Linked Questions

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How to transfer data from Google Cloud Storage to Amazon S3 and get the associated cost? [duplicate]

I noticed that Google Cloud's Storage Transfer Service only works when the sink bucket is Google Cloud, not S3. However, I would like to move files from Google Cloud Storage to Amazon S3, and an ...
claudiadast's user avatar
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How to sync new ActiveStorage mirrors?

Starting with ActiveStorage you can know define mirrors for storing your files. local: service: Disk root: <%= Rails.root.join("storage") %> amazon: service: S3 access_key_id: <%= ...
Chris's user avatar
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Copy from Google Cloud Storage Bucket to S3 Bucket

I have set up an airflow workflow that ingests some files from s3 to Google Cloud storage and then runs a workflow of sql queries to create new tables on Big Query. At the end of the workflow I need ...
D_usv's user avatar
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Using gsutil to rsync from GCP to S3

There's a similar question with answers here. However, the top answer there does not work for me: If I use: gsutil -m rsync -r gs://your-gcs-bucket s3://your-s3-bucket It fails for me with: The ...
alanwilter's user avatar
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Ingest files from GCP Cloud Storage to AWS S3 bucket dynamically

I am working on a pet project based on multi-cloud (AWS and GCP) which is based on serverless architecture. Now there are files generated by the business logic within GCP (using Cloud Functions and ...
Monil Panchal's user avatar
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Moving data from google cloud storage to Amazon s3 via cloud function in a serverless fashion

I have data in Google Cloud Storage that I need to transfer to s3 bucket in a serverless fashion... one possible approach is to use cloud function and transmit data from cloud storage to s3 bucket ...
Karan's user avatar
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Django Static - Google Cloud Storage - CDN

I am still new with serving my Django static/media files to Google cloud storage. It's working now but I am not sure if this is right or is this enough already, do I still need to use CDN like ...
aldesabido's user avatar
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How to list all files in Google Storage bucket in a short time?

I have a Google Storage bucket that contains more than 20k+ filenames. Is there any way to list all the filenames in the bucket in a short time?
Abderrahim Khalifa's user avatar
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Loading BigQuery GA Data to Redshift

Can you please help provide ways how I can load my google analytics data in biGQuery to Redshift? Can Cloud Function be used for this? or, how do I trigger this from the BigQuery side instead of using ...
Justine's user avatar
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What is the fastest way to transfer data from azure blob storage to google cloud storage?

I'm currently trying to transfer my data from azure blob storage to google cloud storage. I've tried using azcopy but it didn't work, so I need a suggestion from you guys. Thank you.
Ekapol Uppapansettee's user avatar
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AWS CLI - using credentials unable to list buckets, using profile I can list buckets

I'm trying to understand a bit the following situation. I have set $HOME/.aws/credentials as follows [aws-users-andres] aws_access_key_id = accesskey aws_secret_access_key = UJPYNsecretkey this ...
RolandDeschain's user avatar
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Migrating data from Google Cloud Platform to AWS S3

I tried to migrate data from Google Cloud Platform, I tried this method by Mike Exporting data from Google Cloud Storage to Amazon S3, but got the complaint, anyone knows what should I do next?
Shuai Shao's user avatar
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Architecture of system to continously send files from Amazon S3 to GCP instance and back

I don't have the necessary support package to ask Google directly. Therefor I'm posing this question anyone who has knowledge and a kind heart. I’m planning on migrating some of my server needs from ...
Christian's user avatar
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Why this sudden error "No URLS matched" when transferring data from a Google cloud bucket?

My data transfer from a google cloud bucket to AWS bucket was in progress but after a few hours I go this error - " Command exception : NO URLs MATCHED" please see the screenshot here.. ...
Stanford's user avatar