Is there a built-in action in Azure Logic Apps that removes diacritics in a string and changes it to a standard letter? For example, if you have the string áóç, it becomes aoc.

After looking for other articles about it, it seems that the only option is to either use a paid connector or create an Azure Function which will remove the diacritics for me.

2 Answers 2


One approach to handle this is by utilizing the inline JavaScript action to clean the strings. The following code achieves the desired outcome:

const incomingTest = "This is my text with diacritics (áóç)" // Replace with your dynamic input
return incomingTest.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '');

Good luck!


Use below powershell script, Which be copied from here

$src = @("áóç")
$normalized = $src.Normalize( [Text.NormalizationForm]::FormD )

$sb = new-object Text.StringBuilder

 $normalized.ToCharArray() | % { 
    if( [Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo]::GetUnicodeCategory($_) -ne [Globalization.UnicodeCategory]::NonSpacingMark) {

and you need to introduce the azure automation account runbook in azure logic app to run this powershell script

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