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I am currently trying to develop a Roblox game;, would somebody be able to help me with locate a module?

This is a module script, it is in ServerScriptService: local PlayerDataHandler = {} local dataTemplate = { Race = "", Cash = 0, Inventory = {}, Level = 0, } local ...
Sergei Ivlev's user avatar
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Why am I getting prerender errors in Next.js 14 build?

I am encountering an issue when running the next build command on my Next.js 14 application. The build process fails with the following prerendering errors: I have checked the links provided, but I am ...
riki's user avatar
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Hydration error, difference between client and server side

What can i do to avoid the cleint side and server side differences/ hydration error? I want to initalize the state of carProducts to the localstorage, but this result in the hydration error. I tried ...
Renato's user avatar
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QuickFix in Custom Language(Xtext) using Language Server Protocol

I am very new to Language Server Protocol. I have all the xtext related files ie. content assist, validation, quick fixes etc in eclipse and our client is intellij. I want to implement quickfixes ...
A.Goel's user avatar
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How to fetch data from a component (client side) and filter data based on data from the server? NextJS13

Thanks in advance for your help. Context 1st. I have this categories component ( Categories.tsx) with a hardcoded categories const. export const categories = [ { label: 'BMW', ...
Kersmo's user avatar
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When CheckBox control is changed, how to fire client side AND server side events

I have an Checkbox inside a gridview. It has some javascript in OnClick to confirm that the operator wishes to proceed. It also has some server side code on the OnCheckedChanged event. The ...
Eric Staples's user avatar
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NextJS 13 Server Components vs Client components in complex UI

I have some doubts on overall architecture of complex, data driven UIs. Taking the usual blog page example with a sidebar, header and logo where the idea is that: Header and logo are static and can ...
Chris's user avatar
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How do i send a function from the server to the client

Im new to post requests in NodeJS & ExpressJS, Im trying to pass in a function (not the function's result) to get called in the client, I have this listener and this post request (Im trying to ...
ContentGamer's user avatar
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JS file share between front end as common file and backend as module

A JS file name list.js contains an array of data like: let users = [{firstname: 'Paul', lastname:'smith'}]; This file is loaded on client side with the following line: <script src="/js/list....
Fifi's user avatar
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3 answers

Pass a server-side prop to a client-side component

I am trying to figure out how to pass a variable declared on the server side of my nextjs 13 app into a client side function that I have declared in one of my component files. As you can see in my ...
Collin Huber's user avatar
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2 answers

I am passing javascript variable to php using fetch api method post but in php file i am getting error: undefined array key 'data'. How to fix it?

------html code------ <html> <body> <textarea id="my-textarea"> </textarea> <button onclick="_post_text_area_()" id="submit-btn">Submit<...
user14552956's user avatar
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Confusion on how to execute javascript server-side vs client-side

I'm unsure if I'm asking the right question here. I apologize in advance for my ignorance, I'm only a year into teaching myself full stack JS and web app architecture and I'm trying to understand this ...
Bryan's user avatar
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In sveltekit, How can I get "load's fetch" from client side code?(like *.svelte)

I'm making private homepage working only for login user. When user login success, API server return token and save it to cookie. After that, token was added to all fetch's request header at server-...
seung hwan Son's user avatar
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How can I send text value of a button to the server in ReactJS + ExpressJS?

I'm having trouble sending button text value back to the server. The code of the button in client-side: {question.options?.map((option, index) => <button key={index} className={styles.answer}...
Dosya's user avatar
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How to handle client timezone for retrieving data?

I store to my database events from different sports. Example: { "sport": "NBA", "name": "Warrios v Wizards", "date": "2022-10-01 02:00:00&...
robinhood's user avatar

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