
I have installed YugaByte and created a local cluster in one AWS EC2 (RHEL 8) machine by following this tutorial. The yugabyte is running as below:

enter image description here

The IP Address of the AWS EC2 machine is:

Now, I want to connect to the database using pgAdmin which is installed in my Windows machine and found that the server could be not reached.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I tried to run the yugabyte server with --advertise_address flag but still could not connect with pgAdmin.

 ./bin/yugabyted start --advertise_address=

How to find out the external server address of the YugaByte server so that I can connect from outside of the EC2 machine where the YugaByte server is installed?

1 Answer 1


Make sure outside connections are allowed at that IP by your firewall in the server.

Can you connect to it with psql or ysqlsh ?

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