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Questions tagged [amazon-ecr]

Amazon ECR stands for "Amazon Elastic Container Registry". It is a part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and is a managed Docker container registry that stores and manages Docker container images.

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How to add --init parameter to AWS ECS Task

I have a Docker image that uses Playwright and xvfb. When I run it locally, I run docker run --init -it <image_id> (per this SO answer). Without the --init param, the container will run but will ...
deesolie's user avatar
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Erc eth bnb usdt erc eth bnb usdt erc Mosa [closed]

0xc976b20a7e5fc41538cffb3be26b355807df67f68 [{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"name","outputs":[{"name":"","type":&...
Almohtasib International's user avatar
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AWS CLI: Authenticating Docker CLI to default registry

I am trying to upload an image using ECR, to do so I am following these steps. But when doing so, I get this error message: .Password was unexpected at this time. Is there another command that can be ...
rmore123's user avatar
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argocd-image-updater failing to connect aws ECR: Could not set registry endpoint credentials: invalid script output, must be single line with syntax

I am trying to setup a pull based deployment pipeline where argocd image updater reads updates to images in amazon elastic container registry. What have I done so far? Installed image updater in the ...
Gabe's user avatar
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Issue with Docker container size. NextJS deployment on ECR and ECS with Docker

I have a NextJS application, which is pretty light weight as it is used for my blogs. It is pretty static as it just displays a list of blogs and once you select one, it just shows you the details. ...
Rohith Poyyeri's user avatar
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Docker Push to AWS ECR Stuck on Preparing Layers

I'm trying to push a Docker image to AWS ECR, but the push operation gets stuck on the "Preparing" phase for several layers. Some layers are successfully pushed, but others seem to hang ...
Sathish 's user avatar
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Missing ECR Image in AWS

I am more experience in Azure, so please forgive me if this is an obvious question. In AWS ECR, I have a private repository for images, and the last successfully deployed to production image is not ...
amatisea's user avatar
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Trouble deploying docker containers with postgresql database, deployment on to AWS ECS stucks on provisioning

I have a simple architecture, where these 3 services have been dockerized: a client (react), a server (nodejs), postgresql database (using docker image). I have a docker compose file that builds the ...
Iamnewtoprogramming's user avatar
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how i can use efs to store db data and config for preven cluster lost fata destroing

Good morning, I would like to ask if anyone knows how to connect an EFS to an ECS task, tasks run on a private subnet, with this architecture >> vpc when I try to mount the efs on an ecs ...
Francesco's user avatar
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How to expose port 3030 in AWS container website?

I have a react project which includes a 'server.js' file which I am going to use to make data requests with important security secrets, at the moment I'm trying to make it work with simple string ...
Martin's user avatar
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How to send an ECR message to a POS device?

I need to send some "amount of money" command to a POS device to initiate a credit card validation. They say I need to send something like this, some kind of datagram protocol: 00 1A 30 30 ...
Boris Nihil's user avatar
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Docker image push failed with EOF / Broken Pipe / Closed Connection error

I've tried to push the docker images to the remote repository. But every operation gets failed. Either I get EOF exception like below My-MacBook-Pro-2 producer % docker push <awsAccountId>.dkr....
sss's user avatar
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Authenticate EKS node pulls against cross-account ECR

I have an account (A) with several ECR private repositories, and another account (B) with an EKS cluster where images from those repositories will be used. I've tested that I can pull images using a ...
solocommand's user avatar
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AWS CDK CodePipeline without Synth/ShellStep

My AWS Project builds a Docker Image, pushes it to ECR and then deploys it to an ECS container. The source code is on CodeCommit, and I already have two working CDK Stacks to 1) Build the Docker image,...
Guildenstern70's user avatar
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Clone Docker image with a different tag/sha

I want to push a Docker image to AWS multiple times with incremented version numbers. I'm basically wanting to clone the same image with a different SHA each time. I'm running into an issue where my ...
CS_91's user avatar
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