I recently forked a Minecraft plugin by the name of Galactifun in order to adapt it to the needs of my server however I realised I couldn't compile it properly.

The plugin uses a gradle plugin called "plugin-yml" which automatically generates a plugin.yml upon compilation.

When I build the project, the plugin.yml appears in the build however I still get an error saying that it does not exist.

When I build the project, the plugin.yml appears in the build

I still get an error saying that it does not exist

I tried:

  1. Removing plugin-yml and using the traditional plugin.yml method and got the same error
  2. Adding paper-plugin.yml using the plugin-yml plugin and got the same error
  3. Tried using both plugin-yml and the traditional plugin.yml file and got an error that there were 2 plugin-yml files upon compilation

My fork on GitHub

  • Hi, welcome to SO! Images and screenshots can be a nice addition to a post, but please make sure the post is still clear and useful without them. Don't post images of code or error messages. Instead copy and paste or type the actual code/message into the post directly.
    – tbrugere
    Commented Jul 7 at 15:21
  • Which command are you using to compile?
    – Elikill58
    Commented Jul 12 at 11:44