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Questions tagged [performance]

For questions pertaining to the measurement or improvement of code and application efficiency.

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More efficient way of using VAOs in OpenGL

Each mesh is the set of a VBO and an EBO, assuming you have multiple meshes with the same vertex format (ex: position, color), you could use the same VAO for each mesh, like this: ... GLuint ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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FastAPI Insert Performance: 1-2 ms Per Insert - Is This Normal?

I’m building a scalable FastAPI application with the goal of handling more than 10,000 requests per second (RPS). My application is quite complex. However, I’ve identified a significant bottleneck in ...
Reyflex's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is My Python Solution For Trapped Rain Problem so slow?

I have been working on the Leetcode version of the Trapped Rain Problem (See below). My solution passes almost all of the test cases, but I get a "Time Limit Exceeded" failure on test 318, ...
Kris Howerd's user avatar
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first 2 makes query slower than when I use first 1 in sql query in informix database

I have a query on a huge table (126738484 records) on an informix database server; this query returns only one record. when I use "first 1 " in the select statement, it runs quickly but ...
Saina Mohamadyari's user avatar
-2 votes
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Java performance of Iterable<FileStore> [closed]

Can anybody explain what’s going on with my iteration of a list of FileStores? I’ve got a Runnable task that’s executing once a second and calls this code: private ArrayList<FileStore> ...
mstoreysmith's user avatar
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Python : Speed up FFT over an axis in an multidimensional data

I would like to know if there is a better way to speed up the performance of my FFT over the first dimension of a tensor that is 1000 x 512 x 512, for example I tried the following to overcome memory ...
João Luiz Pacheco's user avatar
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Performance issues (and suitability) of react-beautiful-dnd with many (200+ droppables)?

I am making React Material-UI react-beautiful-dnd component which display number of TV breaks (each break is in a separate panel/dnd droppable) and each TV break displays the list of ads inside the ...
TomR's user avatar
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Django prefetch_related not being helpful in diminishing queries

myList = [] qs = MyModel.objects.all().prefetch_related('m2m_model_set') for model in qs: k = model.m2m_model_set.all().values_list('field') myList.extend(k) This code represents what I am ...
Kodeeo's user avatar
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Subdirectories traversing and creation performance [closed]

I am currently working on a software (not designed by me) that creates a file inside a specific, very deep, directory tree. Let's say that the file name is 00112233445566778899.txt The program creates ...
Roberto Ciardi's user avatar
-4 votes
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Why is nesting level of a setTimeout should be greate than 5 to reduce minimal timeout to 4? [closed]

HTML 5 spec by WHATWG, 8.6 Timers says: If nesting level is greater than 5, and timeout is less than 4, then set timeout to 4. I have to ask, why is exactly 5 and why we even have to reduce timeout ...
peperoneen's user avatar
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How to Tune GC for applications maintaining large amount of cache data?

We are running Spring boot restapi application in Production. Suddenly process is not accepting any requests and we couldn't see logs also. Process got hung. We are using G1GC .We are maintaining ...
Sankareswari M's user avatar
-1 votes
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Improving performance of contains method in ASP.NET MVC web application with large dataset

I have an ASP.NET MVC web application using C#, Visual Studio, and SQL Server. This is my code: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { query = query.Where(x => x.PatientName.Contains(Name)); } The ...
hud. 's user avatar
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Run time depends on code after the measured part

Consider the following C++23 program (online). #include <chrono> #include <cstdio> #include <print> constexpr size_t NWrites = 10000000000; #define DEST_STORAGE static #define ...
Dr. Gut's user avatar
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How Can I Achieve SVG Design with Canvas Performance in a React Application?

I'm developing a React application that needs to render a large number of elements. I've implemented the rendering using both and . Canvas: Provides excellent performance and smooth rendering. SVG: ...
user26132048's user avatar
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How to get a list of slow mobile web pages without testing page by page?

Our website passes the desktop pagespeed insight test but the mobile version always fails it. We saw the detailed report of LCP failures. But how can we find out which were those slow pages dragging ...
Manhattan Elite Prep's user avatar

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