REST api to do this? Has ...
2 votes
1 answer

Throw exception from closure

I've been trying to setup a simple Serversocket and I would like to have an exception thrown (other than some other stuff ie. setting a var to false) if some error is encountered, it works using an ...
2 votes
1 answer

mod_dart is dead - help me rebuild it

I've been watching and playing with dart since I first heard about it. The idea is great, but one aspect of the language is still unattainable. Server side processing. I'm not talking about setting ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do I send data to a process?

I'm trying to write a dart server application that will communicate to an application which accepts input and gives output, like the unix tool bc. I can read the output of bc, but I cannot send a ...
0 votes
1 answer

dart: How to show data from mysql to browser by use sqljocky connector

Everybody can tell me How to show data from mysql to browser by use sqljocky connector. I guess "dart:io and dart:html" that is problem. thanks.

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