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Questions tagged [conditional-comments]

Conditional Comments are a feature of Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser. They allow a web page to check the browser version.

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Exclude part for all IE-versions in typo3

I would like to temporary exclude all version of the Internet Explorer (IE) from a specific part in my typo3 html file. I tried to comment it out this way: <!--[if !IE]> --> <p>Some ...
cd-media's user avatar
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Outlook ignores conditional comments when forwarding email

I have optimized an email for Outlook. A content with max-width gets hidden, while the another one (with a set width="" in <td>) shows up. That is working fine so far. When this email gets ...
Ksenial's user avatar
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Why css class is not overridden for IE9?

I have piece of HTML code in which we are applying special css for IE9, IE10 & IE11. <!doctype html> <!--[if IE 9]><html data-placeholder-focus="false" lang="{%=...
Jayesh Dhandha's user avatar
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Parsing HTML Email content inside of conditional comments (trying to avoid regex!)

I know how terribly wrong it is to (attempt to) parse HTML with Regex, which is why I'm trying really, really hard to avoid it. I have an app that generates HTML emails. We're using a big fancy ...
Adam Tuttle's user avatar
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BeautifulSoup4 extract all types of conditional comments

What i try to do: Remove suspicious comments from html mails with bs4. Now i encountered a problem with so called conditional comments of type downlevel-revealed. See:
tzanke's user avatar
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Why is Outlook conditional content showing in Apple mail?

I'm wrestling with an HTML email design destined primarily for Outlook/Office 365. Following advice on various sites I'm wrapping my content table in conditional comments in order to give it a fixed ...
RickL's user avatar
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Do Handlebars work with Microsoft Conditional comments?

We use conditional comments for our html email templates, as well as handlebars. I'm just wondering if handlebars can be used inside conditional comments like so: <div> ...
user7711695's user avatar
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Vue html comment handling

I'm using Vue to produce some html template, I need to include the html conditional comments as per code below. var productTemplate = new Vue({ el: '#myApp' }); <script src="https://...
Adriano's user avatar
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IE11 does not react to conditional comments [duplicate]

I am using asynchronous javascript functions on my website, which are not supported by Internet Explorer 11 or lower. Therefore, I want to show a warning to IE users. To achieve this, I used the ...
Gasp0de's user avatar
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Extracting <script> from HTML with BeautifulSoup

I'm searching through an html file with BeautifulSoup's find_all function. I'm having a couple problems with this. First, since I want to find only the <script> tags, I have to use soup.find_all(...
plshelp's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the extra <!--> in some IE conditional comments?

In the latest version of WordPress, there is a section of the page with the following code: <!--[if lte IE 8]> <script type="text/javascript"> document.body.className = document.body....
John Doe's user avatar
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mysqldump creates conditional comments that lead to errors when restoring

the mySQL Dumps created with mysqldump contain conditional comments like this: /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE ...
Jochen Kunze's user avatar
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What is the intent of this IE-conditional hack?

Can you tell me what is supposed to happen for IE browsers? <!DOCTYPE html><!--[if lt IE 9]><html class="no-js lt-ie9" lang="en" dir="ltr"><![endif]--><!--[if gt IE 8]>&...
Bhoboco's user avatar
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Add Class on commented code or conditional code

Is possible manage conditional code by jQuery or javascript <!--[if IE]> <div class="ie">IE ALERT</div> <![endif]--> $('.ie').addClass('ie-additional-class'); The jsfiddle ...
ShibinRagh's user avatar
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Why does IE9 on emulation mode render conditional comments?

I am testing css with conditional comments on internet explorer 9 using emulation mode, however it seems to render the css on screen as text. why is this happening? <!--[if IE]> .path2 { ...
Sai's user avatar
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