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Questions tagged [cors]

Use this tag when you see a message in the browser devtools console about CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) — e.g., your browser logged an error about Access-Control-Allow-Origin, and you want to know how to eliminate the error. Also for other questions on the CORS protocol (defined in the Fetch Standard as a way to use response headers to tell browsers to relax the same-origin policy and allow cross-origin XHR/Fetch/Ajax requests).

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CORS Error Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: It does not have HTTP ok status

Hello i've been developing a MERN app, instead of MongoDB is MySQL, so its MySQl ERN app. My site is a simple blog, post blogs with a name, and the content of the blog. So i implemented CORS while ...
mini1012's user avatar
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Two NextJS applications in separate repositories under one backend

I have two NextJS applications under separate repositories and different domains. I want the second NextJS application to fetch the first NextJS application's backend code. Backend is graphql + apollo....
Mona Fang's user avatar
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Handling CORS in React Native

I have a FastAPI backend running and want to protect any URL using my endpoint with CORS. With a web app, it's simple; you just need to accept requests that match your frontend URL. However, how would ...
Sahl 's user avatar
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Firebase Listener doesnt work on safari but works on chrome

I am making a time table that users can store locally using Shared Preferences in flutter. When an admin makes an update in firestore, I want the changes to be updated locally as well (in Shared ...
Fats's user avatar
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CORS error accessing file in S3 from Serverless Framework deployment

I have a project based on a template using Serverless Framework to deploy a react app served from an S3 bucket. The serverless deploy works fine, creates the CloudFormation stack, creates the S3 ...
gbryant's user avatar
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Origin type array not working in nextjs-cors

In the official CORS package of nextjs-cors documentation, I see that an array of domains can be passed as origin value: here is a code snippet ...
Jeesmon Joy's user avatar
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AWS CloudFront - "CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing" for single S3 Resource

I have a video service which will automatically convert uploaded MP4 files to HLS Streams using MediaConvert and store them in S3. From there, a CloudFront URL to the HLS Stream is used for displaying ...
MattChris's user avatar
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Why is CORS blocking the GCF request when an ID is used?

I am making calls via the Hubspot API from a Firebase Cloud Functions file. Most of these work without any issues; however, any endpoints that require an ID are blocked by CORS. I've tested these ...
Remy Bartolotta's user avatar
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How to fix CORS blocking maplibre-gl search option from accessing AWS Location Places indexes?

I am working on a ReactJS project where I am implementing a map from maplibre-gl-js. I have connected my app to AWS Location service using Amplify and can receive the Vector tiles from AWS. I cam ...
Byron Ojua-Nice's user avatar
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ElasticBeanstalk Docker app is allowing CORS all origins

We have a Docker application which we are deploying to AWS via the EB CLI and a Docker compose file. There is a load balancer that sits in front of the EC2 instance to setup SSL and forwarding rules ...
Ben Thurley's user avatar
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How to allow user to download an image using a reactjs button click? [duplicate]

EDIT: What makes this different is that I'm perfectly able to access these resources with the browser using an <img> tag, but can't get the data with a fetch. The 'similar' questions don't ...
lowcrawler's user avatar
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Spring Boot and React app CORS errors (Hosted on Azure)

Hi to all that can help me. I've been sitting here for days on end and I can't figure out how to get my Spring Boot and React app working. The frontend is deployed as an Azure Static Web App and the ...
XavierReynolds's user avatar
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Azure app unable to connect to Supabase- Invalid URL Exception

My app that runs completely fine locally has problem with connecting to Supabase when deployed on Azure. raise SupabaseException("Invalid URL") The credentials are correct. It is a chat app ...
user25605486's user avatar
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Setting JWT Cookies from Express Backend to Frontend

i am trying to set the cookie using JWT. On localhost everything works like charm. But when i deploy my FE(front-end) and BE(back-end) on i can login but after that i get the errors ...
Faisal Rehman's user avatar
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CORS errors on Firefox under corporate VPN

I'm using Firefox on a work Macbook. Occasionally, I encounter sites that won't load properly on Firefox, but everything works OK on Chrome. The latest example is The system is ...
nologin's user avatar
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Next js- GraphQl Request is working in getStaticProps on component level but in component itself it's throwing CORS error on localhost [closed]

