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Questions tagged [bootstrap-modal]

Bootstrap provides a JavaScript-powered dialog element that can be used to replace native dialogs (to a degree); unlike native dialogs, Bootstrap modals cannot block the flow of execution.

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bootstrap modal loading content via remote url, wait for modal to fully load content until being shown

i'm able to load content via a remote url into a bootstrap modal, but the problem is the modal window opens up, but the content is not loaded. Once the content is loaded the body of the modal is ...
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Twitter Bootstrap modal slides down and fades in, but upon close, it immediately closes, it does not do a slide up fade out transition

The modal works fine, but when you try to close it, it doesn't do the same slide up fade out animation as the demo on the bootstrap javascript page. I did some debugging and in my version, when it ...
Masu's user avatar
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tabs in bootstrap modal autoswitches

I am using tabs in bootstrap modal, the tabs shows well but the problem is, when i click on 'Section 2' tab, it immediately switches back to 'Section 1' tab. below is the code. any one who could help ...
vbruce's user avatar
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PHP while loop not working inside Bootstrap modal

The code below shows the user's recent posts from the database, and a delete button if the user viewing the post <div class="span12"> <?php // get ...
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77 votes
12 answers

Autocomplete issue into bootstrap modal

I have a display problem in the jQuery autocomplete inside a modal dialog bootstrap. When I mouse scroll, the results do not remain attached to the input. Is there a way to solve this? Here ...
Lughino's user avatar
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Angular: Load bootstrap modal loaded with data of the element clicked

I have a list of items which I display from a service, I use ng-repeat to display my data. For any of these items I'd like to be able to open a bootstrap modal filled with data of the item clicked (...
John's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

login modal window not correctly working based on FOSUserBundle and bootstrap

I am using the FOSUserBundle to manage my website users. My goal is to make the login form get displayed in a modal window based on the boostrap framework. Down is my code for the modal window <...
Amine Jallouli's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

bootstrap modal created inside coffeescript not working

My problem in a nutshell is that from within coffeescript implemented jQuery-UI handler, I cannot create and show a bootstrap modal. If I try to show the modal using the standard button approach that ...
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-1 votes
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Show Bootstrap Modal Only Once using Boolean [closed]

I'm using a Bootstrap Modal and I want to have it show up only once when a button is clicked, but not if the button is clicked again. I want to do this using a boolean that is initially true and ...
Tommy Nicholas's user avatar
38 votes
11 answers

How to set twitter bootstrap modal wider and higher?

How to set twitter bootstrap modal wider and higher? Example here (please click: Launch demo modal):
mamasi's user avatar
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4 answers

Automatically call Twitter bootstrap-modal.js for <img> tag

Fancybox has a feature where it adds the fancybox class for each image on a page using something like this jQuery(thumbnails).addClass("fancybox").attr("rel","fancybox").getTitle();. I would like to ...
AAA's user avatar
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21 answers

Launch Bootstrap Modal on Page Load

I don't know JavaScript at all. The Bootstrap documentation says to Call the modal via JavaScript: $('#myModal').modal(options) I have no clue how to call this on a page load. Using the supplied ...
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