
I use NestJS in the latest version (10.3.10) on macOS 14.5. For time-based scheduling, I installed @nestjs/schedule also in the latest version (4.1.0). After that, I implemented the code for the module in the app module like this: ScheduleModule.forRoot(). The Tasks service is also correctly implemented in my project.

My problem is when I try to start my server, it throws this error:

03.07.2024 14:26:09 error:    Nest can't resolve dependencies of the SchedulerMetadataAccessor (?). Please make sure that the argument Reflector at index [0] is available in the ScheduleModule context.

Potential solutions:
- If Reflector is a provider, is it part of the current ScheduleModule?
- If Reflector is exported from a separate @Module, is that module imported within ScheduleModule?
    imports: [ /* the Module containing Reflector */ ]

After one hour trying to solve these problem I started the Server on my Windows-VM and it works directly.

Does anybody have a solution for this Problem on my macOS system? I didn't found anything on google for this problem so i home anybody can help. thanks

1 Answer 1


Estimado estoy enfrentando el mismo problema pero en windows, encontro alguna solución?

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