I have a database table containing network information (servers, clusters etc). Is there any javascript library to show this information(after converting it to json or xml) in a network bus topology model?

     Server1         Server2         Cluster
      |               |               |   
      |               |               |

1 Answer 1


Maybe you could look at protovis?


You have to do a little fiddling to make it work with jQuery. Any place in protovis where they use function you have to add the curly braces which have been omitted.

     var color = pv.Colors.category19().by(function(d){return d.group});
  • 5
    Update for people finding this: Protovis is no longer under development, they replaced it with d3.js: d3js.org
    – robbrit
    Commented Jul 27, 2012 at 14:35

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