GraphQl Request is working in getStaticProps on component level but in component itself it's throwing CORS error on localhost. It is the same request, only in different place. I know that ...
Alicja Miotk's user avatar
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44 views Core API return POST method data from postman after publish But return CORS policy error from React App [closed]

I am trying to create a React App with an ASP.NET Core API backend. The problem is when I run the API locally and try to log in from the React app, everything works fine. I can fetch data without any ...
percy's user avatar
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How to enable CORS in Hapi (post version 17)

In pre-v18 of Hapi, enabling CORS was pretty straightforward: const server = Hapi.server({ port: 3000, host: 'localhost', routes: { cors: true } }); With v18 the syntax for ...
Not a machine's user avatar
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CORS undefined problem in Node.js and Plesk

I have problem with CORS in my Node app on Plesk. On is the form with PayPal checkout, after the payment goes through, it sends the form data to (Node - ...
Ondra's user avatar
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CORS Error on Angular only with Basic Auth

I have an Angular app that makes an httpClient.get() call to an Api. I developed that api with SpringBoot and it should return a json. I set @CrossOrigins(*) on each method and when I try to call the ...
Francesco Cappellini's user avatar
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CORS error showing even when the backend access control allow origin is set for frontend url after deployment on vercel

I have deployed my mern app's frontend and backend on vercel on 2 different url's. For backend i have set : app.use(cors({credentials : true , origin : ''})); ...
Aditya Nagare's user avatar
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CORS Issue on Azure Function App (Flex Consumption Host Model)

I'm currently facing a CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) issue with my Azure Function App, which is running on a Flex Consumption host model. It was developed locally and deployed to a Azure. I'm ...
Shelani de Silva's user avatar
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CORS causing my file upload to fail in a kubernetes application with fastAPI and React frontend

I have been trying to get my frontend to work with a fastAPI to upload a file to a database. I keep hitting the CORS issue, have gone through multiple stackoverflow threads but Im still not any closer ...
SSB's user avatar
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Nuxt3 calling external api got cors error

hi i am using axios to call external api and i keep getting cors error right now my nuxt.config.ts export default defineNuxtConfig({ ssr: true, srcDir: 'frontend/', buildDir: 'frontend/.nuxt', ...
Code for life's user avatar
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How do I add CORS header to AWS Lambda response headers using the Quarkus Lambda function?

When using Quarkus and considering using it to deploy lambda functions to AWS. I've been able to create a function with GET and POST endpoints, link them to the API Gateway and hit them from Postman. ...
TiOLUWA's user avatar
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Issues with CORS and HTTP Requests in Vercel Deployment for Node.js and MongoDB Backend

I'm facing issues with CORS and HTTP requests in my project deployed on Vercel. The project involves a Node.js backend ( and a frontend ( I have ...
ShashidharM's user avatar
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Cors confict with 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'

I have a Node.js application with a React front-end. I'm working on this application in Project IDX. The CORS configuration is as follows: backend: app.use(cors({ origin: 'https://5173-url-front-...
Jose's user avatar
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CORS Error on API with Reacrt.js

I am facing CORS issue while integrating '', Does anyone solved it? try { const response = await '', ...
Kshiteej Jain's user avatar
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ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT When Making POST Request from React to Azure SQL server

I am encountering an ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error when trying to send a POST request from my React application to my SQL Server hosted on Azure. The goal is to add data to an Azure SQL database. And ...
EikkaPine's user avatar
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MERN frontend on public ip (117.162...:80) is not connecting to MERN backend on local ip (192.168.....:4000)

I have created MERN-VITE app and in local host it is working file even on my university network it is working fine and can be accessed from anywhere. But when I got public ip from IT department, the ...
Tarun Kumar's user avatar
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How do I ensure that my Frontend is the Origin sending a POST request to my Backend [duplicate]

I have a Vue 3 frontend site that I want to be able to sign up new users. When the user enters their information into the frontend, the frontend will send a POST request to the backend which is a ...
8SIXSector's user avatar
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PHP not receiving any POST request body from javascript fetch api

I am writing a program that takes input from a website and sends inputted data through phpMailer. I am sending the information in json through a post request using javascript fetch. I am also running ...
Daniel Svirida's user avatar
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Getting CORS error in AWS (Cloudfront distribution + S3 setup)

Earlier I was accessing this cloudfront distribution from one repo, localhost:4000, and from stage env. It was all working fine. I set up a new localhost localhost:4800 and tried accessing the same ...
Deepak Negi's user avatar
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Google chrome console reveals the list of allowed domain in CORS policy...(how to supress)

