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Questions tagged [cakephp-3.0]

Questions about the 3.0.x branch of the CakePHP MVC framework. Use this tag in combination with the general [cakephp] tag.

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Alternative to $this->requestAction in CakePHP 4

In CakePHP 4, I've facing issue on $this->requestAction I get an error which is error: [Error] Call to undefined method App\View\AppView::requestAction() My Code: <?php if(empty($newsfeed) || ...
Sourav Das's user avatar
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Modifying belongsTo contain condition on the fly?

What I have In my OrdersTable.php: $this->belongsTo('OrderStatuses', [ 'foreignKey' => ['order_status_id', 'language_id'], 'joinType' => 'INNER', 'className' => 'OrderStatuses',...
ᴍᴇʜᴏᴠ's user avatar
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fetching result from database in specific format cakephp5

I am currently in the process of migrating from CakePHP 2.8 to CakePHP 5.x. In CakePHP 2.8, I used to retrieve results in the following format: $this->find('all', array( 'contain' => array('...
dtrack Adnan's user avatar
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CakePHP shows 500 Internal Server Error when project running locally then showing this type of error

CakePHP Version: 2.9 I Have set database in App/Config/database.php , when the project i am running locally then showing this type of error my.htaccess file like below <IfModule mod_rewrite.c&...
Abu Hanif Jowel's user avatar
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CakePHP authentication 3 quick start, does it actually create add.php?

Following the CakePHP authentication quick start guide, it ends with You should now be able to go to /users/add and register a new user. When I go to that URL, it says The view for UsersController::...
Andrew's user avatar
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Mixing values in `INSERT INTO ... SELECT` query

Say I want to insert a comment, the comments table needs a customer_id but I only have email. I do not want to select the customer in a separate query beforehand. The INSERT INTO ... SELECT query from ...
ᴍᴇʜᴏᴠ's user avatar
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Radio no return

I am creating a form where the person will need to answer a questionnaire with some questions, knowing that they will all be of the radio type, being able to select only one answer from those listed (...
Yuri Aguiar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Where to locate code to be used by many Model->Tables. Can't find AppModel

Looking for AppModel to create a function that would be used by many different Tables. Since AppModel doesn't seem to exist anymore, where do I put common functions for Tables, like I use ...
Jack's user avatar
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My SQL #1064 Error (Query generated in CAKEPHP 3)

Query generated by cakephp 3 but i got error #1064 INSERT INTO pows_watch_diagnosis ( pows_lead_id, lead, created, modified, id ) VALUES ( '1081d669-a4db-4c54-a33f-09bf674be46e', 'a:...
jagpreet's user avatar
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How do I upgrade version of cakephp2.0 to cakephp3 and cakephp4 step by step?

According to the topic, I want to upgrade the cakephp2.0 version to next cakehp3.0 version. Change version as soon as possible. I have tried but there were change all the files of project and this ...
Neha's user avatar
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cakephp user saved but the save method returns false

after working with Cakephp for a while, I never had before an issue like this, I am struggling for a few hours and I cannot understand what is happening here. I will try to explain as better as I can: ...
R0bertinski's user avatar
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SMTP email give compact() Undefined variable: etagMatches & timeMatches error on cakephp 3 [duplicate]

I'm having problem when trying to send SMTP mail via cakephp3 with php 7.4 Notice: Notice (8): compact() [<a href=''>function.compact</a>]: Undefined ...
Farouk's user avatar
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Cakephp 3 Missing Route issue

I am working on CakePHP 3 web application in which routes are not working for root '/'. I have gone through several questions related to this issue but the issue is not resolved. Below is the ...
Explorer's user avatar
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Applying ucwords(strtolower(name)) to form data before submitting to DB in CakePHP

Assume a user fills a form and puts his name like AndReW(Mixed lower and uppercase), I want to get this form data, convert it to a form like this Andrew, and then submit it to the database.... I dont ...
Andrew Muwanguzi's user avatar
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I want to display product information by grouping them as one in cakephp

I have a product table with id, product_name and added_date. I want to display product_name and added_date but I have the following condition to display the results For product_name column: if ...
Roshan Twanabasu's user avatar

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