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Questions tagged [cypress]

Cypress an all-in-one web testing framework and assertion library developed in JavaScript, complete with automatic waits, request mocking, and request stubbing.

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2 answers

How can we prevent logging in and out repeatedly when utilizing multiple spec files in a Cypress Test Suite focused on grouping? [duplicate]

I have four test cases that require using the same credentials for logging in. When grouping these test cases, I aim to perform the login process only once, and ensure Cypress does not close the ...
Jigar Tanna's user avatar
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cypress: how to mock useTranslation in test? [closed]

I want to ask that I have a component EmailSignUpView that use react-intl to translate text content. import { useTranslation as t } from '@utils/hooks'; <div className={styles.notifyContainer}> ...
JeffChen's user avatar
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Cypress - Page Load Fails despite loading correct JSON

I'm trying to learn Cypress. And I'm trying to intercept an API call and return a fixed JSOn response. It works correctly with all responses being sent, and the page loads in the IDE too but Cypress ...
Ariha's user avatar
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How do I override high level env variables in a github actions .yml file at lower levels?

I have a .yml file for my CI/CD pipeline in Github Actions. I have an env variable that gets set at the job level, and then reset at the step level for a single step. However, the env at the step ...
Francis Yang's user avatar
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Cypress - cannot select option in dropdown inside the iframe

I have a dropdown like below: The panel with the options is displayed only when the user starts typing. The DOM input element is defined as below: <input _ngcontent-ng-c3697127439="" ...
bartleo's user avatar
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How to wait until element is visible in Cypress without using timeout [closed]

How to wait until element is visible in Cypress without using timeout. Currently I am using the following method, but I don't need time and interval: Cypress.Commands.add('waitForElementPresent', (...
shivam's user avatar
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Nyc instrumentation code coverage report containing instrumented code

I am using nyc instrumentation and cypress code coverage plugin ( Using npx nyc instrument I instrument my app, so cypress can intercept the ...
Lucas's user avatar
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cypress support/e2e.ts is running in component mode

I'm trying to add cypress component tests to a code base that already has e2e tests running. This is my run command: npx cypress run --component --browser chrome It is running support\e2e.ts which ...
Ger's user avatar
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how to fetch mochawesome report in case cypress crashes in jenkins

I am running my cypress tests in Jenkins using following command npm run test -- --spec 'cypress/myspecs/' --browser chrome --headless --reporter mochawesome --reporter-options ...
Tanzeel Ur Rahman's user avatar
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2 answers

Cypress .type does not update the v-model value in my form powered by Vue3

login.vue - which is the login page <template> <v-container id="login-page"> <v-row> <v-col> <input id="username" v-model="...
Dean Christian Armada's user avatar
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I cant submit a iframe window pop up in Cypress

I am testing a endpoint made with aspx with cypress the issue appears on a popup iframe form for adding credit card info when I complete the info and hit on save buttom using of course cypress test ...
charlesr's user avatar
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vite-istanbul/nyc only picks up untested files

I am running Cypress component tests for a vue3+vite app. Instrumentation is done via vite-instanbul plugin. In cypress, I am able to get window.__ coverage__ and see the counters on different files. ...
jenesaisquoi's user avatar
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Failing on trying to use a function as a command in Cypress

I'm starting to work with Cypress and programming in general. I'm working on a very simple personal project executing TCs in a webpage. I have this piece of code in 'registrationPage.js' /// <...
Nahuel Valles's user avatar
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Cypress test on github action is not failing as expected

I'm building a CI with github action and I want to run a login attempt test, there are two specs, the first makes the attempt (where it blocks for 10 minutes for the next attempt) and the other checks ...
Luiz Henrique's user avatar
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Webpack compilation error with cypress-cucumber-preprocessor

Error Message: Webpack Compilation Error Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:15) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this ...
Obr's user avatar
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