I have applied CORS policy on my web service portal (https://web-service-portal) and enabled the domain https://allowed-site. Now when I try to access https://web-service-portal from https://site-not-...
crazy innovator's user avatar
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flutter_inappwebview InterceptAjaxRequest can't add header

Expected behavior: Here I want to use shouldInterceptAjaxRequest and change the request url and add header. Current behavior: Only request url be changed, header not working at all. Steps to reproduce ...
Norman's user avatar
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405 (Method Not Allowed) Error in Vercel FastAPI Backend (But Works Locally)

I have just deployed my NextJS-frontend/FastAPI-backend app on Vercel, and I am currently running into an issue that seems related to CORS that is giving me a 405 Method Not Allowed when I try to POST/...
theGreenCabbage's user avatar
-2 votes
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Access to XMLHttpRequest X from origin Y has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check

Access to XMLHttpRequest X from origin Y has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the ...
FreelanceConsultant's user avatar
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How to resolve a Cors error when trying to get an authentication token using authorisation code grant in Next.js

I have an app where im trying to send a generated pdf to get a signature. Pretty straightforward. I got the authentication working in postman, but when I try it in code, I get this error: Access to ...
Duncan Findlay's user avatar
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Problem with SmartBrain App - Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

I'm trying to solve an issue I've been having with my SmartBrain app. I completed the ZTM Web Developer course and completed the app but then had problems using it later on. I keep getting a "...
Brandon Fyall's user avatar
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NestJS CORS Error It's working well all of a sudden, but an error suddenly occurs

import { NestFactory, Reflector } from "@nestjs/core"; import { Logger, ValidationPipe } from "@nestjs/common"; import { AppModule } from "./app.module"; import { ...
developer-ppang's user avatar
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Springboot Cors configuration works for Get requests but not to Post requests

I am in the following situation, I configured cors. I hosted my app using tomcat10 and the frontend is React. With the development server of Springboot, locally everythin works fine. But when hosted ...
Diego Alves's user avatar
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Authorization header filtered out by cors

I'm using Spring Security 6.3.1 and it seems cors is filtering out my authorization header. I made sure that the request from my webapp contains the header but when i try to get it in my ...
HalcyonsGlory's user avatar
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How to stop google analytics from setting _ga cross-site cookie when using resources from site A on Site B

I have a website (A) on which I've placed google analytics tag. I have a second website (B) on which I am loading resources from When I visit site A (...
nunsy grey's user avatar
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CORS issue when call Supabase edge function

I have integrated a PayPal button on my website to handle subscription payments. When the payment is approved, I need to send the subscription details to a Supabase edge function to update my database....
Imran's user avatar
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Unity WebGL Multiple CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ not allowed

I have a Unity webGL training app. The app can run on any PC. It runs a number of php scripts on the server to logon and update test scores etc in a database with mysqli. It checks whether a user ...
Dradb's user avatar
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How to change Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in wamp64?

I'm creating an Angular 17 application with the angular cli. Within the Angular application (served at 'http://localhost:4200') I'm trying to access an mp3 file which resides on the Wamp64 server ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Cloudfront omits CORS header in preflight request only when Authorization header is included

We have a Cloudfront distribution in front of a HTTP API Gateway. Cloudfront: Caching disabled AllViewerExceptHostHeader Response Header policy, custom Adds Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <list>, ...
omairvaiyani's user avatar
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How do I solve CORS issues with the Zoho Expense Report API?

In my project where I use Angular 16, I want to use the Zoho Expense APIs, specifically the expense report API. Since I am using Angular, I created a client-based application and obtained my Client ID,...
Fatih Ozan Arslan's user avatar
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Capacitor 6.1.x on both Android and iOS http connection always return CORS error

I am encountering an issue with Capacitor 6.1.0 on both Android and iOS platforms: When using Android Studio and Xcode, I receive the following error message: "Access to fetch at 'https://...
sleepcattw's user avatar
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Rails & Ahoy: No route matches [OPTIONS] "/ahoy/visits"

We have a Rails 7 app that uses Ahoy and runs on Heroku. Apparently, we occasionally have users that use the website via Google Translate. Recently, this yields this error: No route matches [OPTIONS] &...
gibihmruby's user avatar

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