I'm running into issues with my DBT set up. Aafter setting up some linters and formatting checks, it won't run, and the error is quite vague:

Unable to do partial parsing because of a version mismatch Encountered an error: Compilation Error expected token ‘end of print statement’, got ‘string’ line 15 {{ return “” }}

This seems to be a problem with my Jinja2 installation, but this error is still too unclear for me to figure out what might be happening.

I have the following versions:

dbt-bigquery:   1.7.1
dbt-common:     1.5.0
dbt-core:       1.7.10
sqlfluff:       3.1.0
Jinja2:         3.1.3

I feel a little lost, so any advice would be helpful!

1 Answer 1


You may want to add brackets to the return:

so instead of

{{ return "" }}

it should look like

{{ return("") }}

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