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Questions tagged [button]

Buttons are simple elements in graphical user interfaces that take mouse clicks or finger taps (on touch devices) as input.

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Overriding toga.Button using super()

I'm a newbie in Python and to learn more about OOP I want to create a new button class based on toga.Button. I used the example on the Toga website (
Ben's user avatar
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Multiple adding to cart in JavaScript doesn't work

when I add products to the shopping cart at some point it stops updating the table, it is refreshed when I click the previous product and the product I want to add. Live site: https://frontend-mentor-...
Kajetan Ślęga's user avatar
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StringVar doesn't update the text on a button in Python's TKinter

StringVar doesn't update the text on a button in Python's TKinter. As a matter of fct, no text is being shown. Why? I'm using Spyder 5.5.5. Here's the code: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import tkinter as ...
Radar32's user avatar
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Need to size buttons to be bigger on phone and smaller on desktop

I'm creating a simple webpage that just has a logo and buttons centered in the middle of the page. This is just a simple directory to our other sites and pages: The issue I'm running into is that ...
Flotronics's user avatar
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Swipeable button in QML

i wanna create a component which can slide a rectangle from left to right to simulate ON or OFF like a iOS left-to-right button to shutdown phone ( second 40 like this)...
Bondrusiek's user avatar
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Change font color of form button without selection

I would like to remove selection from code because that usually means it is more efficient and robust. So there is a code that works fine but selection cannot be removed in the way I expected. This ...
house_of_codes's user avatar
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Plotly figure with subplots and dropdown hides second plot when non-default option selected

I am trying to generate a Plotly figure with two sub plots and has dropdown menu. The default option works fine (Fig. 1) but when other values are selected the second plot disappears (Fig. 2). How to ...
Tom Kurushingal's user avatar
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Text to the right of 'Add to Cart' button

Wordpress/Woocommerce. Website add to cart button text How would I remove or change the text to the right of the add to cart button. Can't seem to find it anywhere. Checked plugins, php files, etc. ...
gunship800's user avatar
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How to hide the gridlines when pressing a button in WPF C#? [duplicate]

I have been working on some projects and I can't seem to find a way to hide gridlines that appear when you press a button like in the image below is there a way that will hide the gridlines? I don't ...
NeoGenesis521's user avatar
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Create a CheckBox with appearance of Button

I am trying to create a Checkbox with appearance of button. When i set he content of ToggleButton it changes the Checkbox text, but when i change IsChecked it is not getting updated in checkbox. How ...
renji's user avatar
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How to add scrollable buttons in tkinter python

Currently, I'm using a tkinter canvas to try scroll buttons. I put twenty buttons on the canvas and none of them scrolled like I expected. import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * from tkinter ...
Breadification's user avatar
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How do I make text in Button take up a bigger part of it?

I'm trying to make a custom keyboard for an android app so I'm trying to make the text on the buttons as readable as possible. I want the text to be big on the button, but setting the textSize ...
user26370805's user avatar
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Python: Selenium's driver.find_element(...) cant find the button im looking for:

This code is supposed to click a button (accept the cookies) and then take a screenshot of the page. It takes the screenshot of the right element with the right height & width, but it does not ...
FireFly's user avatar
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Fixed Button doubles, when moved on hover

I am making a website using Vue js and want to add a button for bot assistant in the bottom right. But as long as it's a button I want it to react somehow, so in hover, I wrote this: .bot:hover { ...
7 Тх's user avatar
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How to transform one row of interactive buttons into two with the buttons in a div [closed]

I inherited code for a page that currently has a row/panel of buttons. We now need to edit the page and add a second layer/row of buttons below the first, but adding an additional div doesn't seem to ...
JackieW's user avatar
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add items in listview control from another class [duplicate]

I'm trying to add items in my listview control calling from another class. I have a form with a listview control and some buttons. When I click on one of the buttons, a usercontrol appears with ...
jan leung's user avatar
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How to alter WPF button color from the Code not user input (click) [closed]

I have a WPF application that allows users to pick a test to run. We have 3 tests called Test1, Test2 and Test3. All these tests inherit a model called TestModel. TestMoel contains common properties ...
varun's user avatar
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How to set some value to a parent control template property by clicking on button inside this template?

I want to implement some custom Search TextBox with a loop icon and placeholder. So I created a custom Control Template where there is TextBlock for the loop icon (I used some symbols from specific ...
5ORBEX's user avatar
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Using XAML Path Icon as a Button Image in WinUI 3

I have a XAML Path Icon as indicated below: <DataTemplate x:Key="Folder"> <Grid> <Path Data="M10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,...
E. A. Bagby's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the button image as a mouse event for the next button in NSIS?

(Using NSIS 3.10v, window 10, MUI2.nsh) Is it possible to change the button image as a mouse event for the next button? (I've tried using graphics-installer(1hour), but I already have a lot of (UI) ...
tux Neoh's user avatar
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Having Trouble making a Simple Dress Up Game in Pygame [duplicate]

I'm trying to make a simple dress up game where there are three buttons. Depending on which button you press, you can put either a pink, blue, or green shirt on a mannequin. However, my problem is ...
Mateen's user avatar
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HTML Email Button issue only in Outlook 365 for Mac

In an html email I used a "faux absolute" to create a background image with rounded corners for content modules. The html uses a max-height="0" for the contents container with the ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose: Text Alignment and Display Issues in Button within SegmentedControl

I'm building a segmented control in Jetpack Compose using a Row with Button composables to create a visual toggle. While the button size is working as expected, the text within the buttons is not ...
Aashish Ace's user avatar
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JavaScript variables being called in html tags (button)?

I am following this online free course on YouTube, this is the link if you want to visit it: "Youtube link", but at around 2:15:00, he shows how to call javascript variables in HTML tags and ...
Rahand hemin's user avatar
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WM_LBUTTONDOWN delay issue in WinAPI

This is a follow-up to my previous question. How to handle button held down in WinAPI? I managed to get the button to update counter continuously while the button is depressed, based on the comments I ...
machine_1's user avatar
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Enable/Disable graphic button after sequence of macros are executed

I have created 3 graphic buttons and pasted in excel and assigned macros to it. I want the user to click Button-1 to run the first macro to complete. The user then must click Button-2 to run the ...
Siraj's user avatar
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How to change :active color of this cart button? [closed]

I've got a problem with the cart button on my website. Whenever I click on it, it turns dark blue. I know this color because it's set as primary button color in my Elementor settings, but I've tried ...
Łukasz Wójcik's user avatar
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Button Clicking Help: Python, Selenium

I'm trying to web scrape an HVAC website. I want to put in a zipcode, hit the submit button, and then scrape the resulting information on the closest dealers. Here is the website if necessary. My ...
user25774167's user avatar
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In Swift UIKit, how to add two button images inside a table cell?

I need two images buttons to be clickable inside a certain cell (not all cells), instead of the text. How can I do this? I have the cell extension, and the image "the_icon" exists (I can see ...
Vladimir Despotovic's user avatar
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Next.js Hydration failed, button inside a button using Shadcn

I am trying to put Popover with Calendar inside Tabs, but I cant get it working and I get hydration error. 'use client' import {cn} from "@/lib/utils"; import {Popover, PopoverContent, ...
Raian's user avatar
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