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Questions tagged [aiogram]

aiogram is an asynchronous Python framework for Telegram Bot API. Use this tag when your question is related specifically to aiogram.

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TypeError: BaseModel.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given after using edit_media method in aiogram

I have a problem with using edit_media method in aiogram code: @router.callback_query( == 'booking') async def start_booking(callback: types.CallbackQuery): await callback.message.edit_media(...
MichailMaksakov's user avatar
-6 votes
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Aigram delete messges [closed]

I am tormented by the question of deleting messages. He works terribly for me. Not all messages are deleted. Logically, there should always be 2 messages in the chat. Suggest an easy way, please!!! ...
Brize lite's user avatar
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Library version conflict python

I have two libraries, and both of them use typing-extensions, but they use different versions of typing-extensions. This conflict is causing an issue as both libraries are needed in one project. How ...
MarMar's user avatar
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How to open "send this server message to my contacts" menu in telegram mini app

Good afternoon, i now working on telegram mini app project, and cant find way to open send message menu in that telegram app. User press button, then he see his contats, choose one and send to that ...
Yuki's user avatar
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Forwarding messages from telegram web app

Good afternoon, now work on algorithm like user press "invite friends" button in telegram web app, then he see list of his telegram contats and choose reciever of "forwarded" ...
Yuki's user avatar
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How to make sending picture to chat via via?

I wanted to make a similar @PostBot in TG, but I don't know what to use for it. Here is an example of the bot, and you know if you enter in the input field tag @Gif it will show ...
0x744's user avatar
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aiogram 3.10 doesn't want to run my middleware

Wrote my first middleware to check if a user is logged in, the middleware doesn't want to work at all. Python code: class CheckUserExist(BaseMiddleware): async def __call__( self, ...
Vladdra's user avatar
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How to get bot's conversation history with user in aiogram?

I'm making a telegram bot using the aiogram (v3.9.0) library for python (v3.11) and I need to access some previous messages in a conversation with a user. Please note that we are not talking about a ...
alexeyprog's user avatar
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How to Prevent Telegram Inline Keyboard Buttons from Collapsing in Aiogram 3

I'm developing a Telegram bot using Aiogram 3, and I'm facing an issue with inline keyboards. When the photo is narrow, the inline keyboard buttons collapse into three dots. I want to ensure that the ...
Anthony's user avatar
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SELECT statement has a cartesian product between FROM element(s)

For my bot to rate a user's appearance in Aiogram 3 I tried to implement saving user ratings and for this I created a second model: class Profile(Base): __tablename__ = 'profile' id_all: ...
LIM's user avatar
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aiogram download excel file to user as a file

I have a little project which is automate work task with telegram. I use aiogram 3.5 version I need upload excel file, which contains several sheets as a dict , sheet names as a dict keys, ...
Dilshod Gafurov's user avatar
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Aiogram bot can't respond in Channel Comments

I wrote a simple aiogram chat-bot code, which can write down messages to mongodb database: @router.message(Command('memorize'), IsChat(['group', 'supergroup', 'chat', 'channel']), IsAdmin(admin_id)) ...
Max's user avatar
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Don't works Inline Button in scheduled message

im writing telegram bot on aiogram and have some function: async def some_func(): err = InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) btn_1 = InlineKeyboardButton(text='open_1', callback_data='number_1') ...
nox174's user avatar
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2 answers

Comparing message text to gettext function result in Aiogram message handler

In my Aiogram router code I have several handlers that check the user's text against the buttons text translated by gettext module: @router.message(F.text == gettext("Settings")) async def ...
Mipsirint's user avatar
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file downloaded with aiogram download_file(), file cannot be found

i write a bot to decode qr-codes from user's message and send im data back. now i have an error cv2.error: OpenCV(4.10.0) D:\a\opencv-python\opencv-python\opencv\modules\objdetect\src\qrcode.cpp:32: ...
Евгений's user avatar

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