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Questions tagged [bootstrap-modal]

Bootstrap provides a JavaScript-powered dialog element that can be used to replace native dialogs (to a degree); unlike native dialogs, Bootstrap modals cannot block the flow of execution.

3,349 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
9 votes
1 answer

boostrap 3 modal , focus input field not working on firefox

I'm using modal from bootstrap 3 where it contains on input field this modal is being launched using jquery code when page is loaded (not by clicking a button) $().ready(function() { $('#...
sulaiman's user avatar
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8 votes
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Display Rails error messages inside a Bootstrap modal when using Selectize and Ajax

I'm trying to build an app that allows users to share quotes by artists about other artists. For instance, a quote by Bob Dylan about John Lennon. As such, my Artist model is set up in a way that ...
Lee McAlilly's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Bootstrap 3 modal disappears on iPad Safari only after choosing option from select menu

I have a registration function in a web application that takes a user through a four-step process to add information to the site. When a user clicks the 'Add' button, a Bootstrap modal appears and ...
JohnR's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why does content not appear in bsModal when coming from server?

For some reason the displaying of bsModal content seems to go wrong when it is triggered by an observeEvent from the server side, images and or text don't appear, and it also seems to cause a ...
Mark's user avatar
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6 votes
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Make Bootstrap Modal zoom out from clicked object

I'm writing custom transition for Bootstrap modal. How to make it zoom out(scale) to the center from the button you clicked, and then when you dismiss it, zoom in back to the button? I found this ...
Mark Vital's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to bootstrap Mixed-Effects Model in R

I have a data set (df) in this format index <- runif(n = 100,min = 0, max = 1) type1 <- rep("low", 50) type2 <- rep("high", 50) type <- c(type1,type2) level1 <- rep("single", 25) ...
Rspacer's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Modal Hide Doesn't Work In Bootstrap 4

I have problem with hiding modal in bootstrap 4. In my tmp function I have to close modal after that I need use method update_table(url) HTML and JS <div class="modal" id="Modal" tabindex="-1" ...
ProgShiled's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to open a component in ng-bootstrap modal using a specific injector?

I'm starting use ng-bootstrap modal to open my components in popups. I have many components and each of them needs your own injector, because each one use a different instance of the same services. Is ...
jose.serapicos's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

bootstrap modal as jquery object

Using the example of bootstraps modal <div class="modal fade"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button ...
KingKerosin's user avatar
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Bootstrap Modal can not overlap in Bootstrap 5.1.3 version

Currently I use the code below to create overlap modals, however in Bootstrap latest version (5.1.3) when I open the second modal then the previous is closed automatically. I tested in 5.0.2 and below ...
Nam Nguyen's user avatar
4 votes
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How to project a Component into another Component and pass the result to ng-boostrap's

I'm trying to make a very simple wrapper around the ng-bootstrap modal service. ng-bootstrap's modal service has an open(content) method that takes in a TemplateRef or a component class meant to be ...
snowfrogdev's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Warnings with using modals from reactstrap

I have some warnings: Warning: Legacy context API has been detected within a strict-mode tree. The old API will be supported in all 16.x releases, but applications using it should migrate to the new ...
Wiktor Kujawa's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Fixed Navbar disappears when adding filter blur

I'm trying to add a blurred background for Bootstrap 4 modals. My idea was, to put everything on the site in one container (navbar, content and footer), which I then add filter:blur(4px) to, when ...
Danmoreng's user avatar
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magento 2 Uncaught TypeError: No method named "openModal"

I am using magento 2.3 version. I make a custom module. In the custom module, I need 2 popups (using bootstrap modal). Here is my js code - JS code: define( [ 'jquery', '...
sumeet bajaj's user avatar
4 votes
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Load Images in Modal after it's fired

I want the images to load when the modal is opened NOT when the page loads. I have this script but it's not working. Meaning it doesn't load the actual image but rather the wait image only. But it's ...
Brad's user avatar
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