There must be something I'm misunderstanding.

I'm attempting to use an assumed rank unlimited polymorphic variable to store data. When I do this I either get access violations or corrupted data. I built a little toy problem to showcase the issue (listed below). The first is an access violation and the second is the corrupted data.

Access Violation

   real, target :: x
   class(*), pointer :: x_ptr

   x = 5.6
   x_ptr => x
   call do_stuff(x_ptr)


   subroutine do_stuff(item)

       class(*), dimension(..), intent(in) :: item

       select rank(item)
           select type(item) !<--- this is where the debugger crashes
           type is (real)
               print *, item
           end select
       end select

   end subroutine do_stuff

Corrupted Data

   real, target :: x
   class(*), pointer :: x_ptr

   x = 5.6
   x_ptr => x
   call do_stuff(x_ptr)


   subroutine do_stuff(item)

       class(*), dimension(..), intent(in) :: item

       select rank(item)
           call do_stuff_inner(item)
       end select

   end subroutine do_stuff

   subroutine do_stuff_inner(item)

       class(*), intent(in) :: item

       select type(item)
       type is (real)
           print *, item ! prints 4.735692598010119E-312
       end select

   end subroutine do_stuff_inner

I appreciate any explanation of what I'm doing wrong. I'm using intel fortran oneapi 2023.0.0.25839. Also to test for posting it does work on this compiler https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_fortran_compiler

  • 2
    Both work for me with ifx (IFX) 2024.2.0 20240602 using no compiler flags - ijb@ijb-SER:~/play/stack/fortran$ ifx unp1.f90; ./a.out 5.600000 . Could you edit the question to show the exact compilation line you are using in each case just to check that it isn't a compiler flag that is causing the issue.
    – Ian Bush
    Commented Jul 9 at 10:36
  • From the intel forums as well. It seems like the best solution is just to update to newest.
    – TrippLamb
    Commented Jul 9 at 19:29


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