
We have a test framework and a test startup script that are using .sh for setting up enviroment + framework dependency

We now need to add allure into our tests

We start test scenarios with

${framework_dir}/bin/framework.py --config config1.sh --report_dir reportdir --xml_dir xmldir ${project_dir}/tests/testname.py

Obviously pytest --alluredir=allure_dir ${project_dir}/tests/testname.py wont work, and seems I can't provide a full startup command into pytest/allure

I barely have worked with allure and for now the only possible way I see is to rework how tests in ${project_dir} are using dependencies from framework + move env vars from .sh to pytests -c config file

Is there any way I can push a full startup command into pytest/allure command? Without reworking the dependencies chain we use

  • Can you share what has been working so far (i.e. prior to trying to add Allure)? What commands are you currently using to run the tests? Commented Jul 1 at 15:58
  • Can you explain your dependency chain more fully? What are you trying to avoid reworking? Commented Jul 1 at 15:58
  • Please clarify your specific problem or provide additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it's hard to tell exactly what you're asking. Commented Jul 1 at 15:59


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