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Questions tagged [coq]

Coq is a formal proof management system, semi-interactive theorem prover and functional programming language. Coq is used for software verification, the formalization of programming languages, the formalization of mathematical theorems, teaching, and more. Due to the interactive nature of Coq, we recommend questions to link to executable examples at if deemed appropriate.

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How do I apply (S n' <=? m) = true to S n' <= m? [closed]

Trying to complete a Coq proof but I ended up getting stuck on the last goal. I transformed the goal to S n' <= m and have a hypothesis (S n' <=? m) = true, but am unable to unify these. I tried ...
VikramG's user avatar
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Software Foundations (lf): proving leb_plus_exists and plus_leb_exists

I've been working through Volume 1 of Software Foundations, and I can't get past a pair of optional questions in Logic.v. Anyone have any idea what to do? Theorem leb_plus_exists : forall n m, n <=?...
VikramG's user avatar
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Coq/Ltac: is it possible to design a tactic that says the goal is proved when a decision procedure proves it, without the proof term?

I am designing a Coq tactic that calls a decision procedure, which answers yes/no, without giving a proof term. When I get yes, I would like to say Ltac that the goal is proved. Is there a way to do ...
Henrique Guerra's user avatar
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Proving some theorems on the function index in Coq

I’m trying to implement an index function in Coq. I’ve written this code: Notation grid := (list nat). Fixpoint index_aux (n : nat) (g : grid) (i : nat) : option nat := match g with | [] => ...
Lepticed's user avatar
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How to prove this in Coq

Lemma x: forall P Q: Set -> Prop, forall f: Set -> Set, forall x, (P x -> Q (f x)) -> (exists x, P x) -> (exists x, Q x). I try to do it many ...
lukmik's user avatar
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Why does coq not recognize that `None = Some v` is false?

I have a function: Fixpoint eval (fuel : nat) (env : environment) (e : exp) := match fuel with | 0 => None | S fuel' => (...) end I'm now proving a property of such ...
mell_o_tron's user avatar
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How to make Spoq generate high-level specifications in Coq (not just AST) for the functions in LLVM IR

I am trying to use Spoq framework (and on GitHub) to translate code from C to Coq. I faced problem - I am getting only low-level specifications for my functions (just AST), but I want to get high-...
Natasha Klaus's user avatar
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Does import not only import but also change existing definitions?

Using the following Coq code: Search "prod_uncurry_subdef". Require Import Arith. Search "prod_uncurry_subdef". prints out the following: prod_uncurry_subdef: forall [A B C : Type]...
Andreas Florath's user avatar
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In Coq, what would be the steps to prove the correctness of a function that solves puzzles like Sudoku or Takuzu?

What would be the general steps to prove the correctness of a function that solves puzzles, for example Sudoku or Takuzu?
Lepticed's user avatar
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How to define a recursive notation with overlapping production?

I am working with labelled transition systems and I want to conveniently express sequences of transitions. I defined the transition type as Inductive Trans : Label -> State -> State -> Prop ...
radrow's user avatar
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Dependent equality with 2 different type functions

How do you work with dependent types where the function making the type differs? I'm working on a problem where I have 2 dependent types where the types are indexed in different ways. I want to show ...
scubed's user avatar
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Efficient Record Construction in Coq: Is Direct Proof Inclusion Possible?

I want to define a small record in Coq which also includes certain conditions. In addition I want a definition to create a record in an easy way. Here is my approach: Require Import Arith. (* Define ...
Andreas Florath's user avatar
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Equivalence of inductive and recursive

I have two definitions for factorial of a natural number. One is an inductive definition and the other is a fixpoint. I would like to prove the equivalence of these two definitions, but haven't been ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Iris/Coq replacing literal

I am using Iris for Coq, but I am stuck on something. Here, I want to get the snd value, l', from hd'. Then I can use IH with Hl and Hphi to finish the goal. Does anyone know how to replace hd' in ...
someStudentCS's user avatar
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How to prove (X × Y = ∅) <-> (X = ∅) ∨ (Y = ∅)

I wish to prove the lemma below using Coq and mathcomp.classical_sets. Let A × B - product of some sets, i.e. {(z1, z2) | z1 ∈ A /\ z2 ∈ B} Then (A × B = ∅) <-> (A = ∅) ∨ (B = ∅) My proof is ...
e2e4's user avatar
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