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Questions tagged [coq]

Coq is a formal proof management system, semi-interactive theorem prover and functional programming language. Coq is used for software verification, the formalization of programming languages, the formalization of mathematical theorems, teaching, and more. Due to the interactive nature of Coq, we recommend questions to link to executable examples at if deemed appropriate.

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Coq can't define an inductive proposition

My Coq compiler is not allowing for inductive propositions as: Inductive relation : nat -> nat -> Prop := | A : relation 1 2 | B : relation 2 3. Throws: Error: The reference B was not found ...
Ulises Torrella's user avatar
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Coq Decreasing Argument mapping

I have a graph defined as follows. Definition ldd_state : Type := gmap loc (nat * (loc * loc)). This is a mapping from a loc (positive) to a value nat, and two children. Every node "lives" ...
someStudentCS's user avatar
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The `specialize` tatic in Coq does not work well with typeclasses?

I have a simple question about using the specialize tactic in Coq for typeclass-based code. Specifically, I am using stdpp and I have a type lcmm_memory that is defined to be gmap nat lcmm_val. Why ...
andreas's user avatar
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Multiple Assignements in a Coq Map to the same value

I'm given the following definition of com that sssigns new values to more than one variable in a single command.: Inductive com : Type := | CSkip | CAsgn (xs : list string) (es : list aexp) (* <...
user23439360's user avatar
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Decider for lists In Fixpoint

I am relatively new to coq and i am not sure how to procede here. I want to write a decidability function for the In Fixpoint of the list library like this: Program Fixpoint InDec (s : K) (l : list K) ...
Deedit's user avatar
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VSCoq Error: Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted

I am using VSCoq with Ubuntu and WSL for a Formal Methods class I am taking this semester. I had it working fine (a trial in and of itself), but am all of a sudden receiving the following errors: [...
catie's user avatar
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How do I move a let variable to a separate hypothesis?

In Coq, as a simplified example (using False to ignore the conclusion), Theorem example (f : nat -> bool) (g : bool -> bool -> bool) (cmplx := let a := f 0 in let b := ...
scubed's user avatar
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Coq inductive not right form

I have troubles with a not well formed IH (or I am making mistakes). From stdpp Require Import mapset. From stdpp Require Import gmap. From stdpp Require Import options. From stdpp Require Import ...
someStudentCS's user avatar
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How can I handle this `false = true` case?

I am trying to prove the following lemma. Inductive bool : Type := | true | false. Lemma andb_true_iff : forall b1 b2 : bool, b1 && b2 = true <-> b1 = true /\ b2 = true. Proof. ...
calvin's user avatar
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Why can't I destruct or discriminate here?

I am proving the following theorem. Definition excluded_middle := forall P : Prop, P \/ ~ P. Theorem not_exists_dist : excluded_middle -> forall (X:Type) (P : X -> Prop), ~ (exists x, ...
calvin's user avatar
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Why I can't use exact P if P is a Prop?

I am trying to prove contraposition. And my proof is like the following. It doesn't work. Theorem contrapositive : forall (P Q : Prop), (P -> Q) -> (~Q -> ~P). Proof. intros. destruct ...
calvin's user avatar
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Why can't I perform rewrite tactic here?

I have already a theorem Theorem plus_id_example : forall n m:nat, n = m -> n + n = m + m. and I want to prove its "reverse form". So I have Theorem plus_n_n_injective : forall n m, ...
calvin's user avatar
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Why we can't use "simpl" on `j = j -> x = y`?

I am trying to solve the injection_ex3 exercise in Software Foundation Volume 1. I have the following prove Example injection_ex3 : forall (X : Type) (x y z : X) (l j : list X), x :: y :: l = z :: j ...
calvin's user avatar
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Coq Decision Diagram Multivalued Function

I am trying to accomplish something but am stuck. To begin with, my work is based on a List Decision Diagram. This represents a multi-valued input binary output function. Here, assume we have natural ...
someStudentCS's user avatar
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Coq : Using a parametrized Type from within a Module

I'm trying to use Modules in my project and I made this small example to show what I'm struggling with. Module Type A. Parameter t : Type. End A. Module a : A. Definition t := nat. End a. Module ...
Ulises Torrella's user avatar

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