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Questions tagged [android-coordinatorlayout]

CoordinatorLayout is a super-powered FrameLayout.

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Android xml: How to make floating action button at the top of bottom sheet instead of overlapping the bottom sheet?

I would like to make the icon sitting the top of the bottom sheet instead of overlapping to the bottom sheet. Here is my xml code: <androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android=...
Kelsey Zhou's user avatar
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Coordinator Layout: Bottom Navigation Bar gets shrinked

I'm using a Coordinator Layout with fitsSystemWindow= true. This is needed to make use of the material3 behavior that during scrolling the statusbar and the toolbar gets colored in the same way with ...
aronyi's user avatar
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Android - RecyclerView + CollapsingToolbarLayout with Specific Start/End Height Behavior

I'm trying to implement a collapsing toolbar in my Android app with a specific behavior. I want the toolbar to: Initially start at one-third of the screen height. Collapse to 15% of the screen height ...
Uriel Frankel's user avatar
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Bottom empty space on CoordinatorLayout android

I'm creating an app where I have to use the bottom navigation with floatingActionButton, which requires to use Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar I have use everything as it requires but I am ...
hxnAbbas's user avatar
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In CoordinatorLayout, the NestedScrollView is placed above the AppBarLayout

As the title, In CoordinatorLayout, the NestedScrollView is positioned above the AppBarLayout despite setting app:layout_behavior="@string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior" for the ...
ricky rocky's user avatar
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MaterialToolbar breaks TabLayout scroll

I've recently updated my app to Material3 and replaced the ActionBars in my app with MaterialToolbars. My app has a ViewPager2 where each Fragment in the pager has a RecyclerView. Previously, ...
Kris B's user avatar
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Scrolling snackbar issue in jetpack compose

I have a Compose view inside a coordinator layout containing an AppBar. inside this compose view there is a lazy column within a scaffold with a snack bar host. I have used ...
Hossein Eftekhari's user avatar
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Android FrameLayout not visible inside CoordinatorLayout

I am working on an Android application and facing an issue where my FrameLayout, which is supposed to act as a bottom sheet, is not visible. I have nested the FrameLayout inside a CoordinatorLayout, ...
ihavedizziness's user avatar
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Use Bottomshet with Collapsing Toolbar in Coordinator Layout

I'm pretty new with CoordinatorLayout, currently I'm having a problem to implement the layout as following: This is the initial layout, the blue part is AppBarLayout (it contains ...
thien_than_dem1996's user avatar
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Create complex Recyclerview with horizontal tab breadcrumb style navigation where tabs navigate to section heads, and vice versa

I want to create a complex layout that will contain a toolbar with tabs that will scroll to a category in a list; and that will also respond to the scroll events of the list; so when the user scrolls ...
user1743524's user avatar
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Use coordinator layout to create horizontally scrollable toolbar section headers that scroll to position in recyclerview [Android]

I want to create a complex layout that will contain a toolbar with tabs that will scroll to a category in a list; and that will also respond to the scroll events of the list; so when the users scrolls ...
user1743524's user avatar
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Hide TabLayout and SearchView behind toolbar while toolbar collapses and change font size

I have a problem that I can't solve with Android. I have an UI composed by a Toolbar, a SearchView below toolbar and a TabLayout below SearchView. I am trying to make sure that when scrolling, both ...
fl4ash3r's user avatar
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For Collapsing Toolbar Is it possible to use `enterAlways` and `exitUntilCollapsed` simultaneously

I want to be able to scroll up and have the toolbar collapse while still being pined on the screen, and have the toolbar expand as I scroll down no matter where I am in the body contents. The desired ...
Juan Pimentel's user avatar
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Scrolling Toolbar stops working if the CoordinatorLayout parent has non-zero vertical padding

No idea why this happens but a plain Toolbar (or MaterialToolbar) will refuse to scroll if the parent CoordinatorLayout has non-zero padding. Example xml: <androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget....
idunnololz's user avatar
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Change Coordinator Layout's layout above property

how can i add or remove property of coordinator layout? Such as this? <androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout android:id="@+id/tab_coordinator_layout" android:...
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