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Questions tagged [canary-deployment]

Canary deployment is the practice of deploying a new version of an application to a subset of production servers to test whether the new version functions properly in production without affecting all users if it doesn't.

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OTServer Canary Protocol 13.21 Retrieve Item classification, tier and imbuements from database, is it possible?

I have created a page on MYACC Gesior for the users to inspect another character's equipment if set in the character preferences for my Tibia OT Server. The question is: Is it possible to retrieve the ...
user3050478's user avatar
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pod-to-pod communication in canary deployment

I have a problem with the communication between pod to pod in canary deployment with istio. Am able to handle external traffic coming to istio using source Label in virtual service and destination ...
zabi ulla khan's user avatar
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Windows 11 - 6ghz Hotspot

TL;DR: Found some handy code on this forum, modified and tested in powershell for starting a mobile hotspot. The important part of the script is the ability to select the 6ghz band. Anybody have any ...
Judge's user avatar
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Canarydeployment of AKS based applications using istio

We were trying to enable canary based deployment for our aks based applications using istio feature and HELM templates. By referring the documents provided in medium , intex we tried the solution as ...
Vowneee's user avatar
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Why doesn't the flagger update the application via canary deployment?

Installed k8s, nginx ingress, flagger according to the documentation in get started But the command kubectl -n test describe canary/...
georgiy petrov's user avatar
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How to make sure, that a user stays at the new version of a blue-green deployment

Suppose you have a blue-green deployment and want to test it with 20% of the users with the global accelarator. You configure it, but that would mean that User A, who would be testing the new version ...
David's user avatar
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HAProxy redirect request based on client ip to specific host in the backend pool

I have a backend pool of servers (around 20 hosts) that serve the request. Out of 20 hosts, 5 are canary hosts (we deploy any change first in these 5 hosts and then to the rest 15). The request comes ...
Sonali's user avatar
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Testing kafka consumer applications in isolation (during a canary deployment)

I want to be able to test kafka-consumer flows after a canary deployments. Assume we have service which consumes a kafka topic. I have 3 instances in production and 3 partitions on kafka. At T0 they ...
ygk's user avatar
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How to Canary rollout between two namespace, using Treafik v2

I want to implement Canary release between two namespace : ns-A (old version), ns-B (new version). My cluster have Traefik v2 and it's not possible to install an another controller, two bad because I ...
Doul's user avatar
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Istio: How to do canary deployment

Currently there are 3 possible values which we can receive in the header like A1, A2 and A3, and we have three different services running for each value like Service-A1, Service-A2 and Service-A3. ...
Yash Mehta's user avatar
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Will the last request flow be cut off when the service is deployed?

Question: When we deploy the service with k8s, using a blue-green deployment, will the last request made (to the old container) be cut off during container switching? The old container may have been ...
Simon Li's user avatar
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Can I automatically do Rolling, Blue-Green and Canary Deployments on Cloud Run (GCP)

I come from AWS. I used to automatically do Rolling, Blue-Green and Canary Deployments with CodeDeploy on AWS. Then, when I came to GCP and read Rollbacks, gradual rollouts, and traffic migration, it ...
Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar
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Canary deployments for Lambda with CodeDeploy and CodePipeline

I can't seem to set up a pipeline that uses CodeDeploy for a lambda function. I have tried: Generating the appspec.yml file as part of a CodeBuild action. In this case CodePipeline zips the file, and ...
chickenpie's user avatar
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WPF Application - releasing strategy

I'm seeking some advice about improving our release strategy for an inhouse WPF application. Currently, we are using ClickOnce to release new versions to our users. Still manual, but we are looking ...
Tim D'haeyer's user avatar
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Is there a canary property to check in nginx-ingress snippet

I have these two ingresses for a blue (production) and green (canary) deployment and I want in my nginx snippet to set certain stuff based on whether the request is served from production service or ...
Manolo Carrasco Moñino's user avatar

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