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quickBasic WINDOW statement

I found this old book and in the appendix there are some QuickBasic programs that I want to try out.. the problem is that those were written on/for Apple Macintosh II and I use DosBox on a Linux PC.. ...
skibidi's user avatar
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Advice on how to fix a Progress Bar code in QuickBASIC

I have a problem that I am hoping someone who is smarter then myself can help me with. I have this bit of code that I am trying to get to work. SUB ShowProgressBar (FileCount%, NCount%, BarWidth%, ...
Andrew Gable's user avatar
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Set cursor in QB45

I have been using the following code to change the cursor in QB45: SUB LocateX(Inserting) ' locate cursor IF Inserting THEN ' half-block cursor Locate Xcoor, Ycoor, 1, 3, 7 ...
Azathoth's user avatar
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How to detect MouseWheel in QB45

I am using the following code to trap Left/Right/Middle mouse button and mouse row/column in QB45: (QB45 is Microsoft Quick Basic v4.5) and I need a way to detect MouseWheel. I have looked at Ralf ...
Azathoth's user avatar
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Engineering symbol miniscule sigma CHR$(229) prints on the screen but not to a file

PRINT CHR$(229) works fine PRINT #1, CHR$(229) get an "a" with a small circle on top
rmaki's user avatar
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How do I use a parameter as a Variable Name?

trying to make a sub routine that can varable parameters to find which varable to return. IF _FILEEXISTS("Std Motor Pricing.csv") THEN OPEN "Std Motor Pricing.csv" FOR INPUT AS #3 ...
rmaki's user avatar
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Additional colored row over text

I wanted to make a fake program in basic just to record it later and share with friends, but I have a problem, there is a colored row over a text, I want to make just background of text blue. Thanks ...
anondanon's user avatar
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excel vba read whole text file at once

I am using CADCAM Software and writing macro code. Here is my basic macro code. OPEN "C:\Area ratio\etch.txt" FOR INPUT as #1 DO WHILE NOT EOF (1) =1 LINE INPUT #1, REC$ if REC$="" then goto ...
News Dozens's user avatar
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How Could One Write This Basic PAINT Statement in JavaScript?

In BASIC there is a command called PAINT that looks like this: PAINT (column, row), color, color-stop It takes x/y coordinates as a starting place and begins filling it and the surrounding pixels in ...
Dave Mackey's user avatar
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How Could One Write This BASIC Circle Statement in JavaScript?

I have some old QuickBasic code (yes, really) that I'm working on rewriting in JavaScript. In QuickBasic a circle is defined like so: CIRCLE (column, row), radius, color, startRadian, stopRadian, ...
Dave Mackey's user avatar
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Why do these idneitcal QB calculations produce slightly different values?

So, I'm trying to port some very old and venerable engineering analysis QBasic 4.5 code into C. I'm trying to match results exactly, and I find that I can't quite understand how QB does its math. ...
Chris's user avatar
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Quick Basic PLAY function parameter syntax. Example: PLAY "MSe8f#4f#8f#8g8a8b4.a4.g4.f#4.o0b8o1e8e8e4d8e2."

Many older BASIC dialects supported playing sounds and music using PLAY function. The string passed as a parameter has certain syntax which describes notes, their duration etc. For pure academic ...
George Mamaladze's user avatar
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QuickBasic: Better alternative to INKEY$

I have code that looks like this: IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN CALL notitle PLAY "MST170o1e8o0b8o1e8" IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN CALL notitle PLAY "e8e4f#8g4f#8" ...
Dave Mackey's user avatar
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Rewriting Basic Code without Label

I have some code that uses label, an example of it is below: SUB occupy (x) occupied(x) = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 40 IF armyloc(i) = x THEN occupied(x) = i GOTO holdup ELSE END IF NEXT i holdup: END ...
Dave Mackey's user avatar
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Reverse engineering a QuickBASIC 3.0 program

I have a program (I own the rights) written in QuickBASIC 3.0, though I do not have anymore the source code. Anyone know a decompiler that I can use to see what the program does? Basically it gets ...
ouroboros84's user avatar

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