There is a need to get the number of channel subscribers in a telegram over time. I tried to use tdlib, had difficulty installing it, but then difficulties arose. I use python, I managed to connect tdlib and log in. I use

print(td_send({'@type':'getChat', 'chat_id':-11231231231, 'extra':1001011}))

function td_send was taken from example

def td_send(query):

query = json.dumps(query).encode('utf-8')
enter code here
_td_send(client_id, query)

it returns None

chat_id is random there

Tell me, please, at least schematically what am I doing wrong, what needs to be added in order to get the number of subscribers for a certain period I've spent several evenings working on this

if it doesn’t work with tdlib, then the only idea is to periodically record the number of subscribers using the same teletho


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